Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and twenty-nine: He completely destroyed me

The four-minute time went very fast, and after a while, it was over.

The number on the timer is constantly beating, but Devin Booker's score has not changed a bit in the last few minutes.

At this point, there are only 53 seconds left before the end of the game. In the column of German Booker's scoring data, the number "38" is still written.

Countless Suns fans and Warriors fans are looking forward to Booker being able to score 40+ points in the Federal Express Arena today. However, they have not waited until this moment until now.

Since Link switched to Booker, the outstanding second-year guard has been completely frozen.

Not only did he not score a goal, but his confidence was completely wiped out!

No one knows what Link said to Booker when he fought back a few rounds ago, but since then, Booker has become a puppet at the mercy of Link.

Obviously, it is only one goal away from 40 points. However, Booker could not cross the goal anyway.

At this time, the sun is 12 points behind. Had it not been for Bledsoe's repeated fouls on the basket, the point difference might have become even greater.

When the Suns lacked Booker's most important scoring point, their offensive threat plummeted.

"Link completely locked Booker at the last moment, and he didn't even get Booker even 1 point. At the critical moment, no one can threaten Link!"

Hubby Brown looked at Booker with a lonely face, he knew that the game was over.

God knows what Link just said to Booker, but this second-year guard must now have a deep understanding of Link's horror.

In the previous two fights, to be honest, neither Link nor the Grizzlies were forced to show housekeeping skills.

It is precisely because of this that German Booker has the dangerous idea of ​​"want to defeat Link".

But after today, Booker estimates that there will be a long time that he will not think about defeating Link.

The gap between them was bigger than he had imagined.

Sure enough, Booker was still muddled in this key attack by the Suns, and he was not even so active even running without the ball.

Devin Booker could not stand up, and Bledsoe could only bite the bullet and continue on.

However, his break-through play style has made the Grizzlies defensive.

This time, when Bledsoe broke into the penalty area, Harrell's tough high-altitude interception awaited him.

Under the double interference of Harrell and Conley, Bledsoe missed a layup.

This time the offense missed, it also means that the Sun is completely out of victory.

"It's over. The Suns missed their last chance. Although there are 44 seconds left in the game, I don't think anyone in the Suns can stand up and copy the miracle of McGrady's moment."

Melvin Booker on the sidelines fell to his seat and buried his head between his hands.

Every time Booker went to a larger stage, he always seized the opportunity to shine.

This is true from high school to college to the NBA.

But this time, an exception occurred.

Link's strength is not something Booker can match occasionally with a fiery hand.

To own this stage, Booker has a long way to go.

In the end, the score of the whole game was fixed at 110 to 97.

The Phoenix Suns played a high-driving low-driving game. With the help of Booker, they took the lead in the first quarter and caused a lot of trouble for the Grizzlies afterwards.

But in the most critical last four minutes, Devin Booker scored 0.

In the crucial four minutes, he was completely sealed by Link!

"The game is over. Although it was a bit difficult to win this game, the Grizzlies slowed down and avoided losing streaks. They maintained their suppression of the Warriors on the record list, and the Warriors want to return to the Western Conference. I'm afraid it will take a bit more effort."

Hubby Brown let out a sigh of relief. This game really made him thrilling. If the Grizzlies really roll over the sun and Booker, it is estimated that many people will be as unable to digest it like him.

However, Link, the Dinghai God Needle, stabilized everything after all.

Devin Booker performed very well today, but as long as it is the victory that Link wants, it is useless for you to perform well.

After the game, Booker walked into the player channel without greet anyone.

Earl Watson was a little bit heartbroken. Booker's lonely appearance now contrasted sharply with his energetic appearance yesterday.

Afterwards, Watson's eyes focused on Link again.

That guy is really terrible.

Not only can he win the game, but he can also sow the seeds of fear in his opponents.

Watson only felt fortunate that his player era and Link just staggered.

Otherwise, he may also experience fear that he has never seen before.

Little Booker left, but Old Booker was still there.

After the game, Link and Old Booker embraced warmly. Until then, many people knew that this guy who had been so excited was Devin Booker's father.

"Your son is very good, he really shocked me." Link smiled, anyway, he is the winner, how nice it is to say.

"You gave him a good lesson, Link. In the crucial last four minutes, your score ratio was 5-0. That kid was completely frozen by you. This must be a very unforgettable experience for him... ...If possible, let him participate in your training camp this summer."

"Hahahaha, I will consider it, Melvin."

Link did not say anything bad to Booker's father, but gave them enough respect.

After all, his real enemy is not Booker and his son.

Who is Link's real enemy? Of course it is the group of guys who are eyeing No. 1 in the West!

At the press conference after the game, the young Booker finally recovered his mind. It seems that he has digested the terrible four-minute experience just now.

A reporter asked Booker: "Today you almost scored 40 points. You can beat the Grizzlies to this level. You must be very satisfied with your performance, right?"

Facing this question, Booker waved his hand constantly: "No, I have nothing to show off in this game. At the critical moment, I completely disappeared and failed to take up the responsibility of leading the team to fight back. In fact... ..."

Booker paused, and then remembered Link's phrase "Don't mess with Jesus."

"...In fact, I was completely destroyed by Link today. There is still a big gap between me and him. This game has taught me a lot. I hope I will continue to work hard in the future."

The reporters were dumbfounded. Although Link scored 11 rebounds and 12 assists today, "only" 27 points were recorded.

Booker scored, but he exceeded Link by 11 points!

However, it was such a guy who scored nearly 40 points, but said he was destroyed by Link.

What did Link do to this young man with great potential...

"Nothing, just to tell him the cruel side of this league. To become a real superstar, you must be able to carry the team forward at the critical moment. Why do we need an old-fashioned Wade? Because even if he missed all the first 15 shots, in the end He may also make a shot."

On the other hand, Link answered the reporter this way. By the way, he also made a joke about Wade, who was abused by Booker today ~ Although it was a joke, what Link said was also the truth. Sometimes, 2 points at a critical moment may be more valuable than 20 points at ordinary time.

High scores may not end the game, but key goals can!

"You must be very happy to win the Phoenix Suns without risk? What kind of change will this victory bring to the Grizzlies' mentality?" Later, a local Memphis reporter stood up and asked an ordinary Can't be more ordinary problems.

But Link is a player who can answer ordinary questions very unusually.

"To be honest, it didn't affect us much. But for those guys who had sores on their buttocks in the second place, they must be very anxious. Hahahaha, regaining first place in the West? This is the funniest I've ever heard Jokes."

Lin Ke blinked at the reporter, an ordinary question that became full of gunpowder.

Link officially announced that the arrogance of the Golden State Warriors ends here!

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