Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and sixteen: Kawai, who has a strong desire to win

In the NBA's official strength rankings, the San Antonio Spurs have quietly ranked second.

They surpassed the better Golden State Warriors, second only to the Memphis Grizzlies in 15 consecutive victories.

Many people were surprised by this result. After all, the Spurs didn't have much topicality this year.

The whole world is waiting to see Link and Durant's war of words, and the war between the Warriors and the Grizzlies.

In today's era when even James' attention has been affected, the Spurs' popularity has plummeted.

Therefore, the Spurs appearing in the second position of the power rankings is somewhat unexpected.

In fact, the Spurs have been playing well this season, but everyone didn't care too much.

In the opening game of the season, the Spurs beat the defending champion Warriors with a huge advantage of 29 points, which shows that their strength is not weak.

Although after that, the Spurs were silent for a while and didn't play such a hearty and hearty victory, but this is understandable.

The Spurs' lineup change this season is far greater than people think.

In addition to Duncan's retirement last summer, Dior and West also left one after another. Big Gasol, David Lee, Dedmond and Bertans who played inside this season are all new players.

In this case, it is normal for the Spurs to enter the state a little slower. After all, everyone needs to run in.

Although the Spurs have been winning, they have played very few dominant games. Most of them rely on extremely high key ball shooting percentages and get single-digit wins.

But the situation began to change in December. After the new Spurs' break-in was completed, the Spurs' offensive efficiency ranked third in the league since December, second only to the Warriors and Grizzlies.

The defensive efficiency simply surpassed the Grizzlies, leading the league!

In quiet, the Spurs have completed their awakening.

It is not surprising that such an excellent team can be ranked second in the rankings.

The night before the game, when the whole world suddenly realized that it was a blockbuster matchup, Link was no longer surprised and excited.

Because he has already prepared for this game!

And even if these were aside, just confronting Leonard was enough to attract Link's attention.

Indeed, before the start of this game, there were not so many wars of words, and there were not so many conflicts between the two sides.

But Link knew that Leonard wanted to defeat the Grizzlies and his obsession, but he was no worse than Durant.

That guy just doesn't like to talk, doesn't mean he doesn't want to win.

On TV, many people think that the Grizzlies’ 15-game winning streak should be accounted for by the Spurs. Others believe that the Grizzlies can resolve the crisis as they have done countless times before.

In any case, the game will definitely be very difficult against the best defensive efficiency team in the league.

At the thought of Leonard's expressionless face, Link couldn't help covering his head.

Tomorrow's game is estimated to be another grueling tug of war.


On the afternoon of February 6, when the Spurs players stepped onto the court to warm up, the Grizzlies fans on the scene did not even react.

If the Rockets, Thunder or Warriors or Cavaliers are warming up at this time, the boos in the Federal Express Arena will definitely break through the dome of the stadium.

But facing the Spurs, most fans did not react much.

In everyone's subconscious, the Spurs still seem to be out of the championship. Even if the Spurs have climbed to the second position in the power rankings, there are still few voices discussing the Spurs' championship prospects.

Hubie Brown also noticed this problem, so he listed a lot of statistics for the fans to remind everyone of the strength of the Spurs.

"For the Spurs offense, it is not accidental that their offensive efficiency ranks third in the league. Both Dedmond and Aldridge can provide space for the Spurs. Danny Green's three-pointer percentage is better than that. Last season there was also a big improvement."

"When both insiders can shoot and the top wing becomes punctual again, the most benefit is naturally the Spurs ball-handler-Leonard."

"Leonard's offensive efficiency this season has reached the level of the league's first-tier superstars. His singles after the pick and roll has become very superb. Even the three-pointers he has been criticized have improved this season. He averaged shots per game. With as many as 5.2 three-pointers, Leonard was able to surrender 38% of his three-pointers. This is a remarkable improvement!"

"What's more, the fact that the Spurs were eliminated by the Grizzlies in the tiebreaker last season will greatly increase their desire to win today. No one wants revenge, not to mention the loss of the tiebreaker. So. , Cheer up, the Federal Express Arena will usher in a fierce battle today."

Hubby Brown's analysis made the fans in front of the TV pay more attention to the Spurs opponent. Under their ordinary shell, there is an incomparably powerful force.

After the warm-up, the referee signaled that the two teams are ready to start.

