Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and thirty-eight: The last meeting

People are looking forward to the Grizzlies' first defeat in March, but with Leonard's three-pointer miss, countless people's expectations will come to nothing.

At this point, the Grizzlies and Spurs had reached the final 42 seconds of their second match in March, and the Spurs were 5 points behind.

Leonard can make this three-pointer, so the Spurs will have a chance to comeback.

Five days ago, on March 18, the Spurs had just lost to the Grizzlies. During this period, the two sides met again after each game.

In Durant's expectation, the Grizzlies faced the Spurs twice in a row, and it was impossible to retreat completely.

However, Link explained to Durant today what it means that everything is possible.

With Leonard's key three-pointer missed, the Spurs became passive.

Leonard was very annoyed and covered his head. His shooting rate from beyond the three-point line today was a disaster.

Counting that three-pointer just now, Leonard is now 1 of 5 from beyond the three-point line.

It doesn't really matter if I missed repeatedly before, but now I still miss a three-pointer at a critical moment, which is really terrible.

Link was actually shocked out of a cold sweat. He knew that he was a step slower in the interference this time, and he had not completely blocked Leonard's shooting.

However, Leonard himself did not seize the opportunity.

If the two sides fought each other before, the Spurs were killed by Link at critical moments.

So today, the Spurs died because they failed to save themselves.

It's not that the Grizzlies didn't give a chance, but the Spurs failed to grasp it.

After a moment of shock, Link immediately regained his composure.

Subsequently, the Grizzlies started to delay time, trying to consume 24 seconds as much as possible. Link's hasty shot in the last 2.1 seconds also missed, but the Spurs have no time to go ahead by five points.

In the end, this 5-point advantage was maintained to the end. 97 to 92, the Spurs once again defeated the Grizzlies!

This is the second time the Spurs have been defeated by the Grizzlies in a week, and it is also the third time the Grizzlies have defeated the Spurs this season.

This season, the Grizzlies and Spurs have a 3-0 ratio!

"Damn it!" Durant, who was recuperating at home, became angry, and the Spurs were only a little short of victory!

Five days ago, Durant expected the Spurs to kill the Grizzlies. As a result, Randolph's unexpected three-pointer changed everything.

Today, Durant is still optimistic about the Spurs and thinks they will fight back.

At the critical moment, the Spurs simply did not score.

First the Rockets, then the Clippers, and then the Spurs.

The teams that Durant had high hopes were all defeated by the Grizzlies, without exception!

Seeing that the time has come to the end of March, not to mention the Grizzlies falling from the first throne, but not even a game!

Since losing to the Pacers after the All-Star Game, the Grizzlies have achieved a 13-game winning streak!

Calculated, this is the third time the Grizzlies have played a 10+ winning streak this season.

"Unbelievable Grizzlies, they have no intention of stopping. The greater the pressure, the better the Grizzlies’ ability seems to become. The spurs of the spurs, the Leonards of the spurs. Three games, they They all almost won. However, losing it is the number one loser!"

Leonard, a "facially paralyzed guy" with no emotions, covered his forehead in pain after losing today.

He was wiped out by the Grizzlies twice in a row within five days, and both times were lost.

Even Leonard couldn't stand this kind of aggrieved.

Of course, Link is not easy. To be precise, every time he played against the Spurs, Link didn't play easily.

The Spurs' defensive ability is really not covered, you will not find a few easy scoring opportunities throughout the game.

The Spurs 2 is like the liquid robot in the Terminator movie, no matter where Link goes, he will always come out in time to stop it.

At the end of the game, Link simply sat directly on the wooden floor.

In this game, he and Leonard fought for more than 40 minutes. Under such circumstances, the scores of the two teams were not hundreds.

This shows how extreme they have achieved defense.

You know, Link can score 53 points in three quarters.

I have to say that it is really tiring to fight like this at the end of the regular season.

Link couldn't imagine how frustrated Leonard was at this time. He had already finished the last bullet, but still couldn't win.

This kind of suffocation made Link feel a headache even after thinking about it. Fortunately, he didn't have such troubles today.

"Link, are you exhausted?"

At this moment, Conley walked up and reached out to Link who was sitting on the ground and stretched out his hand.

Linkla stayed at Conley, while Conley tugged hard, pulling Link up.

"Leonard is a terrible guy, Mike. It's a shame that we still have to fight them this season." Link shook his head, although the Grizzlies have won against the Spurs three times.

But to be honest, Linken would rather play the Cavaliers or the Warriors, and he didn't want to fight the Spurs anymore.

Leonard is definitely one of the most terrifying perimeter defenders in active service.

"But...I'm very excited now, Mike. Even, I can't wait to start the next game."

After taking a few breaths, Link turned around and his smile returned to his face.

"Not tired so soon?" Conley asked jokingly.

"Not really, but I feel so excited when I think of the next opponent. I've been waiting for them long enough!"

Link and Conley walked into the player channel with a joking smile, ending the blockbuster matchup on March 23.

And three days later, on March 26th, at Oracle Arena, the Grizzlies and the Warriors will usher in their last duel in the regular season!

Since the Warriors won the Grizzlies once before the All-Star Game last month, they have been screaming until now.

It's been almost a month and a half, and it's time to shut up the group of guys who were second in the West with sore buttocks!


At the press conference after the game, the focus of the reporters' attention was not on the Spurs.

More than half of the reporters asked questions about the next game today.

"Link, when you defeated the Spurs for the first time five days ago, you said that No. 26 would make the Warriors experience true sadness. Are you ready for this?"

"Oh, of course, buddy. Actually, I don't need to prepare at all. I can handle the Warriors 24 hours a day, seven days a week." Link spread out his arms, showing a confident look.

"The Warriors have officially confirmed that Kevin Durant will not return in the game three days later. Although Durant is missing, the Warriors are still one of the most powerful teams in the league. Do you think this game Can the Grizzlies really win easily?"

"I never thought I could win the game easily. After all, the Warriors still have Green, a triple-single superstar." Link said nonsense seriously, mocking Green.

Link now seems to be a bit too venomous and deceived.

However, he was just fighting for a tooth.

Green and Durant satirized Link pretending to be sick after winning the game last time, deliberately coughing, deliberately speaking coldly, and saying that they would regain the first place in the West... These things, Link is still remembered.

Link always admits the fact that he is a stingy He is not a broad-minded hero, since the opponent has crossed the line, just touch it!

Link made no secret of his current bloodthirsty state, he was like a lion locked up for three days and three nights.

At this time, all he had in mind was killing!

On the other hand, since the three-game losing streak, the warriors who have been able to get a wave of six-game winning streak have slowed down, naturally, they are not to be outdone.

"Without Kevin, we will take care of Link. It's an honor that we can interrupt the Grizzlies' winning streak with our own hands as we did more than a month ago! Who will be sad at the end of the game, but it's not necessarily true. ."

Green is not soft, he will not let Link sing a one-man show anyway.

Link was very happy to see someone respond to him.

Only hunting the rebellious prey can find the real fun of hunting...

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