Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and thirty-nine: leave some memories for them

This time, it's not just Draymond Green who wants to win the Grizzlies.

After an unexpected three-game losing streak in early March, the Warriors have been completely thrown away by the Grizzlies.

Now, what everyone knows is that "retake the first place in the West" has become a blank check, and the Warriors are no longer able to cash it.

The Grizzlies' winning streak in March really showed their dominance to the fullest.

Whether against weak or strong teams, the Grizzlies can guarantee victory.

With very little left in the regular season, it is almost impossible to cross such a big win gap.

The battle for No. 1 in the West has actually existed in name only. The Warriors had already lost this competition when they lost three straight.

Are they willing? of course not!

As the defending champion, the Warriors have been short of the Grizzlies this season, both in popularity and record. This kind of thing, on any defending champion team, they will not be happy.

Obviously he has become the king of the world, but he has not received the treatment that the king of the world should have.

This sense of gap is not acceptable to everyone.

It's just that Durant, Green and others have bigger mouths, and have more confrontations with Link, so on the surface it seems that they have always been against Link.

But in fact, Curry, Thompson, Cole and everyone else on the Warriors are also very eager to beat the Grizzlies.

Now, in the hopeless situation of No. 1 in the West, the last time the two sides met during the regular season was the only chance for the Warriors to save face.

They will block the honor, pride and dignity of the defending champion, and smash to the end with the Grizzlies!

Playoffs? The playoffs are a matter of the playoffs.

In the regular season, the Warriors do not want to lose!

Therefore, at this time, in addition to Green and Durant, other Warriors players are also in a state of gearing up.

On March 26, they will never let this day become a day to make the Warriors sad!

Once again, the match between the two teams was frantically promoted by the league and major TV stations.

Although Durant is missing, this has not reduced the fans' enthusiasm for the game.

Two days before the start of the game, fans from both sides appeared to face off in the outer square of the Oracle Arena.

For this reason, the local police in Oakland had to send three times the police force around the arena to avoid conflict between fans on both sides.

ESPN's advertisement is also brainwashing to repeat the trailer for Grizzlies VS Warriors.

For everyone, this is the final focus of the regular season of the season.

It can also be said that this is a preview of the playoffs.

Because the confrontation between the Grizzlies and the Warriors is definitely a playoff level!

The day before the game, Durant in a suit and shoes appeared on a talk show on a local TV station in Auckland.

Although he sprained his ankle, Durant never disappeared from everyone's eyes.

This time the show invited him to the talk show, and undoubtedly wanted to catch the heat of the game and publicize it.

Therefore, on the talk show, the host and Durant talked very sharply.

"To be honest, Kevin, in your absence, what do you think the Grizzlies' odds are?"

"I can't calculate the exact probability, but I know the Grizzlies have a small chance. I trust my teammates, I can't wait to see them beating the Grizzlies." Durant chatted and laughed in front of the camera, but panicked. Get a batch.

Without himself, who should the Warriors confront Link? This is a problem.

Green? If Green defends Link, who will be in charge of the Grizzlies’ European twin towers?

Matt Barnes? Come on, Barnes is a villain in front of others, but a docile sheep in front of Link.

When did that guy face Link when he was not blown up? Durant even felt that Barnes was about to suffer from forest phobia.

Ian Clark? If Clark can handle Link, the Grizzlies will not have a 13-game winning streak recently.

Durant will win every bite in the show, but in fact, the Warriors have not found a way to contain Link until now!

Cole couldn't sleep all night, his eyes were bloodshot, but he still stared at Link's game video.

He has been studying strategies to defend Link, but then he gave up.

There is no defensive expert like Leonard, and talking about defending Link is nonsense.

The only guy in the Warriors who can play against Link was absent due to injury.

Tomorrow's game, relying on this lineup... can only play against the Grizzlies.

They have no way to defend Link, the only way is to take more points than Link.

However, Cole was a little worried about fighting against each other...

Because he doesn't know whether it is the Warriors or Link who is going crazy on the offensive end after completely unraveling the shackles.


On the night of March 26, the Grizzlies walked into the visiting team locker room at Oracle Arena.

Link stood in front of a locker in the middle of the locker room, staring at the door of the cabinet, standing still on the spot.

"What? Are you meditating?" Wade, who was changing clothes, didn't understand what Link was doing, so he asked jokingly.

"No, I'm looking back at what happened here last summer." Link said, touching the locker door.

Last summer, Link took the Grizzlies with a full camp of wounded soldiers over the Trail Blazers and Spurs, and walked to the Warriors.

In the face of the "Galactic Battleship" that Durant joined, Link really couldn't bear the impact of this fierce firepower.

In the end, the Grizzlies were eliminated by the Warriors 4-2 in the Western Conference finals.

In Game 5 of the Oracle Arena, when Link lost the game, he was extremely annoyed when he watched the Warriors get the match point on the night.

So when he returned to the locker room, Link slammed a punch on the locker of Oracle Arena, directly smashing a depression.

Jokic still remembers the suffocating silence, when he was terrified.

Seeing Link getting angry, he didn't even dare to breathe.

Although this was not the first locker Link broke, Link did not say much after that.

But this scene is still fresh in everyone's memory until now.

Wade was still playing for the Heat last season, so he didn't know what happened in the visiting team locker room at Oracle Arena.

Link stroked the locker door as if he was stroking his scar.

The experience of last summer in the Western Conference finals can be said to be the worst injury in Link's career so far.

Inexplicable injuries, unresolved lineup, being eliminated by a deadly enemy, four consecutive championship breaks...These wounds have not yet healed completely.

A minute later, Link shook his head, then sat down and started changing clothes.

The dressing room is still very quiet but it is different from the dead silence of last summer.

Today's silence is a kind of silence ready to go!

After changing his gear, Link stood up and jumped twice. Then he clapped his hands, and everyone's eyes immediately focused on him.

"Guys, the defeat here last summer is still fresh in my memory. You must have thought that I would use questions and then say a lot of inspiring nonsense? No, I'm not that boring, I know you don't like to listen. , I just want to tell you..."

Link paused, then knocked on the locker behind him, "I just want to tell you that it's time to leave some indelible memories for the Golden State Warriors too!"


The Grizzlies players rushed out of the locker room like a pack of hungry wolves.

They love this kind of "chuckling" leader, and they just follow it.

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