Reverse Growth Superstar

: One hundred and forty-nine: MVP has been booked

With 75 wins in a single season, Link has added a strong touch to his already brilliant career.

The day after the regular season ended, a bunch of experts and fans immediately put the label "I can never be broken" on the Grizzlies’ 75 wins, just like they put this label on 72 wins. .

ESPN also immediately announced that it will release a documentary of the Grizzlies' 75 wins this summer.

Soon, they contacted the Grizzlies again, hoping to follow along during the playoffs. The purpose is, naturally, I hope that even the documentary that won the championship will be done together.

For an instant, the Grizzlies' popularity was unmatched. The last time such a popular team appeared, it was the Bulls of the 90s!

Yes, since time has entered the 21st century, teams as popular as the Bulls have almost disappeared.

Although the Lakers and Spurs dominated the league at the beginning of the century, they did not reach the height of the Bulls. The popularity of the Lakers during Kobe's two consecutive championships is indeed terrible, but it is still a bit worse than the Bulls.

After that, the Heat, Cavaliers and Warriors were full of controversy, and the Spurs and Thunder were even less popular.

Only the Grizzlies, this unyielding small city team, has attracted the attention of most people in the league.

In the past few years, the Grizzlies and Link were villains, and fans only regarded them as championship robbers.

But now, they have been hailed as the true kings of this alliance.

Their approval rating is unprecedentedly high, although the Grizzlies have won three championships in the previous four years. However, fans still want to see the Grizzlies continue to win the championship.

Their 75 wins are naturally also talked about by fans and the media.

Of course, in addition to feeling the magic of the Grizzlies during the regular season, the prospects and predictions of the playoffs have also been put on the agenda by major media.

This year, competition in the West is still fierce. It can even be said that it was the most intense year.

Because this season is the first time in NBA history that there are three 60-win teams in a single division!

In the West, the first Grizzlies win 75, the second Warriors 67 wins, and the third Spurs 61 wins!

The top three in the West have won 60+ games, and no team is easy to mess with. This shows how terrible the competition in the West this year is.

On the other hand, the Celtics with the best record in the East have only 53 wins. The situation where the West is strong and the East is weak has never been so obvious.

Of course, the playoffs of these three 60-win teams have also made fans' expectations for this year's playoffs very high.

Three 60-win teams are already there to see, and you don’t know if there may be an upset.

After all, the Rockets, Clippers and Thunder didn't get 60 wins from teams, which is also not good.

Adam. The joke must now have a crooked smile. In this year's playoffs, the ratings will naturally be very hot.

The first round of the playoffs is very hot. The Warriors will face the Thunder in the first round. Durant and Westbrook will fall in love in the playoffs.

The Rockets and Clippers are already deadly enemies, and they must be prepared to fight to the end in the first round.

As for the Grizzlies and the Blazers, they are also old opponents.

Last season, the third-ranked Grizzlies met the sixth Blazers in the first round. Although the Blazers eventually lost, Lillard still caused a lot of trouble for the Grizzlies.

In one of the games, Lillard's lore in the last 2.4 seconds has become a classic in his career.

That was also one of the few experiences in Link's career that was beaten by opponents.

This year, although the rankings of both sides have undergone major changes, they have come together again by mistake.

Fate is wonderful.

Although everyone knows in their hearts that the Blazers have a small chance of winning the series, people also believe that Lillard has the ability to make this first round very exciting.

The trailblazers now are like the Grizzlies back then. Even if they can't win, they can still let you peel off.

Just for the first round, the fans can't wait.

And equally impatient, there is the final ownership of the regular season awards.

In the latest issue of ESPN's MVP rankings, Link still ranks first.

But to know the final result, you have to wait until the end of the season a few months later.

All this stems from another brain-dead decision made by Adam Joke.

In the past, regular season awards were carried out with the playoffs.

But since the beginning of this season, the regular season awards have been brought to an annual awards ceremony after the end of the season!

Obviously, the original intention of the joke is probably to make a big show after the season, and the regular season awards will be turned into Oscars, which will further enhance the image and commercial value of the league.

Think about it, a group of players in suits and leather shoes gathered together, listening to the boring jokes made by the host on the stage, and then announcing the winning players one by one. This is so exciting.

However, belated justice is not justice, and belated awards are not awards.

In the past, although there was no way to hold large-scale awards ceremonies during the playoffs, the awarding process was often very simple, but at least this was very good for controlling the rhythm of the entire season.

The regular season ends and the playoffs begin. As the playoffs progress, awards are gradually announced. This is logically clear and progressive

After the finals in June, as soon as the FMVP is announced, the biggest winner of the season will be clear at a glance.

At this time, everyone can start paying attention to the draft, waiting for the crazy transfer of the offseason, and focusing on the next season.

But after such a tossing joke, it turned into the end of the regular season, and the awards were not awarded. When the finals are over, the draft is over, everyone is thinking about next season, and the awards ceremony is long overdue.

At that time, the championship has been decided, and to be honest, fans' attention to regular season awards has not been so high. The biggest suspense of the championship and the draft of the two summers have been revealed. Who else will really care who the **** is the best sixth man?

Such a joke is totally unreasonable. And this is already his second brain-disabled decision since he continued the All-Star voting reform.

The All-Star was originally a feast for the fans, but he deprived the fans of the right to choose his beloved players.

The awarding of awards originally required a certain degree of timeliness, but the joke made an awards ceremony that people could not expect...

When Stern was still in place, many fans also scolded Stern. But now, most people respect Stern.

why? It's not just a joke.

Not to mention fans, even Link finds it hard to wait.

After losing the MVP last season, Link has always wanted to get the MVP back. This is also the "side task" he set for himself this season.

According to the original process, the results of the playoffs would have been known. It's good now, and we have to wait until the end of the draft...

By then, Link guessed that he would not bother to go to the awards ceremony.

Rachel is about to enter the pre-production state after the end of the season, but Link still has the mind to manage the MVP.

However, Link is very optimistic about his prospects for regaining the MVP this year.

First of all, 75 wins alone are enough for Link to win the MVP.

Secondly, Link's personal data is taken out separately, which is also very amazing.

Averaging 29.0 points per game, third in the league, second only to Westbrook and Harden, who are frantically brushing stats, and ahead of Curry, Durant, James and Leonard.

Although the average points per game have dropped slightly compared to the previous two seasons, this is because Link has more helpers this season, and he doesn't need to do it in every game.

Averaged 9.2 rebounds per game, 15th in the league, a career high! Except for Westbrook, who ranks ahead of Link on the rebounding list are all centers.

He averaged 8.8 assists per game, sixth in the league, and the most assisted player among non-guard players in the league.

Such personal data even if the factor of 75 wins is ignored, it is very amazing.

Of course, if you insist, Westbrook's triple-double per game is even more amazing. However, considering his watery data and poor record, the call for the "God Turtle" to win the MVP has been low.

Curry, Durant and Leonard, the data completely lost to Link. James and Harden, although the numbers are close to Link, the record is a bit far behind.

From this point of view, Link seems to be the only choice. The winner of the MVP has no suspense at all. Link has already been booked.

After thinking about it this way, Link felt quite relieved.

Although the award ceremony is a **** thing, it should be my own thing and will come sooner or later.

Now, Link temporarily put aside the troubles of MVP. The day before the start of the playoffs, Link organized everyone to gather at home after training.

Before summer arrives, this is the last opportunity for the Grizzlies players to relax.

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