Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and fifty-five: I'm going to be a father, a little nervous

   After five games, four teams have advanced to the conference semifinals.

   In the east, James really lived up to expectations and swept the Pacers with a total score of 4 to 0.

   Indeed, the Cleveland Cavaliers' regular season record this season is very average. Indeed, LeBron James's influence in the league has gradually diminished due to the presence of Link and Durant.

   But only in the playoffs can you know what LeBron James is.

   No matter how he played against the Cavaliers in the regular season, he is definitely one of the most powerful championship contenders.

   In the West, the Golden State Warriors were the first team in the league to advance to the second round. They beat the Thunder 4-0 cleanly, ending Westbrook's triple-double season.

  Houston Rockets also successfully advanced to the second round. This dark horse, which was not favored by others, but has been a blockbuster this season, maintained their upward momentum in the playoffs.

   How far can Harden go? This has become the most talked-about topic in this year's playoffs.

   The next night after the Houston Rockets were promoted, a very well-known local nightclub in Houston stated that it would retire Harden's jersey tonight because Harden has not been here for a whole year!

   And they said that the retirement ceremony that night will be very lively and look forward to your visit.

   Obviously, this is the marketing method this nightclub came up with in order to keep up with the popularity of the rockets.

   The gimmick "Harden's retirement ceremony in the nightclub" is enough to attract a lot of young men and women.

   But Harden has not been to that club for a whole year, this is an indisputable fact!

   The former Harden, in fact, has not always been a reliable star.

   He often stays out at night, before he wakes up from the wine, he wears his jersey to play the next day.

  The result of this is that Harden's state in the past few years has almost never been stable.

   It is very likely that he had a superb performance the day before, but the next day he started to fight iron wildly.

   Coupled with the conflicts between Harden and Howard, McHale and others, the Rockets have almost stagnated for so many years.

   Harden lives freely, but there is no way to take his career further.

   However, after breaking up with Kardashian, Harden seems to have changed himself.

   He almost never goes to nightclubs, nor does he sing songs every night.

   He began to focus on the game, focus on victory. This once the most unreliable star star, also began to consider his career.

   He didn't want to be so inactive for a lifetime, he found his original intention to play!

   Seeing the news that Harden has not been to a nightclub for a year in a row, Rockets fans were shocked.

   It's no wonder that Harden will change like this this season.

   Most Rockets fans even think that Harden will be the next ruler of the league!

   Following the momentum, it is not surprising that Harden played better.

   But if you want to become the next ruler of the alliance, naturally kill the current ruler first!

   The Memphis Grizzlies have become a target.

   "I said, this time it was really rare and quiet before the game. Actually, no Houston media or any Rockets players came out to trouble us."

   From the first round of promotion, the Grizzlies players also began to pay attention to the Rockets.

   Therefore, between training sessions, most of the conversations among the Grizzlies players are related to the Rockets.

   "Because they have concentrated their firepower to deal with Bill Simmons, that guy has been scolded badly recently." Link sitting on the ground resting shook his head, thanks to the wave of hatred Simmons had drawn before.

   Otherwise, it is estimated that I have to be busy with the Houston media.

"Speaking of it, Link...what the **** is going on with your dark circles?" Wade looked at Link with sleepy eyes. The dark circles are exaggerated. People who didn't know thought he had just had a fight with someone. Frame it!

   "Well... I feel like I have some insomnia recently." Link waved his hand, seeing that he was also quite helpless.

   "Insomnia? The Houston Rockets, isn't it? As Bill Simmons said, we completely crushed them in the regular season this season."

   "No, no, not because of the Rockets, but because of...well, I have been thinking about how to be a good father these days. Then it is easy to fall asleep late at night."

   "Hahahaha, it turned out to be because of this!" Wade laughed.

  Many men will feel nervous and anxious for a while because they are about to be fathers.

  As the due date approaches, tension and anxiety tend to become heavier.

   The safety of the wife, the safety of the children, the future of the family...Countless things began to whirl in the minds of prospective fathers.

  Link is no exception.

  On the basketball court, Link is the first person who can't be counted, and is a nightmare for opponents.

   But in life, he is no different from ordinary people.

   "Don't worry, it's useless to worry. After the baby is born, you will naturally be ready." The experienced Randolph also began to teach Link.

   "You guy has always been used to taking one step at a time, can I learn it?...Forget it, leave me alone, we have to concentrate on preparing for the battle now. Houston, but it's coming!"

   Link waved his hand and stopped discussing his own affairs.

   Although the Rockets are not strong enough to eliminate the Grizzlies, if they are not careful, they will overturn.

  In the attention of fans, on May 1, the Grizzlies and Rockets series officially started!

   The Rockets and Grizzlies game will definitely be very popular even without the help of the media.

   After all, during the regular season, the two teams have sparked a lot of sparks.

   Four times against each other, three games were played to the last second, and in two games, Link played amazing stats.

   The Grizzlies and the Rockets have created too many classic duels this season, and the grievances that were not settled in the regular season can happen to be resolved in the playoffs!

"This is the long-awaited game for the fans, and we have brought you the characters you have long-awaited! Welcome Mr. Bill Simmons, who will be the special guest of today's game and complete the commentary work with us. !"

   Before the game started, on the commentary stage, ESPN gave the fans the first surprise.

   Today, they once again let Bill Simmons serve as the guest commentator. Between his various things with Link before and the recent grudges with the Rockets, the arrival of Simmons will undoubtedly make this game more interesting.

   "I am very fortunate to be here in person. Today I came to the Federal Express Arena to watch the Grizzlies beat the Rockets! The proud Houston media will soon know whether the Rockets have any chance of winning!"

   Bill Simmons was as straightforward as ever, and started to complain about the Rockets as soon as he came up. For the teams and players he doesn't like, you never want to hear a good word about them from Do you really firmly believe that the Grizzlies can win tonight? As we all know, the Rockets' ability to defeat the Clippers with a total score of 4-1 is also proof of their strength. The Rockets performed very well in the playoffs, and they are not just a regular season team. "

   Kevin Haran saw that Bill Simmons was so excited, he went down the hill and continued to ask.

"First of all, I admit that the Rockets are not just a regular season team. They can play tough battles and have the ability to win some games. But the gap between the Grizzlies and the Rockets is still obvious. I still said that, before the conference finals, the Grays The bear will never be in real trouble!"

   Simmons is full of confidence. After all, he was the one who suffered the most from a slap in the face by Link. He knew Link's power better than anyone else.

   But at this time on the basketball court, watching Link warming up, Dave Georgel was a little worried.

   "Link is not quite right today." Beside Georgel, Quinn Snyder also found the problem.

   "Well, his shooting percentage when he warmed up today... very low!"

   "Is it because of insomnia? Link said he hasn't rested very well these days. The state of that guy has never been so ups and downs."

   "Maybe so, but I can only trust him. When the superstar can't make a basket, he naturally has his way to continue to influence the game. I have confidence in him for this."

  George finished, and the referee signaled the two sides to start the game. .

   Link gave a big yawn before walking near the middle circle.

   The role of father is not better than the "God of Basketball".

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