Link gathered everyone together before he played and reminded his teammates of the importance of this game.

At this time, Link also eliminated the possibility of the Grizzlies being the last to underestimate the enemy.

After Link stood in his place, he found Leonard staring at him.

Leonard was still expressionless, but Link could feel the strong desire for victory emanating from that guy.

After all, eyes sometimes contain more emotions than expressions.

"Link." Just then, Leonard spoke without warning.

"Are you calling me? It's rare." Link smiled, but soon felt embarrassed.

Nonsense, smile at an expressionless guy, can you be embarrassed! ?

"We almost won last season, and this season I will not miss the chance to win again."

After Leonard finished speaking, he looked away from Link and stared at the basketball.

Link clenched his teeth and clenched his fists.

Leonard, a taciturn person, took the initiative to say this to himself before the game... as you know, how much he wants to win!

The impact of last season's tiebreaker defeat on Leonard is greater than people think.

Yes, for so many years, only the Spurs last season can push the Grizzlies to the tiebreaker.

Leonard must be unwilling to defeat the alliance king with just one step. From last summer until February of this year, Leonard is estimated to have been suffocated.

The referee walked into the middle circle with the ball, and the battle was about to begin.

The Spurs' starting five are indeed not as brilliant as the four-member All-Star Warriors.

Tony Parker, 35, is no longer the "French sports car" that won the FMVP trophy 10 years ago.

Although Danny Green is similar to Clay, his coffee position is too low.

Starting center Dwyane Dedmond is even more of a shameless blue-collar insider.

Aldridge's data plummeted this season, averaging only 17.3 points per game, scoring data only better than his rookie year.

Such a team is really hard to convince people that they are strong.

The Spurs' paper lineup does not look as good as the Grizzlies, who have always been considered a single-core team.

For the Grizzlies, at any rate Conley and Gasol are both All-Stars, and Wade is once the top five or even top three players in the league!

But Link is very clear that basketball games are not data analysis. Looking at the surface, there is no reference value.

In the face-off phase, Dedmond, who was more athletic, got the first strike for the Spurs.

The Spurs played very patiently on their first attack. They first found Aldridge and let him play in the low post.

But it's a pity that Jokic, with the Grizzlies at number four today, is an out-and-out center. Aldridge played back and singles in front of him, somewhat at a disadvantage.

Under Jokic's interference, Aldridge hit the iron for the first time.

Aldridge's turnaround jump shots this season dropped from 45.8% last season to 41.9%. Faced with a defender like Jokic who can't eat but can always cover you, Aldridge has a headache.

There is no doubt that if Aldridge can come up with the dominance of the Blazers, the Spurs' record may be terrifying.

But no way, Aldridge, who joined the industry in 2006, is also 32 years old. What's more, in the Spurs, he is no longer the first offensive point, and it is reasonable for the offense to feel regressed.

Gasol grabbed the rebound and immediately launched a counterattack with a long pass!

Although the Grizzlies are playing a retro twin tower lineup, the Grizzlies will never slow down deliberately when the pace should be fast.

Defensive counterattack, this is the Grizzlies's best way to score!

Link tacitly received Gasol's long backcourt pass. He looked behind him and found that Leonard was very close to him.

Sure enough, Leonard's defensive awareness is very good. Most players will be caught off guard in the face of the Grizzlies' sudden counterattack.

But Leonard did not, he rushed back the first time.

Link ran all the way, hoping to get rid of Leonard with speed.

And he had already planned that he would use a lever in the air to avoid Leonard's pursuit.

When it was said that it was too late, Link had already rushed to the basket, and did not hesitate to take off to prepare for the layup.

But just when Link's feet were off the ground, Leonard did everything accurately!


The basketball broke and hit Link and flew out of bounds. The Spurs had the ball!

"He actually prevented Link's counterattack! My god, I remember this is the first time Link has missed a counterattack this season! Cavai Leonard, he deserves to be the best defensive team defending. The best player!"

Hubby Brown's eyes widened. Link cut off people's **** so much, but he was cut off, this is the first time!

Link gritted his teeth and shook his head, careless!

Leonard's defense is not on the same level as the others.

Spurs No. 2 did not celebrate wildly, nor touched trash talk.

He just picked up the basketball in silence and handed it to Dedmond, who came to serve.

His composure is chilling.

Dogs that don't bark tend to bite the hardest.

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