Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and twenty-eight: The last journey of suffering

When Devin Booker received a basketball from the top of the arc outside the three-point line again, he was exhausted.

Dinwiddie continued to press tightly, as if he was not afraid of his breakthrough at all.

In the fierce confrontation, Booker finally chose to hand the ball to Bledsoe.

The latter forcefully broke Wade and caused Harrell to foul at the basket.

The Suns got two free throw opportunities, and their offense this round is considered complete.

However, everyone could see Booker's fatigue.

"What's wrong? Can't you move anymore?"

As soon as the referee's whistle fell, Link started chattering in Booker's ear.

Booker didn't respond, he just gasped, under great pressure.

For today's entire game, Link seemed to be a huge shadow, shrouded around Booker all the time.

Since the beginning of the second quarter, after Link gave Booker two consecutive blocks, Booker felt that the game had changed.

From the display of talent in the first quarter of the game, it became a journey of suffering.

Since then, Booker's every offense has been quite difficult. With every attack, he has to bear huge psychological pressure.

Whenever he was about to make a shot, he didn't think about how to throw the ball in, but whether Link would suddenly appear and fan his shot.

This great sense of pressure made Booker feel so awkward that he has no extra energy in the fourth quarter of the game.

However, even so, Link still did not let Booker go.

Booker's performance today is actually quite good, so far he has scored 38 points!

Although Link's defenses have slumped Booker several times, Link is not a superman after all, and it is impossible to defend him every round.

So overall, Booker's offensive performance today is still not critical.

In addition, Booker got a lot of shot rights today, and it makes sense to score high points.

But Link also found that Booker seemed to be hesitant and fatigued as the game went further.

Therefore, he decided to continue to pressure. Even if there are only four minutes left before the end of the game, Link has no intention of letting Booker go.

After all, the point difference between the two sides is only 7 points, and the Grizzlies are far from the point where they have won.

Continue to oppress Booker and completely destroy him. This is what Link has to do now!

Although this is very cruel, it will ruin Booker's originally beautiful night.

However, Link said sorry to him long ago, didn't he?

Bledsoe got to the free throw line and steadily made both free throws.

So far, the Suns are only 5 points behind the Grizzlies. The four most critical minutes of the game officially kicked off.

"The Phoenix Suns performed very tough today. Although the Grizzlies regained control of the game after the second quarter. They have not been able to open the score until now. This is inseparable from the excellent performance of Devin Booker. Concerned, he has scored almost 40 points today."

For the performance of the Suns, Hubie Brown was as shocked as most Grizzlies fans.

I thought this would be an easy victory, but I didn't know that until the last moment, there was still no winner.

In the last four minutes, Link looked at Booker's haggard appearance and whispered a few words to Dinwiddie.

In the subsequent offense, Harrell broke through Alex Lane with his footsteps and caused a foul. The game was interrupted by a free throw again.

But Harrell made only one of two free throws, which undoubtedly gave the Suns hope of overtaking the score.

Booker ran to the front again, simulating the various situations that might arise in this attack.

However, when he ran beyond the three-point line, he was short-circuited.

Because as soon as he came up, he encountered a situation he had not thought of-Link personally guarded in front of him.

"Link finally went to confront Devin Booker. In the most critical last four minutes of the game, Link, who had been hovering next to Booker, finally came up personally!"

Everyone stood up excitedly, including Melvin Booker.

If his son can kill the game on Link...think about it, what a sensation it will cause!

"Finally, it's been the last four minutes. Do you know how much I'm looking forward to? Come here, kid. I know, you've actually been looking forward to it for a long time, right?" Link chattered as soon as he posted it.

Link didn't lie, he really wanted to confront Booker a long time ago. But Georgel never did so in order to allow Link to keep more energy on the offensive end.

But now, entering the critical moment when every goal may change the trend of the game, Georgel has to send his ultimate weapon.

Booker also looked forward to confronting Link at the beginning, because he wanted Link's attention.

But now, he has no such thoughts at all. In the previous three quarters of the game, even if Link did not directly match himself, Booker suffered a lot.

He couldn't imagine what the match would look like when he played directly against Link.

