Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and forty-eight: "Facial palsy" actually took the initiative to

Westbrook was 8 of 13 from beyond the three-point line, shooting 61.5% from the three-point range.

Such a three-point performance is extremely rare in Westbrook's entire career.

Facts have proved that Westbrook is indeed a responsible team core. When the team needed to climb one more forward, he showed his best form.

However, the ending of this game was very cruel to the Thunder.

Westbrook put out perhaps the best three-point performance of the season, but still did not win the victory.

The strength of the Grizzlies makes Westbrook's magic become worthless. As Link said, no team in the league knows how to beat the Thunder better than the Grizzlies.

The 72nd win in a single season and the second 20-game winning streak, the Grizzlies have basically completed their regular season this season.

Next, the Grizzlies have four games to play, facing the Spurs, Knicks, Pistons and Mavericks.

It can be said that there is almost no pressure in these games. Because even if they lose to the Spurs, the Grizzlies still have a chance to win 75!

75 wins in a single season...Well, now Link can proudly declare that "this is an impossible record to be broken".

At the press conference after the game, the reporters seemed to be more excited than Linke.

There was a lot of noise in the media reception room, and all reporters were asking about things related to the regular season.

"A new historical record has been created. What is your mood now?"

"This is the second time that you have achieved 72 wins in a single season. This is twice that of Michael Jordan! Do you have anything to share about this?"

"Link, your performance in the regular season this season is simply unmatched. So after this game, will you start taking turns?"

The reporters were enthusiastic one by one, but Link himself was very calm.

Just like at the end of the game, fans were cheering and teammates were celebrating. Only Link himself, just standing indifferently.

The reporters found that Link was not in a high mood, and found it strange.

Created such a strong record, under normal circumstances Link will definitely talk about it.

However, all of Link's answers today are just satisfactory.

Just when the reporters still didn't understand what the problem was, a question related to the playoffs gave Link a moment of energy.

"In this way, the Western Conference's ranking has basically been determined. The Grizzlies' opponent in the first round of the game has been determined to be the Portland Trail Blazers. Coincidentally, in the first round of last season, the Grizzlies were also the same as the pioneers. You met. At that time, you advanced with a total score of 4 to 2. So do you think you can make it through this season safely?"

"I hope we can. The Blazers are not easy to deal with. They may be one of the strongest eighth in the Western Conference. However, I don't want to fight them six more games this year." When answering this question, Link's The excitement returned.

The reporters realized at this time that it was not that Link was not interested in this victory, but that his thoughts had all fallen on the playoffs!

The goal of the regular season Link has been completed, but he will not be complacent. Link will never be satisfied before the end of the playoffs!

"Don't want to fight six battles with the Blazers? You mean..."

"Although Damien may be unhappy to say that, I must admit that we need to get rid of the Blazers as soon as possible. They caused us too much trouble last season and it made us exhausted from the first round. This year. , This situation will never happen again."

Link finally showed his first smile after today's game.

How to make the historical record created by the team become great? It's simple, just need to win the championship!

72 wins are so great not only because of 72 wins, but also because the Bulls finally won the championship.

Lillard felt tons of pressure at this time and met the Grizzlies in the first round for two consecutive years. He is simply the most unlucky person in the world.

The relationship is good, but Link's visit is really too frequent...


The Grizzlies won their second 20-game winning streak in a single season, which made them another hit in the final moments of the regular season.

warrior? The defending champions were all thrown out by the fans at this time. Last season, they won the same 74 wins as the Grizzlies in the regular season, but this year, they couldn't even get 70 wins.

After the Mavericks in the 11-12 season, the Warriors are definitely the most inexistent defending champion in the regular season.

Now there are reports of Grizzlies all over the world, and the Warriors simply don't care about them.

The routine is the last four games, and Georgel can finally let the players rest.

The playoffs are coming, the Grizzlies still need some rest.

So in the game against the Spurs on April 5, the Grizzlies were defeated by the Spurs 95 to 89 when the main force and the bench split the playing time.

This is the first time the Spurs have won the Grizzlies this season. After losing to the Grizzlies three times in a row, the Spurs finally got their revenge.

The Grizzlies’ winning streak was finally over, but now it doesn’t matter.

Of course, Leonard and other Spurs players will not be too happy for the victory in this game.

They all know that the Grizzlies did not go all out today. It is not convincing to win such a Grizzlies.

So after the game, Link found that Leonard had taken the initiative to speak to himself for an unprecedented time.


Hearing a low voice calling himself, Link didn't realize what was going on for a while.

After turning his head to see that it was Leonard, he was even more shocked.

"Ah? Kawai? What's the matter with me?" Link was a little at a loss. In his memory, this should be the first time Leonard has looked for himself in private.

"It's nothing, I just want to play well with you in the playoffs. I know you didn't do your best today, so the victory in this game is nothing. You must hold it in the playoffs. See you in the Western Conference Finals. ."

After speaking, Leonard went straight away.

Link was stunned and scratched his head.

He has never heard Leonard say so many things at once in his life!

But... see you in the Western Conference Finals... Unexpectedly, Leonard is actually a second in second.

He came here to tell himself this, is it some kind of agreement?

Link smiled and shook his head, without thinking any more.

No matter who will play in the Western Conference Finals, as long as the Grizzlies end up in the Finals, it doesn't matter.

If Leonard really wants to compete with himself, then he must first defeat the Warriors in the conference semifinals.

Since then, Link has one more reason to cheer Leonard.

Maybe, that guy can really change history?

This year's playoffs have become more and more interesting.

After the battle with the Spurs, the Grizzlies continued to rest. But even so, they still achieved a wave of three consecutive victories at the end of the season.

Faced with the Knicks, Pistons and Mavericks, the three lottery teams, the Grizzlies can win even if they don't play their best.

Maybe this is the huge gap between the 70-win team and the lottery team.

On April 12th the Grizzlies defeated the incoming Dallas Mavericks 104-93 at home and defeated their last opponent in the regular season.

This also means that the Grizzlies have won an league record of 75 wins in a single season. From now on, the league has the most wins in a single season. The Grizzlies will no longer be on par with the Warriors!

When the Warriors just tied their 74-win record last season, the Grizzlies immediately pushed the Warriors away again!

"This is a great season, and Link has also proved that he is indeed a great player! Last season's setbacks and sand, in exchange for the Grizzlies' bottoming out this season! Get ready, the real monarch is back Up!"

Link looked at the Mobike fans around in the stands, the three championship pennants on the dome of the Federal Express Arena, and the hardwood floor under his feet.

One year, really fast! In the blink of an eye, it's time again.

The 75 wins in the regular season are just a warning. Now, the real **** revenge has just begun!

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