Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and sixty four: From villain to hero

   This is the third consecutive year that the Grizzlies and the Warriors have met at the top of the West.

   This is the first time in NBA history that two teams can meet in the Western Conference Finals for three consecutive years.

   It is already very difficult for a team to reach the Western Conference Finals for three consecutive years, let alone two identical teams.

   This is enough to show how strong the Grizzlies and the Warriors have ruled the West.

  Although this is the third consecutive year to watch two of the same teams play the Western Conference Finals, the fans are not bored at all.

   After all, the three games between the Grizzlies and the Warriors in the Western Conference Finals were different.

   When they first met, the grizzly bears were still in full swing. The warriors at that time were still a little immature, and it was the first time they showed their potential in front of everyone.

   When they met for the second time, the Grizzlies were full of wounded soldiers, and they walked a lot of meritorious players during the three consecutive championships. On the other hand, the Warriors introduced Durant, and Curry and Thompson really matured.

   And this time for the third time, both sides are in their true heyday!

   Therefore, this is probably the most exciting of the three duels between the two sides!

   Therefore, fans have not complained at all about watching the same two teams play the Western Conference Finals for three consecutive years.

   Although the teams are the same, the situation is different every year. It can still bring freshness to the fans.

   The Grizzlies and the Warriors can truly be called the pinnacle of the Western Conference!

   Before the start of this year's game, the two sides had less verbal battles and less verbal abuse.

   It can be seen that the players of both teams want to prepare for the game wholeheartedly.

   In the past few years, even this year's regular season, they have scolded enough.

   And most of these curse battles ended with Link's victory.

   Therefore, Durant and Green have also learned well this time. Since you can't scold, it's better to just shut up and prove yourself with the performance on the basketball court.

   Link is not a person who takes the initiative to take the initiative. The reason why he is regarded as a villain is because his counterattacks are generally very powerful.

   But in fact, Link rarely initiates trouble.

   This may be the quietest time in three years before the start of the game between the two sides.

   However, although the players on both sides did not fight in advance, the fans on both sides could not sit still.

   A few days before the start of the game, the scolding war among fans on the Internet has entered a heated stage.

   This kind of focus match, it is hard not to cause a fierce introduction from the fans. And most of these discussions will eventually turn into mutual abuse.

   However, it is different from the past. This year, there are obviously more fans supporting the Grizzlies on the Internet than supporting the Warriors.

   The fact that Durant joined the Warriors originally disgusted many fans. This year, the Warriors' various show operations have caused their popularity to plummet.

  During the regular season, Durant and Green learned from Link's cough, and they have also been labeled as "villains."

   In the last round of the series, Zaza Pachulia stepped on Leonard, turning the supposedly fierce Western Conference semifinals into a 4-0 sweep, which made the fans even more angry.

   With the blessing of these factors, the Warriors basically received no support from anyone except some diehard fans.

   Therefore, most of the curses on the Internet are also directed at the Warriors.

   Overnight, the Grizzlies gained countless fans. The reason they support the Grizzlies is simply because the Grizzlies' opponents are the Warriors!

   "Damn, I haven't fought such a battle of wealth in this life." Link looked at the reviews on the Internet, and he felt a little magical.

   At this time in the past, almost the whole world was eager for the Grizzlies to lose the game.

   After losing the championship, everyone supported the Grizzlies instead.

   Speaking of it, the Grizzlies’ popularity has really skyrocketed this season.

   Link’s most direct experience is that he no longer feels as a villain.

  Before, he was a villain to disrupt the league and grab the champion.

   But now, he has become the hero who regained the lost honor.

   This role change really made Link a little uncomfortable.

   In short, the Grizzlies now carry not only the hope of Memphis fans, but the hope of most fans around the world.

   It turned out to be supported by so many people, it was such a feeling.

   Link pouted and did not continue to appreciate the scolding of the fans.

