Reverse Growth Superstar

: One hundred and fifty-four: Harden's stepping stones

At the Moda Center on April 24, the atmosphere seemed somewhat heavy.

Although it has not been long since the frenetic summer, the Blazers fans are not excited at all.

Because soon, this feverish summer will have nothing to do with them.

On the court, McCollum hit the iron again. He has made 12 shots today, but only hit two of them.

Obviously, the situation of complete defeat affected McCollum's self-confidence. This caused him to play very ugly today.

The 16-17 NBA playoffs have been going on for several days. At this time, the total score of the Grizzlies and Trail Blazers in this round of the series has become 3-0.

Since their first game defeat to the Grizzlies, the Blazers have almost given up the struggle. In Game 2 and Game 3, the Grizzlies also won the Blazers by 11 and 14 points respectively.

Today is the fourth game between the two sides and the farewell performance of the Blazers this season.

Regrettably, the Blazers have not even won a victory in the playoffs this season.

Perhaps because the defeat has been set, McCollum played very badly today.

Not to mention the difficult shots against Wade, even several open shots, McCollum could not grasp.

As a result, today's game almost lost suspense after halftime.

Yesterday, ESPN held a poll on the Internet, allowing fans to choose the most exciting and boring series of the first round.

The fight between the Bulls and Celtics in the East is considered the most intense and best-looking in the first round.

The Grizzlies and Trail Blazers game was directly voted the most boring series with unanimous votes!

What is unanimous election? That is, the voting rate of the other options is directly 0%!

Today's game undoubtedly showed the boring degree of this series to the fullest.

In the second half, the ratings of the game have begun to plummet. If the Trail Blazers fans weren't heartbroken by the money for this ticket, they could also rub a few TV shots by the way, it is probably gone.

"I have to say that the gap between the two sides is indeed very large, not at the same level. In fact, there are not many teams in the entire league at the same level as the Grizzlies."

On the commentary stage, Trailblazer Bill Walton was almost dozing off. If he didn't say a few more words, he might really fall asleep.

"Yeah, yeah, this round of the series is simply a slaughter. By the way, Bill, you said that there are not many teams in the league at the same level as the Grizzlies. Are the Rockets included?" Bill Walton Next to him, his partner brought up a topic that was very hot recently!

Since the war between Bill Simmons and the Houston media, the war of words between the two sides has never stopped.

And when the Rockets took a 3-1 lead over the Clippers with an overwhelming advantage, the Houston media and fans became even more arrogant.

Some people think that the Grizzlies can certainly crush the Rockets with ease like the first round.

But there are also people who believe that the Rockets will be black this year and Harden will be able to move towards the ranks of superstars this year!

As a result, the destined encounter between the Grizzlies and the Rockets in the next round has become a topic of heated discussion among fans.

Now that the result of this game has been concluded, it is better to talk about the two teams that will advance to the next round.

"Houston Rockets? Well... they do have more possibilities, but..."

Before Bill Walton finished speaking, the electronic buzzer sounded at the end of the game.

Wharton hurriedly started to make a summary after the game, so he did not continue the topic just now.

But in fact, he wanted to say: "The Rockets do have more possibilities, but they still have no chance of winning."


4 to 0, the Grizzlies swept the Blazers cleanly! Speaking of it, this is the first time the Grizzlies have swept the playoffs after two years!

The last time the Grizzlies swept their opponents to advance, it was back in 2015.

Coincidentally, the opponent who was swept by the Grizzlies that time was also the Blazers...

The boos in the Moda Center were not loud, and some cheers could even be heard sporadically.

It seems that the Blazers fans knew from the beginning that they had almost no chance to beat the Grizzlies, so they didn't blame the home team too much.

Link stood up from the bench and hugged his teammates one by one.

Compared with last year, this year's game is much easier and much smoother.

Link still remembers that when he played the first round last year, he was already pushed to the limit.

Just after the first round, the whole person is extremely exhausted.

But this year, Link is still physically fit after the first round.

Four consecutive games have garbage time, which means Link does not need to fight for 40 minutes in each game.

This will be more beneficial to the Grizzlies' next path.

Link said that he will not fight the Blazers for six more games this year, and he has done what he said again.

"Let's congratulate the Grizzlies, becoming the second team in the league to advance to the second round. Now, both the Warriors and Grizzlies have advanced to the conference semifinals with a total score of 4-0. I don't know whether the two sides will be able to make it in the final. Encounter!"

Bill Walton took a look at the current matchup. In the West, the Warriors and Grizzlies can swept their opponents 4-0.

In the playoffs, the dominance of these two teams is undiminished.

After Link returned to the locker room, he celebrated with his teammates for a while, then took out his phone and took a look.

Not surprisingly, he received blessing messages from many people.

Kobe, Grant Hill, Butler and many other people all sent their blessings immediately.

But among all of them, Link found a very strange guy-Leonard.

"Congratulations, Link. I will do my best to get it done as soon as possible, remembering our agreement."

Link really didn't expect Leonard to send text messages to congratulate himself.

It seems that the "face paralyzed guy" is actually not so cold.

"Thank you. Come on, man." Link replied, then smiled and put away the phone.

If this year's Western Conference Finals can really play against the Spurs, it would be very interesting.

At that time, the series may become the same as 10 years ago, with only 80 points scored after the entire game.

But before that, both the Grizzlies and Spurs have to bring down their opponents.

On the Spurs' side, they will confront the Warriors immediately after promotion.

For the Grizzlies, the next opponent is the Houston Rockets. Link doesn't think that the Clippers can complete the reversal if they are behind 1 to 3.

Seeing Leonard so motivated, Link couldn't wait.

It seems that the next round of the series will have to be decided quickly!

Link can't wait to clear the level quickly, and the Rockets are also looking forward to doing things.

The second day after the Grizzlies were, the Rockets seemed to have received a signal, and suddenly they used their force to sink the Clippers cruelly at 118 to 87!

This is the biggest difference between the two sides in five games!

Harden blasted 42 points in this game, as if he was deliberately waiting for the Grizzlies to advance and then quickly followed.

Unfortunately Chris Paul became Harden's stepping stone, but Harden was not satisfied with it.

Paul is no longer the person who called for the rain in the league at the time. This stepping stone is not high enough and not strong enough.

What he needs now is a stepping stone tall enough to entrust himself to the top ranks of the league!

And Link can meet this demand.

This time, Harden was serious.

The hatred accumulated in the regular season will be settled in the playoffs!

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