Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and sixty-three: People more excited than Link

   The Grizzlies, Warriors and Cavaliers all reached the conference finals with 8 wins and 0 losses, which really made the fans excited.

  For now, you can't predict who will win the final crown among these three teams.

   Indeed, from the regular season record, the Grizzlies are naturally the best. Their record of 75 wins is enough to put everyone on their feet.

   But the Cavaliers have proved that the regular season record does not explain much.

   During the regular season, the Cavaliers have less than 55 wins, but this does not prevent them from playing well enough in the playoffs.

   8-0 to advance to the conference finals, even in the East, this is a very remarkable dominance!

   These three strong teams have stoked the appetite of the fans. If it is only a single one, then the playoffs will be nothing to watch.

   is that there must be fierce competition so that the fans can fully feel the fun of this sport!

   The Cavaliers, Grizzlies and Warriors are enough to make the competition fierce.

   After waiting so long, the most exciting part of the season finally arrived.

   In the Western Conference Finals, 75 wins against the Grizzlies vs. 67 wins against the Warriors!

   This exaggerated strong dialogue will be staged soon!

   Both teams are currently winning the playoffs, but everyone believes that their unbeaten status will end here.

   Whether it's the Grizzlies or the Warriors, they can't completely retreat in the Western Conference Finals.

   The game has not yet started, and NBA officials have begun to build momentum for this round of the series.

   The slogan "The Greatest Western Conference Finals in History" was used in advertising.

   But thinking about it carefully, the alliance's propaganda is really not exaggerated at all.

   A team that has just established three consecutive championships within two years, and one is the defending champion last season.

   One team won 75 this season and one team won 74 last season.

   A team with the greatest player of this era, a team with the most luxurious lineup of this era.

   Both teams have shown strong enough dominance in their divisions in the regular season this year.

   This year's Western Conference Finals is truly the strongest VS the strongest.

   Link watched the advertisement on TV, and he couldn't wait.

   Revenge against the Warriors, this is what Link was planning last summer!

   Since last summer, Link has been thinking about how to regain the Grizzlies championship.

   Now, I have finally reached this point.

   is like playing a long RPG game, experiencing a series of adventures and powerful enemies, and finally walked in front of the BOSS.

  The feeling of the coming battle makes Link very excited.

  RPG game may only take the player dozens of hours, but Link walked in front of the warriors, but it took a whole year!

   From the recruitment of Wade and Nash in the offseason last year, the four young men, Jokic, Richardson, Harrell and Dinwiddie, went to the training camp.

   For this battle, Link has been preparing for too long.

  So that, two days before the start of the game, Link got up early and went out.

  Because he really couldn't sit still at home, he just wanted to go to the basketball court to sweat.

   Although it was still early morning when Link drove out, the sun was already very dazzling.

   Summer is here again.

   For a professional player playing in the NBA, summer means a lot.

   may stand on top of the world, and may get nothing.

   But one thing is certain-NBA players' summer will never be plain!

   Since becoming a professional player, Link has spent several summers in Memphis.

  Some are happy, some are depressed.

   This summer, Link hopes to open a new chapter!

   After arriving at the Federal Express Arena early and changing his clothes, Link thought he would be the first person to come today.

   However, when he stepped into the training hall, he realized that he was second again.

   Before, when Jimmy Butler was still there, he was usually the first to come.

   And now, the first person to come is often Dinwiddie.

   But today, when Link stepped into the training hall, he found Jokic!

   This surprised Link.

   "Link, are you here so early?" Jokic was obviously surprised as well. He put down the basketball and waved at Link.

   "What makes me come so early, I still want to ask you. Why? You also have insomnia?" Link walked up to Jokic with interest.

   Jokic is a hard-working player, no doubt, but he is by no means the hardest.

   He may be one of the earliest players every day, but he can never be the earliest player.

   Two years, Link has never seen Jokic the first to come to the training hall.

   Jokic is different from most of the players who counterattack in the second round.

   This guy fell into the second round, purely because his talent was obscured by his weight.

   In fact, Jokic's talent is unmatched by a normal second-round pick.

   So you can say that Jokic is able to counterattack successfully. In addition to hard work, he does have the talent to help.

   In short, Jokic is by no means a training freak. But today, he was the first to appear on the training ground.

   "I... I just felt a little unable to sit still, so I came." Jokic scratched his head and laughed embarrassedly.

   "Can't sit still? Is it possible... You are excited because you are about to confront Green?" Link squinted and saw through Jokic's careful thoughts.

   This guy is very similar to himself.

   Rio 2016 Olympics, Serbia missed the chance to kill the dream team in the group stage. In the finals, unfortunately, he lost to the Dream Team twice and passed the Olympic champion.

   These two losses played a very important role in promoting Jokic’s transition from a boy to a man.

   Jokic didn't answer, and Link considered him acquiesced. Sure enough, that guy is still thinking about last summer's defeat!

   To be precise, it is not just the Olympic Games. In the Western Conference Finals last season, Jokic was also abused by Green.

   For Jokic, facing Green and the Warriors, UU reading is like facing his inner fear and shadow.

   If he can turn over, he is bound to grow further!

   However, this is indeed a good thing.

   Jokic has always put on a desperate appearance on the basketball court. God knows how powerful that guy can burst out when his desire to win is overwhelming.

   This season, Jokic has become a well-known qualified starter. Experts, the evaluation of Jokic is also very high.

   However, the power contained in this "pork belly" does not stop there.

   The next round of the series is the time for Jokic to show off his talent!

   "Okay, no nonsense. Come so early, you can't just use it to chat. Come on, start shooting practice!" Link picked up the basketball on the ground and stuffed it into Jokic's arms.

   Jokic smiled and started shooting from beyond the three-point line.

  From the first trial for Grizzlies, the plank lasted for less than 20 seconds, and then went to Barcelona for a physical examination, but was returned because of being too fat...

   Speaking of it, Jokic also found that many things have happened between himself and the Grizzlies Link.

   But when looking at the championship pennants in the training hall and the competition venue, Jokic couldn't find any sympathy.

  Because he has never experienced the feeling of standing on the top since he came to Grizzlies.

   Therefore, this year, he will also go all out to strive to leave his mark on the championship pennant!

   After this, I am very Anjie after training. Only the wonderful notes made by the Nets' tumbling filled the empty training hall...



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