Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and seventy-nine: The biggest problem of Christmas is giving gifts

   From the beginning of the 16-17 season to the present, Link has swept all the opponents he met on the road.

  It's not because of the Grizzlies' record of 27 wins and 1 loss. Because even if the team wins, a certain player's performance in the game is not necessarily the best.

   For example, although the Rockets won the Warriors in early December, Harden's personal performance in that game was actually not as good as Durant.

   You can say that the Rockets defeated the Warriors, but you can't say that Harden defeated Durant.

   However, Link can not only win, he can also play better than his competitors in almost every game.

   On November 4, they played the Bucks. The Grizzlies had a 18-point victory. Link also blasted "Letter Brother" with 33 points, 10 rebounds, 12 assists, 3 steals, and 4 blocks.

   Playing the Clippers on November 5th, the Grizzlies finally won 35 points first. Link's 32 points, 10 rebounds and 11 assists are also better than Paul and Griffin combined.

   On November 7th, he played the Blazers. Link had 29 points, 11 rebounds and 10 assists and contributed a lore. He ate the Blazers' backcourt with double shots.

   In the battle against the "Galaxy Battleship" warriors on December 5, Link scored 45 points, 8 rebounds and 5 assists, the best in the game!

  Fighting the Lakers to face Lu Wei, Link had 48 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists to kill the opponent again.

  To face Harden against the Rockets, Link even came up with "the strongest triple-double in history"...

   From the Bucks to the Rockets, from "Alphabet" to "Beard Deng", the Grizzlies have encountered more than one monster this season.

   But they were all trampled by Link.

   Regardless of whether you rely on your physical talent to rampage or rely on clashing and data analysis to attack efficiently, Link can handle it.

   In other words, from the beginning of the season until now, Link has never been defeated in a true sense!

   Yes, the Grizzlies currently have a record of 27 wins and 1 loss. They have already lost a game.

   But Link did not. So far Link's negative field is still 0.

  No one can gain an advantage in a frontal confrontation with Link.

   He has trampled countless "monsters" under his feet, and now it is LeBron James' turn!

   Although there are still a few days before the start of the Christmas War, the duel between Link VS James has become the most high-profile collision.

   This season, the Cavaliers have a very good record. With 19 wins and 6 losses, they firmly occupy the top spot in the East.

   Also, this year's Cavaliers were not affected by injuries.

   James, Love and Irving are all in excellent condition.

   Compared with last season, both Irving and Love’s statistics have improved a lot.

   During the regular season last season, Irving averaged only 19.6 points per game and only 32.1% from three-point range.

   But this season, Irving’s scoring average has skyrocketed to 25.2 points, just ranking tenth in the league and entering the top ten scoring list! The Owen season's three-point shooting percentage is as high as 40.1%.

   Love's scoring average has also changed from 16 points last season to 19.2 points, and the three-point field goal percentage has increased by 1.3 percentage points compared with last year.

   Not to mention James. Although he is no longer young, he has no tendency to decline at all.

   26.4 points, 8.7 rebounds and 8.6 assists per game! San Xian Lao Zhan can still hit an all-around data that is nearly averaging a triple-double this season!

   And a few days ago, in the game against the Bucks, James' 34 points and 12 rebounds in the game also put the young Antetokounmpo firmly under him.

   It turns out that James is still one of the best players in the league. In the face of the challenges of his younger generations, he did not fall behind at all.

   Although people are now talking more about the Warriors and Grizzlies, it is Link and Durant.

   But LeBron James, the "chosen son", has never given up competition.

   The outstanding performance of the Cavaliers and James this season has made many people full of confidence in the Cavaliers.

   Maybe, James will become the only "monster" not defeated by Link!

   Of course, some people think that the Grizzlies will continue to be invincible. Link has defeated James many times, not bad this time.

   In this regard, countless reporters and media have published articles to support their views.

   In the comment area below these articles, fans of the two teams are usually spitting each other.

   The atmosphere of the war was immediately hyped. Even without official publicity and hype, the ratings of this game will surely soar.

   You know, except for the duel between Link and James. It is also quite interesting that Wade and James reunited as competitors.

   But before that, both sides still have games to play.

   The Grizzlies had an accident. On December 20th, in the home game against the Boston Celtics, the Grizzlies with a neat lineup actually lost the ball.

   This is mainly because Isaiah Thomas, who is only 1.75 meters tall, has a superb performance. He scored 45 points in the whole game. Among them, the three-pointer was exaggerated 7 of 10!

  This kind of three-pointer shooting rate, even Link can't stand it.

   In the end, the Celtics won the game with an 8-point advantage, and the Grizzlies ushered in the first loss of Link's return.

   The most surprising thing in this game is undoubtedly Thomas. No one knows how he scored 40+ points on the Grizzlies with a height of only 1.75 meters!

   After all, Link only scored 34 points in this game. If Thomas is also a "monster", then he may be the only player who can suppress Link in his personal performance.

   This game caused an uproar, because Thomas Jr. proved that Link is not invincible with his actions!

   Defeating Link is not something magical or impossible.

   At this time, Cavaliers fans are happier than Celtics fans.

   As if the Celtics can defeat the Grizzlies, the Cavaliers can certainly do it.

   Although the Grizzlies quickly avoided losing streak in the subsequent game with the Pistons, the Cavaliers fans directly ignored the game and still clung to the defeat of the Grizzlies.

   Look back at the Cavaliers, they won the Bucks and Rockets two top teams before the Christmas War! And in these two games James's performance is quite amazing!

   At this point, the self-confidence of Cavaliers fans and Cleveland media has expanded to its highest value!

   "LeBron can beat the opponent that Link beats! So, LeBron has a chance to win!"

   "Link will be defeated by Isaiah Thomas, haha, LeBron and Owen are ten times more dangerous than Thomas!"

   "I know this game is not easy to play, but the Cavaliers have a better chance of winning!"

   For an instant, the knight seemed to have the upper hand in momentum.

   On December 22, after the Cavaliers defeated the Bucks, James also spoke for the first time.

"Of course I will do my best. The Grizzlies are the most likely opponent we will encounter in the Finals. Therefore, our goal is only one-defeat him! Link's previous record was indeed excellent, but I met him before All the'monsters' arrived are different."

   Thirty-year-old Zhan is still eager to beat Link, although he has become the biggest background board during the Grizzlies' three consecutive championships. But until now, he is still thinking about how to turn over!

   And Link?

   When James spoke impassionedly, Memphis reporters photographed Link frequently in and out of the mall recently.

   In the words of Link on social media. "Compared to the Christmas War, giving my teammates Christmas gifts is more of a headache."

   Link's contemptuous attitude angered countless Cleveland fans, and they all promised Link would pay for his contempt.

   However, Link just thought of another way to motivate his teammates...



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