  Since the expectations of so many people are burdened, it is natural to make the game more beautiful!

   On the other side, Kevin Durant was sweating in the training hall.

  Although they just killed the Spurs who thought they would be very difficult with a total score of 4 to 0, Durant was not happy at all.

   Durant is a guy who cares about what others think of him. Link can turn a blind eye to the abuse of fans, but Durant can't.

   Every time he sees abuse and accusations on the Internet, Durant gets very angry. In the early days of joining the Warriors, he even published a lot of dynamics in response to the accusations of fans.

   Now, Durant knows that that kind of response won't make any difference, and he doesn't care about those squirts.

   But this does not mean that Durant can face everything calmly.

   External verbal abuse and accusations still upset Durant. Moreover, the result of the Warriors' last match against the Grizzlies in the regular season has also kept Durant on his mind.

   The Warriors and Grizzlies played against each other in the regular season for the last time this season. In the expectations of the Warriors, that should be a turning point for them to regain the first place in the West.

   However, due to Durant's injury, the Warriors were eventually slaughtered 27 points! Moreover, Link also scored an exaggerated 60 points in that game!

   The popularity of 60 points in a single game has even surpassed Devin Booker's 70 points in a single game.

   After all, when Link scored 60 points, he also won the game, and it was the Warriors.

   In that game, Link undoubtedly gave Durant a disarm, and brutally abused his team in front of him.

   This is almost humiliating to Durant!

   This frustration, he has endured it for a long time.

   The next game must be returned in full!

   He missed the chance to surpass the Grizzlies in the regular season, so he will never be defeated again in the playoffs!

   Indeed, neither players scolded each other before the game this year. But this time, it was the most tense atmosphere for the two teams before the game started.

   The tranquility before the storm, it's the current situation.

   The fans' scolding battles escalated day by day, and the atmosphere of the coming war also made the city of Memphis very serious.

   The police force on the street has obviously increased, and everyone is standing up, as if a war will really break out here.

   Finally, on May 14, in the Federal Express Arena and on the outer square of the arena, the fans' emotions were released.

   "Welcome to the Federal Express Arena, I am Kevin Harlan, sitting next to me is Mike Brin. Today, we will bring you a live commentary of this legendary battle!"

   Before the game started, Kevin Harlan had to shout loudly. Because even when the players on both sides warm up, the voices of the fans have drowned the entire arena!

   The scene shots were not given to any players on the court, but to the three championship pennants hanging on the dome of the Federal Express Arena.

"There is no doubt that Link can't wait to continue writing his legend! Four championships in five years, this is Link's goal! Last season, they were eliminated by the This year, let Let's see how it turns out!"

   On the court, neither side greeted each other, and the hostility was very heavy.

   Everyone has been fighting for the whole season, isn't it just for this moment.

   Link took all his teammates to warm up seriously, even Jokic, who is usually a fool, is very serious today.

   Wade also played a twelve-point spirit, he knew that the Grizzlies signed himself for this kind of big scene!

   Soon, the coaches from both sides gathered everyone and made the final deployment. This also means that the game is about to start.

   On the Warriors side, Steve Kerr is emphasizing tactics. As for the Grizzlies, it was Link who spoke.

   Actually, today's tactical strategy, Georgel had already arranged and explained clearly in the tactical meeting yesterday afternoon.

   So, at this time, it's actually not necessarily the head coach to speak.

   Link motioned everyone to form a circle, and everyone hooked each other's shoulders.

   They closed their eyes head to head, shoulder to shoulder.

"Some of us have never won a championship with the Grizzlies, and some have come all the way from the last three consecutive championships. But anyway, those are in the past tense. From now on, we want to Stepping into the court, writing the brilliance that belongs to our group. One, two, three..."


   After Link finished speaking, the others shouted in unison.

   Link looked around his teammates, nodded in satisfaction, and took a deep breath.

   From here, the playoffs really begin!



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