Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and fifty-six: I was stunned by the rocket

   Link also found that his shooting today felt a little bit stretched.

   This phenomenon is very rare throughout his career.

   Link’s strength lies not only in his personal ability, but also in his excellent stability.

   He will never score more than 30 points today, and the next day he feels plummeting and hitting iron.

   Link can maintain a stable state in all 82 games, if for others, the highest ability value in the column of state stability is only 99.

   Nalink’s state stability value has definitely reached 200.

   People have marveled at Link's ability to keep in shape more than once. After all, it's normal to have ups and downs on the basketball court.

   Even Michael Jordan had a 9-for-35 and 26-iron night.

   The perverted Stephen Curry has shot less than 25% in his career so far, and there have been 20 games.

   However, this kind of thing rarely happens to Link, which seems very abnormal.

   Therefore, Link’s stability has always been a topic that people talk about.

   Today, Link finally "normalized" for a while, but he couldn't be happy.

   Right now, the Houston Rockets and Harden are struggling to kill themselves. This state is so ups and downs, it's too late!

   So, it’s not good to stay up late! Failure to sleep well for two consecutive nights has had such a big impact on shooting.

   Of course, the Rockets players still don’t know this. They are still aggressive, putting on a decisive battle.

   Link also shook his head, without thinking any more. Maybe, as soon as the game starts, the sense of urgency will come up, and the shooting will come back naturally?

   He didn't bother with his feel anymore and started to concentrate on the game.

   Houston Rockets, this is indeed an old opponent of the Grizzlies.

   82 regular season games, Link dare not say that he was impressed with every game.

   In fact, most of the games in the regular season, three days after playing, Link will not remember the details of the game. After a week, it will even be completely forgotten.

   But in the four games against the Rockets, Link was impressed.

  In the regular season, the Rockets did cause too much trouble for the Grizzlies. And now, the Rockets' lineup has been upgraded again.

   Their starting lineup has not changed, still Beverly, Harden, Ariza, Anderson and Capella.

   But at this time, in addition to Gordon on the Rockets' bench, there was also Louis Williams, a nuclear warhead that could explode at any time.

   You know, Lu Wei and Link have both rushed to each other this season. In the game against the Lakers in December last year, Link finally scored 48 points before he evened Lu Wei.

   His joining undoubtedly made the Rockets' already terrifying firepower more intense.

   No wonder the Houston media and fans think that the Rockets can challenge the Grizzlies. After all, their lineup is really not bad.

   While thinking, the referee threw the ball high.

   Capela easily won the first shot from Gasol, and the Rockets got the opportunity to take the initiative.

   Since it is the playoffs, there is no need to hide it. Link directly faced Harden as soon as he came up, exactly the same as when the two sides met in the last regular season match.

   The playoffs don't really do it with real swordsmanship, so when do you have to wait?

   The last time the two sides played against each other in the regular season, the Rockets lost miserably and were put into garbage time by the Grizzlies.

   That game was because Link defended Harden as soon as he came up, which led to his lack of preparation.

   But today, Harden came prepared. He knew what was going on in the playoffs, so he was ready to face Link's defense.

   The beard is not nervous, he leisurely calls Capella to cover.

   With Capella's high-quality cover, Harden accelerated the breakthrough.

   However, he had just made one step forward, and suddenly retreated to beyond the three-point line!

   "Damn, here it comes!" Link hurriedly rushed out. In his impression, Harden's three-point retreat really became superb, and it should be next season.

   It seems that his own oppression forced Harden to accelerate the pace of progress.

   Link’s interference was very timely, but he knew that for Harden, it was not enough.

   Sure enough, the basketball finally made a hollow net, and the Rockets made a good start as soon as they came up!

   "Go in, Harden hits Link's head as soon as he comes up. Don't blink, this game is wonderful!"

  Kevin Harlan couldn't help applauding Harden. This kind of picture of scoring a goal under Link's defense is not visible everywhere.

After    scored a goal, the live camera gave Harden a close-up of his face.

   I saw Harden frowning tightly, and a strong murderous intent leaked between his brows.

   This time, Harden really hopes to lead the team to win! And as soon as it came up, it set a good example.

   After Harden scored, the cheers in the Federal Express Arena increased. Because at this time, everyone wants to see Link respond.

   Link can always respond after the opponent scores, he is the king of response.

   Link himself has never deliberately wanted to respond to the ball, but he knows that he must not let the Rockets play confident as soon as they open the game.

   For opponents like the Rockets who have convulsive attributes on the entire team, once they are confident, their feel will accumulate crazily.

   It is quite dangerous to let the Rockets feel overwhelming.

   So, I must respond anyway!

   Conley was entangled by Beverly as always. The Rockets didn't plan to make the Grizzlies feel better, and raised the defensive strength to the highest level when he came up.

