Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and nine: The walking arsenal

Lin Kebiao scored a three-pointer, which shocked everyone on the scene.

While people were still guessing whether Link could perform in the high fever, he gave everyone the answer with a three-pointer.

Indeed, Link did not look as hot as usual. Under Carol's entanglement, Link also seemed unable to move.

Without Jokic's off-ball screen, it's unknown whether he can get rid of Carroll.

But Link's wealth of weapons on the offensive end allows him to have countless ways to put the ball into the basket even if he doesn't fight his opponents.

Now, everyone's hearts mentioned their throats.

In front of Link, the 15-point gap is really nothing.

Not long ago, Link just led the team to complete a 16-point reversal on the Warriors.

Seeing Link, who was scoring a goal as soon as he came up, Lowry frowned even more.

He didn't allow himself and DeRozan's entire half-time effort to be wasted because of the sudden death of Link!

The firepower of "Trash Brothers" will become more intense than the first half.

Lowry had the ball beyond the three-point line, and Carol immediately came out and raised his hand for the ball.

He has just felt Link's weak confrontation intensity today, so he is confident that he can have an advantage on the offensive end today!

Carol is a very strong player. If he can crush Link all the way to the basket, he believes his finishing rate will be very high.

Lowry handed the ball to Carol, meanwhile Valanciunas came to screen.

The two insiders of the Raptors, Valanciunas and Patterson, can both open up space. Valanciunas has an excellent mid-range and can occasionally shoot three-pointers.

And Patterson has always been a spatial fourth position, and he is very mediocre in all aspects. He is relying on this three-pointer in the league.

Once the two inside lines were opened, Carol's breakthrough path instantly became unimpeded.

With his excellent defensive skills, Link bypassed Valanciunas for the first time and returned to Carol.

If it's normal, Link can force Carol to stop with brute force.

But today, Link couldn't do this at all, instead he was being pushed away by Carol.

Carol is getting closer and closer to the basket, he works very hard, because he knows this is likely to be the only chance to beat Link in his life!

Carol worked hard to hit the basket, but he just prepared to collect the ball with both hands, but he felt that the basketball suddenly lost control.

"How is it possible!?" Carol hurriedly lowered his head and found that Link had cut the ball off at an incredible speed!

When he wanted to grab the ball again, Link had already skilfully pulled the ball to the other side of his body.

"Steal, Link stole the ball in Carol's hands. It was a beautiful steal. Link's strike was perfect in time!"

The live commentator couldn't help standing up, and Link's reaction speed did not seem to slow down any more!

In fact, Link's reaction speed is naturally not comparable to that of complete health. If you ask Link to cut Paul's ball now, Link will definitely not touch the fart.

However, Carroll is not a player who is good at attacking with the ball. His dribble has a high center of gravity, and he does an average ball protection.

So even if it is a Link who has become dull, it is easy to steal a player like this.

Again, Link's cross-border alliance relies on more than just a strong body!

After finishing the steal, Link used a beautiful long-range hit to send the ball into Conley's hands before he had possession of the ball.

The latter easily scored a layup after receiving the basketball, and Link's iconic long-range shot was still so pleasing to the eye.

Link's superb skills and outstanding passing vision will not disappear out of thin air because of a high fever.

So far, the Grizzlies have scored five points in a row, and the Raptors have gone from a lead of almost 20 points to a lead of 13 points.

If you play like this for two more rounds, the points difference will return to single digits.

DeRozan has no softness. Although he is not the best player in the league, he is undoubtedly the best player on the Raptors. This time, DeRozan shook off Wade and stopped a jump shot in the middle distance!

In the middle distance, this is DeRozan's hot spot. The tired Wade once again missed the best opportunity to interfere, allowing DeRozan to score successfully.

At this time, countless Grizzlies fans guarding the TV were splashed with cold water.

Seeing that the Grizzlies finally got up, they were actually suppressed by DeRozan.

The Raptors fans breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, with DeRozan, they still have a chance to win!

So far, Link has indeed played well. Whether it is offensive or defensive, Link, who has a high fever, has a way to complete the task in a different way.

But a Link with a high fever can never attack more efficiently than healthy Lowry and DeRozan!

As long as DeRozan and Lowry can continue to output, the Grizzlies have no chance of winning.

But the Raptors fans just thought so, Link was in the right mid-range position, with a very beautiful dry shot to win back a city!

For this ball, Link faced Carol in the middle distance.

Although the opponent is just a player with a high fever, Carroll is inexplicably nervous.

On the contrary, it was Link, with a confident look.

Link didn't move a step, just made a few three-threat moves in place, which made Carol very restless.