According to Earl Watson's tactics, Booker should still be the Suns' offensive focus.

However, this round after Booker received the basketball many times, he chose to "snap the pot."

He found that in front of Link, he didn't even have the courage to dribble the ball for a while.

Melvin Booker was a little anxious, he thought that German shouldn't be so fearful.

It's not to blame him, if he is willing to play against Link himself, he will understand his son.

At the critical moment, the star players dare not attack, this is a very terrible problem.

Bledsoe had to carry the banner of offense, but today his feel is not as magical as Booker.

Under Conley's excellent defense, Bledsoe's emergency stop jumper missed the target.

The Suns missed a great opportunity to narrow the points difference. As soon as Link and Booker faced off, Booker seemed to have disappeared!

"Go hard, where is your previous aura!?" Link continued to press Booker with words, and Booker felt that he was overwhelmed.

With the next goal, Link deliberately played a pick-and-roll with Dinwiddie, forcing Booker to change positions.

Booker actively clung to Link, but Link still took a relaxed posture. He grabbed the ball with one hand and stretched his arm back, like Jordan.

"Don't be nervous, I can smell your fear."

Link seems to be heads-up against a high school student. He easily collects the ball and crosses to the right to break through Booker's defense.

But the nervous Booker seemed to be pouring lead on the soles of his feet, and he couldn't move his steps at all.

He could only watch Link take off easily beside him and hit the ball with an extremely graceful gesture.

One offense and one defense, Link ate Booker to death!

"That kid is too nervous." Earl Watson covered his forehead. Although Booker's defense wasn't top-notch, it wasn't so bad as to be beaten by Link.

He could see that Booker was scared. The confrontation over the previous three quarters had already made Booker awe at Link.

Beside Watson, Jay Triano also shook his head slightly.

Sure enough, Booker was still too tender in front of Link.

"Are you defending me? If you want to win, you'd better defend me. You must never expect me to be soft!"

When Link's trash talk continued to linger in Booker's ears, he felt that he was about to collapse!

He scored a game-high 38 points. He is the biggest reason why this game has become full of suspense today. He has proven his offensive attainments with beautiful goals again and again.

But with Link, Booker felt that everything he had done before was so insignificant!

At this time, Booker had no self-confidence at all. Link was right, and confronting him was a nightmare.

Booker also knew that he could not continue to escape, so when he got the ball again, he didn't continue to "flick the pot" Bledsoe, but called the screen, ready to continue the attack!

Melvin Booker shouted excitedly from the sidelines, cheering for his son. He believes that as long as Booker dares to face it bravely, he will definitely win a big victory in his current state.

However, Booker had not had time to shoot after hanging up the screen, but found that Link had guarded himself again!

"Too slow, too slow!"

Link opened his arms like a high wall that couldn't be climbed.

"Fuck!" Booker murmured secretly, preparing to try to get rid of Link with a change of direction.

But he had just made a dribble change, but Link seemed to understand his mind, with his long arms sticking out just right.

Booker couldn't believe that Link could make such a quick steal response. When he recovered, the basketball had been swept away by Link.

On the sidelines, Melvin Booker awkwardly put down his raised hands. He must admit that even if Booker is the player with the highest scoring in the game today, he looks extremely small in front of Link.

Watching his son finish the game on the top of the league? No, it does not exist.

Link successfully scored with another counterattack after a steal, and the point difference instantly became 9 points!

After the critical four minutes began, Booker had no achievements on both offense and defense, and he was suppressed by Link so that he could not raise his No matter how glamorous the first three quarters were, he couldn’t play in the last few minutes. To no avail.

And Link, it is precisely the most terrifying and critical moment ruler of the entire alliance!

Link quickly returned to Booker after the goal, ready to defend the next round.

Of course, his trash is still spraying like a machine gun.

This time, when Booker listened to Link's trash talk, the quasi 40-point win was completely depressed.

His ambitions disappeared with the sentence just now.

The last trace of stubbornness in Booker's heart has been completely crushed by Link.

At this moment, Booker's mind kept echoing Link's voice just now, and this voice lingered in his mind.

"Don't mess with Jesus."

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