Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and eight: Can still score

The Air Canada Centre Stadium has not been as lively as it is today in some time.

All fans are cheering and shouting for the Raptors.

They didn't have too much hope that the Raptors could cut the Grizzlies off the horse in seven consecutive victories, but this kind of surprise was even more exciting.

Indeed, today's Grizzlies are completely out of state, and even 80% of their strength cannot be used.

Indeed, today the Grizzlies do not have a star, Link, and the low temperature in Toronto makes it difficult for him to move.

But these are not important, as long as the Raptors can win, it is a real victory.

The league will not deny this victory because of the Grizzlies' lack of star players or back-to-back games.

The advantage of 18 points in the half gave the Raptors fans a sigh of relief.

If nothing else, their four-game losing streak will end here. They will regain the number one position in the east.

Judging from the current situation of the Grizzlies, they simply do not have the ability to reverse 18 points.

If Link is there, the 18-point reversal may not be incredible.

But in the absence of Link and the Grizzlies' downturn, Toronto fans believe that 18 points are safe enough for the Raptors.

"This is definitely an unexpected game. No one thought that it would be the Grizzlies being rubbed on the ground now. However, they have been exhausted recently. Continuously fighting against strong opponents has accelerated their physical loss. ."

The live commentator looked at the Grizzlies' first half data, and can only be described as terrible.

After playing the Grizzlies in one half, only Gasol scored in double figures, which is obviously not their true level.

"The Grizzlies may just give up in the second half. This game is too difficult for them. Besides, even if they lose this game, they are still number one in the West."

The two commentators sang a tie, and unanimously concluded that the Grizzlies had no chance of winning.

However, the desires of Link and Grizzlies are not only the first in the West...

First in the West, isn’t that the most basic? Not even considered a goal.

Soon, the second half of the game began, and the players on both sides returned to the court.

Before going on the field, DeRozan and Lowry also fisted each other.

They just decided in the locker room to completely separate the score in the third quarter!

Although the Grizzlies are exhausted today, they still dare not slacken their efforts.

Last season, the Eastern Conference finals gave the Raptors a taste of James and the Cavaliers. The Raptors went all the way to the Cavaliers, thinking that they could break the wrist with James.

As everyone knows, their result was easily eliminated by the Cavaliers 4-2.

However, a guy who is better than James has never won a series against the Grizzlies! It can be known how terrifying the strength of Link and Grizzlies.

Therefore, the Raptors dare not slacken their efforts. Even if they are leading by 18 points, they must go all out and not give the Grizzlies any chance to come back to life!

However, when the Grizzlies players played, everyone in the Air Canada Center Stadium was stunned.

From fans to Raptors players, their eyes widened and their jaws could not be closed.

Because they saw that Link, who hadn't played for a second in the first half, stepped onto the court at this time!

"What!? Link is back!? What's the situation!?" The on-site commentator also looked dazed, he had never seen anything like this!

It’s not uncommon for a player to play with an illness, but generally if a player decides to play with an illness, he will play from the beginning.

But what about Link? His behavior on the bench in the first half proved that he didn't actually intend to play today, and the Grizzlies didn't seem to have any plans to let him play.

But now, Link suddenly changed his mind.

The narrator immediately turned over the official list of injuries and found that Link was not on this list! In other words, Link did not appear on the injury list from beginning to end.

Theoretically, he can indeed come out suddenly!

"Link actually played in the second half of the game, incredible! If Link's fever is really to the point that he can't play, then he must be quite reluctant now! I don't know why Coach Georg did this, maybe he wants to use Link Come take a gamble? But a high fever Link, can really help the Grizzlies turn 18 points?"

To be honest, it's not just an on-site explanation. When Link just mentioned in the locker room that he wanted to return to the court, Georgel was dumbfounded.

At first Link said to him that if the situation is not right, he can put himself on the court, and Georgel didn't take it too seriously.

As everyone knows, Link is serious!

Of course Georgel knows what it feels like to have a fever. Playing basketball with a fever or playing NBA-level games is something Georgel can't imagine.

Indeed, the examples of Jordan and Dirk have been talked about until now. But the reason why they are talked about is precisely because they have accomplished incredible things!

You can't say that Kobe has scored 81 points in a single game, it means that everyone can follow suit and can do it.

However, Link's attitude is very firm. He said he only needs one game to try.

If he can't lead the team closer to the score in the third quarter, then sit back on the bench.

But if Link can effectively narrow the points difference in the third quarter, then he must fight for victory!

Georgel finally agreed, he had no choice at all.

If Link was forced on the bench, he would definitely be very worried.

So he gave Link a chance, a chance to play.

As for whether there is any follow-up, it's up to Link's own.

"Be careful, don't force yourself, don't let yourself be injured. Our goal is the championship, remember?" Before Link came out, Georgel admonished.

"Well, I know which one is more important, so don't worry. But if I can effectively reduce the score, you have to keep your promise and don't throw me off the bench."

After speaking, Link turned and stepped onto the court. He just stepped into the stadium, already half the cheers on the scene!

There is only one player in the league who can bring this terrible deterrent! He was just like Jordan in the 90s, a nightmare for everyone.

Link took a deep breath, he still felt dizzy, his body still a little soft.

But just watching the team being slaughtered like this, Link was even more unwilling.

In any case, this section must be narrowed!

"Damn, what are you doing!?" Lori, who was confident enough to fist with DeRozan just now, changed his face instantly after seeing Link's appearance.

"It doesn't matter, he still has a high fever." DeRozan responded blankly. Of course he knew Link's power. But if Link's high fever is true, he will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

18 points behind halftime, this is not a small gap.

What's more, DeMarre Carroll is still a defensive defender.

In the 14-15 season, Carroll was famous for his outstanding defensive effect on James in the playoffs.

So in the summer of 15 years, the Raptors signed Carroll with a high salary, just to deal with James in the playoffs.

Now, letting Carol deal with a feverish Link shouldn't be a problem.

The game began in this shocking atmosphere, the Grizzlies first attacked, and Carroll began to pester Link near the midfield line.

He can obviously feel that Link's confrontation today is softer, not as motivating as before.

Link also instantly felt that Carol seemed to have become James, and it was very difficult to fight him.

But soon, Jokic's off-ball screen came up.

Link is not the kind of person who only relies on physical fitness!

A tacit off-the-ball screen allowed Link to throw off Carroll and ran to the top of the three-point arc to receive a pass from Conley.

The moment he received the basketball, Link took off and shot without hesitation!

Although his head is dizzy, shooting has become Link's muscle memory. Even in the case of fever, he can naturally make the most standard shots.

Carol slapped his horse and arrived, but Link's shot speed was so fast that he had no time to interfere.

But after throwing the ball out, Link was knocked down by Carroll who flew in.

But at the moment when Link's **** he heard the wonderful note of the Nets rolling.


"With a three-pointer, Link scored a beautiful three-pointer as soon as he came up! God, he wouldn't really be able to reverse the game under such circumstances!?"

Although still leading by 15 points, the Raptors players and fans were in extreme panic at this time.

Link's three points are still so accurate!

Wade hurried up to help Link, who smiled reluctantly.

Although the goal was scored, I have to say that playing with a fever is really strenuous.

But... he can still score, can he?

Link's confidence is soaring now. Want to stop the Grizzlies' seven-game losing streak?

No, not tonight!

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