Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and fifteen: A powerful being ignored

The Denver Nuggets eventually lost, with a 33-point difference, which was their worst loss this season.

Kawai Leonard is the biggest contributor to the Spurs' victory today, with 29 points, 6 rebounds, 5 assists, 2 steals and 2 blocks.

A very typical "Link-like" data.

What is "Link's" data? They can fill in numbers in every data column except mistakes!

In addition to the dazzling data, Leonard's defense also made the Nuggets experience despair.

Today, the Nuggets have a total of three players against Leonard. They are Chandler, Mudiay and Will Button.

The hit rates of these three people today are 36.4%, 20% and 33.3%, respectively, for the entire scene of a large car rollover.

Their hit rate can only remind everyone of one word-terrible.

Leonard once again used his extremely destructive power to destroy the entire perimeter of the Nuggets!

The killing of this "war machine" has lasted for most of the season.

Immediately after the game was over, a bunch of reporters rushed to Leonard.

However, Leonard has not always been a talkative person. When facing reporters' questions, his answers were quite satisfactory.

But on one issue alone, the reporters found that Leonard's facial paralyzed face had subtle changes in expression.

"In the next game, the Spurs will play against the Grizzlies for the first time this season. Do you have anything to say about this? What do you think you and Link will be like?"

As soon as the question came out, Leonard frowned slightly. Sure enough, only Link in the entire league could make this, a facial expression appeared on the face of the paralyzed man.

Link, this name is very harsh to Leonard.

Although he is not like Durant, he has become an old enemy with Link. Unlike James, who is always compared to Link.

But in fact, both sides have been fighting secretly all the time.

From the last glorious period of GDP to the present, Leonard has been the player with the most matchups between the Spurs and Link.

Of course, the relationship between Link and Leonard does not stop there.

People only remember that the Warriors eliminated the Grizzlies in the Western Conference Finals last season, but they all forget that the Grizzlies defeated the Spurs through a tiebreak and advanced to the Western Conference Finals.

People only remember that Link was the top voter of this year's All-Star, but they have forgotten that if it weren't for Link, Leonard might become the starter of this year's All-Star!

Although Leonard has never complained in front of the media, nor has he had any quarrel with Link.

But this does not mean that he does not want to win in his heart, it does not mean that he does not want to be an All-Star starter!

Leonard still remembers the heartache after losing the tie-break last season.

In Duncan's final season, the Spurs wanted to make a name for themselves. As a result, it was all ruined by the seventh game.

In the Western Conference semifinals last season, if it weren't for Link's 5 points at the critical moment, the Spurs would not be eliminated.

And those 5 points are all on the top of Leonard's head.

Since then, Leonard has been waiting for a chance to redeem.

Duncan can't come back, and the tiebreaker last season can't start again.

But at least now, he has a chance to be ashamed!

"Kawai?" Seeing Leonard hadn't gnawed for a long time, the reporter called him again.

"Um...I have nothing to say at the moment. What will happen to me and Link's game, I don't count. The performance on the field tells everything."

Leonard turned and left, without giving the reporters any hot topics.

Perhaps this is why Leonard is often ignored by people.

But in fact, the trouble this guy caused to Link is not necessarily smaller than Durant...

Although Leonard himself didn't say much, but at the press conference after the game, the coaches of both sides said a lot for the "face paralyzed guy".

Popovich was the same. "How to evaluate Kawai's performance? That guy is too selfish today. He scored nearly 30 points alone. I will criticize him without a doubt."

When a Spurs player scores a high point in a game, Popovich always says that.

However, this is actually just an alternative display.

On the other hand, Nuggets coach Mike Malone also praised Leonard.

"How do you say? He almost destroyed all the players I sent against him. His defensive ability is amazing, and his offense is much more mature than before. Now Kawai is already a mature player. Superstar."

Mike Malone didn't be stingy with his exquisite words, anyway, if he lost so much today, no amount of explanation is wasted.

It would be better to praise the opponent, but it can alleviate some embarrassment.

"So, who do you think is stronger between Link and Kawai? The day after tomorrow, who do you think will win?" The reporters did not let Mike Malone go, but instead threw this hot issue on him.

If you put it in the past, Mike Malone will say without hesitation: "Of course Link will win."

But today, after experiencing the fear of being dominated by Leonard, Mike Malone no longer thinks so.

"I don't know, I can't predict. The only thing I can tell you is that it will definitely be a war of the century."

Leonard and Link... the duel between such monsters is simply unpredictable by ordinary people.


Link looked at the schedule, looked at the red circle on February 6, clenched his fists.

The San Antonio Spurs, Cavai Leonard, they are definitely the most underrated team and star this season.

After defeating the Nuggets, the Spurs' record has become 39 wins and 11 losses, ranking third in the West.

This result may not be as good as the exaggerated 48 wins and 4 losses of the Grizzlies after 15 consecutive victories, and even the Warriors' current 43 wins and 8 losses.

But this does not mean that the Spurs have a bad record, it only shows that the Grizzlies and the Warriors have a great record.

39 wins and 11 losses, throughout the league, no team can reach this level.

If you have to calculate it, the Spurs are only three wins away from the Warriors.

But when the gap is not big, the most discussed this season are the Warriors and Grizzlies, who often put the Spurs aside.

However, Link will not ignore the Spurs. He has not forgotten the tough matchup with the Spurs in the Western Conference semifinals last season.

Although the Grizzlies were full of injuries last season, they were really embarrassed by the Spurs forced to tie-break.

As for Leonard, a superstar who is both offensive and defensive, Link will not ignore his existence.

If it is said that until last season, Leonard was still living under the aegis of GDP. So this season, Leonard is really on his own.

Averaged 25.5 points, 38% of three-pointers, plus 1.8 steals.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is one of the best three in the league!

His data and performance are properly placed in the East as an All-Star starter. In the West, if it weren't for Link and Durant, Leonard would never have been just a substitute.

After Duncan left, Leonard ushered in a real explosion and growth. It can be said that if the Spurs do not have Aldridge, then their rankings may decline.

But if the Spurs do not have Leonard, they may not even be able to play after the season.

Dealing with Leonard is not much easier than dealing with The Spurs are also aiming for the championship this year, but people think this is justified.

Everyone is accustomed to the strength of the Spurs, and he is used to occupying the playoffs for decades.

As a result, people don't really realize how strong the Spurs are this season.

Thinking of this, Link shook his head and did not continue to stare at the red circle on the schedule.

Indeed, the hype in this game is not so intense, and there is no scolding before the game.

But the difficulty of this game will not be reduced because of this.

A taciturn challenger, has begun to march towards Memphis.

What Link needs to do is to destroy them again!

But obviously, this game may be as difficult as last season's tie-break.

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