Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and forty: It's almost time to help

Durant appeared on the Warriors bench wearing a suit, with a confident smile on his face, as if he was confident about the game.

Although Durant will not play today, he is still sought after by the fans.

A burst of cheers came from the stands, proving his high popularity in the Oracle Arena.

But soon, the cheers turned into boos. Durant turned his head and saw, sure enough, everyone from the Grizzlies played.

That group of guys can always get the highest level of "welcome" and "reception" in Oracle Arena.

"The Memphis Grizzlies VS Golden State Warriors, no matter how many times you watch, the duel between them will not be annoying. Before the game started, the players and fans on both sides had already created enough gimmicks on the Internet. Now , It’s time to make a close in the regular season."

Mike Brin finished speaking and looked at the enthusiastic fans around him.

Although this is only a regular season, although the Warriors' plan to win the Western Conference is basically impossible.

But even so, the Oakland fans are still very enthusiastic. The atmosphere of this game is simply playoff-level.

Link began to warm up immediately after he played. Although the Warriors did not have Durant, Link did not relax at all.

And Mike Brin also found that when he saw Link playing warm-up, the originally confident smile on Durant's face disappeared without a trace.

Instead, the anxiety revealed by a slight frown.

Mike Brin shook his head. This is the look Durant should put on now.

It's no secret that no one in the Warriors can match Link.

As long as anyone who has analyzed it carefully will know that Link has no opponents at all today. Unless, Cole uses Green to play the third position, and then sends two insiders to defend against the Grizzlies Twin Towers.

But according to the style of the Warriors, it is impossible for them to play this lineup. If the Warriors do this, the space they are proud of will disappear.

Therefore, the Warriors will be directly exposed to Link's formidable firepower today, without any shelter!

Not to mention the Warriors players, even Mike Brin is anxious for the Warriors.

So seeing Durant becoming anxious, Mike Brin felt normal.

Yeah, that guy wanted to pretend to be confident in front of the fans and the media.

But if you pretend to resemble before the game, you will soon show up after entering the game...

Golden State Warriors, how can you resist Link's attack today? Judging from Link's condition today... he would not be polite with the Warriors.

Kerr gritted his teeth at the Grizzlies lineup and shook his head secretly.

If he succeeded in catching Andre Iguodala back then, the Warriors would have no such troubles now.

Durant's absence was a huge blow to the Warriors. With a complete lineup this season, the Warriors have only 1 win and 2 losses against the Grizzlies.

With the loss of a general, Cole really doesn't know what to do.

If this game is just an ordinary game, then lose also lose.

But so hard to die, Durant and Green had previously froze the heat of the game so high.

Well now, all Oakland is waiting for the Warriors to win, and the eyes of basketball fans all over the world are focused on this.

If the Warriors can't win, God knows how much drooling they will be.

Cole didn't continue to think about it, the matter was over, he could only hold on like Durant and Green.

Before the game started, Steven A. Smith interviewed Green. His question was very straightforward: "Durant's absence, this must have greatly reduced the strength of the Warriors. You really think that you can lose Durant. Will you stop Link?"

Faced with such a straightforward question, Green chose to continue to pretend to be tough: "We will fight back with Kevin's share. He just needs to wait for victory on the sidelines. Today, in Oakland, the Grizzlies will See the horror of the defending champion."

"Puff!" Stephen A. Smith didn't laugh at all. If he hadn't carefully analyzed the pros and cons of the two teams, he might have believed Green's nonsense.

That guy is really easy to confuse others if he doesn't blush or pretend to be stupid.

"Really? Then I can only wish you good luck, Draymond." Smith finished the interview after saying this.

He wants to see how the Warriors continue to pretend to be calm on the court.

In the warm cheers of the fans, the referee threw the ball into the air. Gasol fought for the Grizzlies' first strike, and Cole's face instantly became very ugly.

Due to Durant's injury, the Warriors' starting lineups today are McCaw, Curry, Thompson, Green and Pachulia.

They used three guards on the perimeter!

It's just that McCaw and Thompson are both over 2 meters tall, and McCaw was selected to the best defensive team in the NCAA, and the defensive foundation is very good.

With him and Thompson working together, the Warriors seem to have little problem defensive flanks.

On the surface, the Warriors seem to have perfectly solved the vacancy left by Durant's absence. Although McCaw can't compare with Durant in offensive firepower, he can defend.

As long as you can defend, you won't be dragged down.

But if you can't prevent Link, then you have to say something else.

In the first round of the game, Conley passed the ball to Link.

Kerr's expression has become more tense, and since losing to the Pacers, the Grizzlies have always been in this style of play.

warm up? transition? Temptation?

It doesn't exist. In every game the Grizzlies have played recently, it seems that they are eager to get involved in the first quarter!

Klay Thompson is very nervous. Since Durant joined last season, he has rarely played against Link.

But he has not forgotten that before Durant joined the Warriors, he was terribly dominated by Link.

Thompson is a defensive champion in front of ordinary players, but in front of stars, Thompson's defense is not enough to pose a threat.

Link motioned everyone to pull away, he wanted to grab the Warrior's weakness and attack!

In the face of Klay Thompson, who was not aggressive enough on defense, Link used a crossover with a great arc.

If James is defending the ball, he will definitely go up and give Link to fight.

If Durant is now defending Link, he will definitely open his long arms and try to stop Link's breakthrough.

However, Thompson was unable to do either of the above two coping methods!

His lack of aggressive defense prevented him from giving Link a strong confrontation in time. He is not as good as Durant's physical condition, which also makes him unable to rely on wingspan to increase the defensive area.

After Link changed direction, he slammed on the ground and flashed past Thompson with a "swish".

The league's most confusing change, coupled with the league's fastest first step, was enough to make Link throw Thompson out of the blue.

After breaking through Thompson, Green immediately made up his defense. The Warriors' strategy today is very simple. They would rather let the other Grizzlies score points than make Link completely crazy!

But before Green's interference came up, Link made a very soft emergency stop and shot.

His take-off height is very sufficient, his shots are fast, but his shots are very complete.

This picturesque emergency stop CIC is a hard-to-see scenery nowadays in an era when only focusing on three-pointers and breakthroughs.


The wonderful scenery must be accompanied by wonderful notes.

The basketball is hollow into the net, and Link easily scores on the Warriors as soon as he comes up!

"Damn it!" Cole sighed. From the current point of view, Link is indeed unstoppable today. Thompson is too academic for your defense and can't stop Link at all. .

Durant gritted his teeth. If he can play... at least he won't let Link score so easily.

After the goal, Link did not show off at Thompson, but pointed to Durant who was sitting on the bench at this time.

"I will destroy the Warriors by my own Sit down and enjoy!"

Link's tone was very firm and his expression was quite serious.

This shows that Link is not spamming Durant, but is warning him!

Durant must be responsible for his previous cross-line behavior today. What is more cruel thing to ruin the Warriors in his presence?

Cole also heard Link's yelling, but he did not feel desperate.

At least on the offensive end, the Warriors can still fight!

He waved his big hand, motioning everyone to attack patiently.

However, any team that played against the Grizzlies this season didn't seem to end well...

Stephen A. Smith smiled gleefully, the Warriors showed off their false strength before the start of the game, and they were about to help.

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