In the end, after swaying Carol's center of gravity with a false sudden movement, Link immediately collected the ball and made a jumper!

The basketball crossed Carol's fingers and fell straight into the net!

After DeRozan's mid-distance was continued, Link immediately returned the color in the almost identical position.

The points difference narrowed to 13 points again. So far, Link's efficiency is still very high.

He is like a walking arsenal, you never know what kind of weapon Link will pull out in the next second.

Link did not look at Carol after the goal, but at DeRozan.

He seemed to be saying to DeRozan, "Come on, let's continue!"

DeRozan really continued, but not because of Link.

With or without Link, DeRozan will continue to attack. After all, he is the first scorer of this team.

This time, DeRozan leaned back and shot a jumper after receiving the ball.

Wade sealed it very well this time, and did not give DeRozan much shooting space.

The audience sighed, who didn't want DeRozan to give Link a response ball. However, this only exists in the fantasy of Raptors fans.

DeRozan missed, Jokic picked up the rebound again. The Grizzlies couldn't play fast, so they continued to grapple with the Raptors.

Link changed his tricks again this time. After catching the ball and making face-to-face singles, he chose the back-up singles this round!

"Link is worthy of being the most versatile superstar in the league. Seriously, I don't know what he doesn't know!" The state of high fever.

Indeed, Link's style of play suddenly became much gentler. There is no dunk dunks that fly to the sky, and there is no breakthrough that people turn on their backs.

But as long as you can score, the way is not important at all!

Carol licked his dry lips nervously. He didn't expect Link to be like this.

To be honest, Carol was already trying to block the ball just now. He can guarantee that he must have interfered with Link's shooting, and if it was someone else, it would be unlikely that he would make a hit.

But Link can just throw the ball in. For him, that level of interference is not interference.

So this time Link went back to single Carol again, making Carol extremely nervous.

The most important point of defensive James is the need to bear his impact. The strong Carroll can just meet this need, so he can always play a miraculous effect when defending James.

But defending Link... there is really no good way. His versatility is unmatched by even James.

Link did not make too fancy back movements today. After feeling Carol's center of gravity with the back of the ball, Link suddenly turned to the right in a big arc!

Carol was stunned, he didn't expect Link to turn around so fast!

With just one action, Link opened up space with Carol.

After that, things were simple. A picturesque fall-back jumper hit, and Link scored again!

Facts have proved that the offensive efficiency of DeRozan and Lowry is not necessarily higher than that of Link, who has a high fever!

When he fell back to the ground, Link's legs softened and sat on the ground again.

Now his strength is not enough to allow him to firmly support his unbalanced center of gravity.

But no matter how embarrassed, Link will be happy as long as the goal is scored.

"It's in again. Link is still the cold-blooded killer. This has not changed. If the Raptors can't stabilize this wave of offensive, the situation of the entire game will change as a result!"

Link got up on his own this time and hurried back to defense.

He caught up with Lowry who was about to take the opportunity to rush to the frame, and joined Gasol in the air to give the "small steel cannon" great interference.

Lowry missed a layup without light in the basket, and the Raptors missed consecutively!

Link personally protected the defensive rebound, and then advanced with the ball!

He ran hard and flew to the front court at an incredible speed.

When a player's adrenaline soars and he only wants to win, he can really forget about his illness temporarily.

Link dribbled the ball to the basket, facing Valanciunas's block, Link also made a pull rod in the air!

Once again, Link fell to the ground in embarrassment. This time, he fell beside a group of reporters beside the basketball hoop.

But again, the basketball made a successful hit.

At this point, the Grizzlies narrowed the point difference to single digits in one go!

"Successful, Link's drawbar layup is very exciting! God, this may become another classic flu battle in league history after Michael and Dirk!"

Raptors coach Dwyane Casey can't sit still, he can't believe that the Grizzlies just changed the whole momentum into a Link with a high fever!

The original score difference of 18 points was instantly turned in Link was lying on the ground, just after that wave broke out, now I really don't have the strength to get up.

In the end, it was Gasol and Jokic who directly "lifted" Link.

Link walked slowly to the bench, and immediately began to drink water as soon as he sat down, and covered his head with a towel.

It looked like he was still weak. After only a few minutes of playing, I was already exhausted.

But at this time everyone knows that once he starts to concentrate, he will become very dangerous!

"I...I...I did it, Dave. The score went back to single digits, and then...the next step is to overtake!"

As Link panted, he talked to Georg.

Georgel squeezed Link's shoulder, and then picked up the tactical board: "Get your energy up, now it's time for us to fight back!"

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