   However, the skilled Conley still managed to safely control the ball beyond the three-point line and start to organize the offense.

   Link has been looking for opportunities, and he madly dives into every gap and gap.

   However, Conley gave the ball to Wade with this attack.

   After Wade came out from the inside and received the basketball, he made a breakthrough to the left, but in the next step he plunged to the right of Harden!

   Harden couldn't react and was surpassed by Wade instantly!

   Wade's form in the playoffs is indeed very good. In the last round, he averaged 18.8 points per game against the Blazers.

   Once the playoffs arrive, former superstars such as Wade will always perform like a back light.

   Today is no exception. Wade's off-ball running and ball-holding breakthroughs are excellent.

   If you want to give him a score, you can give him 9 points.

   Seeing Harden was completely out of position, Capela had to help defend and prepare for a head-on duel with Wade.

   But just after Wade stepped into the penalty area, he suddenly shook his wrist and quickly passed the ball to the left corner!

   "Break through the goal, Link is in place! Link and Wade are in a tacit understanding!" Kevin Harlan shouted, and Bill Simmons beside him smiled gleefully.

   Now, Houstonians should always know what to do with daydreaming!

   Link took advantage of Jokic's off-the-ball screen to get rid of Ariza, and Wade's pass was delivered in time. He got almost a total of open shots.

  All the fans on the scene raised their arms to celebrate the goal, and Link almost never missed the open position!

   But this time, Link wasted a series of gorgeous performances before Wade.

   Link's shot was very timely, and it seemed that he completed the shot before Ariza interfered.

   But in the end, the basketball didn't make a hit. Link didn't seize this great opportunity!


   Seeing the basketball knocking out of the frame, Link shouted himself.

   His shooting feels as bad as it was when he warmed up.

   Seeing Link missed a shot, D'Antoni, the mustache on the sidelines, lit up.

   Yeah, even Michael Jordan had a 9-for-35 shooting night. Could it be that today, the Rockets just caught up! ?

   D'Antoni became excited in an instant. God helped me!

   Of course, just an ordinary missed shot is not enough to explain Link's status.

   But I don’t know why, D'Antoni is very confident.

   Bill Simmons curled his lips, and dismissed Link’s just now: "The game has just begun. It's normal to take some time to find the feel."

   Simmons knows Link too much. Throughout his career, he may not have a good shooting feel for less than five times.

   Simmons didn't believe that the Rockets were so lucky, and happened to be able to run into one of them.

   However, in the next few rounds, Link was stunned to shoot twice in a row!

   Once it was Link's best emergency stop mid-shot, and it hit the basket neck. Once it was a three-pointer after receiving a pass from Jokic, but it was still a miss.

   Looking back at Harden, today's condition with Link seems to be exactly the same.

   As soon as he came up, he scored a jumper with a step back under Link's defense. This has already demonstrated Harden's good offensive feeling today.

   After this, he was even more out of control, hitting two consecutive goals!

   Until the end of the first quarter, Link still didn't make a shot.

"29 to 23, the Houston Rockets led the Grizzlies by 6 points! Link only scored 1 of 5 shots in the first quarter, and only 5 points were recorded! In contrast, Harden scored 11 points on 3 of 4 shots in the first quarter! Say, in terms of performance in the first quarter, Harden finished Link!"

   At the end of the first quarter, Kevin Harlan couldn't help but use all the beautiful words on Harden.

   This may be the perfect first quarter that Harden has played this season!

   D'Antoni danced with If he could win his first victory at the Federal Express Arena, just think about it, you know how much it will boost the morale of the team!

   The camera was given to Link on the bench, his expression was serious, gritted his teeth.

   Throughout the first quarter, Link missed a shot. The only goal in a sports game was to break through the basket.

  The Memphis fans on the scene were all dumbfounded. They had never encountered Link's inaccurate shot in the playoffs!

   "It seems that the game situation is not moving in the direction you expected, Bill. Now, the momentum is all on the Rockets' side. Do you think Link can get back the feeling of shooting?"

   After Kevin Haran finished complimenting Harden, he launched a "soul torture" on Simmons.

   "I don't know, the shooting feel is so mysterious and mysterious. But..."

  Many Houston fans and the media are looking forward to the embarrassment of Simmons who opposes them and want to see him embarrassed on the TV. But Simmons chuckled softly when he was halfway talking.

   "...but I believe that in addition to shooting, Link has many ways to influence the game. Believe me, it is not that simple to bring down a superstar!"

   Simmons' words are interpreted by many people as "dead duck beak", but he himself is still full of confidence.

   If Link could be defeated so easily, he would not have his head shaved on the spot.

   How does a superstar affect the game when the shot is inaccurate?

   Now, it's time for Link to hand over his answer sheet.



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