Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and ninety-eight: the last step (five/five)

Link does not know whether the planned three years will pass quickly, but it is an indisputable fact that this offseason will pass quickly.

In the blink of an eye, Link returned to the Federal Express Arena.

He felt like he was scoring consecutively and defeating the Cavaliers here, watching the jokes here with an awkward smile, and being carried on the technical stage by his teammates here, as if it was only not long ago.

But in fact, almost half a year has passed since the summer when the Grizzlies won the championship.

At this time, the fourth championship pennant was hung on the dome of the Federal Express Arena.

Before the start of the regular season opener, Link also got his fourth championship ring.

Jokic and his group of young people are particularly excited, because Link has said that they will also have their own ring.

Now, all this has finally been fulfilled.

In addition to Jokic and the group of young people, there are also old guys who are excited.

Nash, who no longer serves as the Grizzlies player development consultant, was also specially invited to the scene.

The moment he got the championship ring, Nash couldn't help tearing down the stadium.

From Dallas to Phoenix to Los Angeles, Nash spent nearly 0 years chasing this thing.

But I didn't expect that his pursuit was realized in Memphis.

The awarding ceremony of the championship ring is a summary of the Grizzlies' outstanding performance last season.

Of course, fans are more concerned about the future.

Can Link create a second dynasty? Can he continue to rule the alliance?

Even, can it surpass Jordan? ?

The truth of the answer is getting closer.

-The regular season of the season is a relatively easy game for the Grizzlies.

In the east, James' dominance has begun to waver. After losing Owen, a good helper, the Cavaliers' record has been far from ideal.

Isaiah Thomas, Ross and others have been unable to replace Owen due to injuries.

In the West, the Warriors seem to have no interest in competing with the Grizzlies for regular season rankings and seats.

Their offensive is no longer as fierce as in previous years, and the wave of victory and defeat at the beginning is surprising.

Instead, the Houston Rockets, who got Paul this summer, made great strides and became the Grizzlies' new competitor in the regular season.

During the season, the Warriors suffered more serious injuries. Curry, Durant, Thompson and Green have all suffered injuries of varying degrees.

As a result, the Warriors were left far behind by the Grizzlies and Rockets in the regular season.

Fengshui took turns, and the Warriors took advantage of the season when the Grizzlies were full of injuries and won the championship. This year, it was their turn to be unlucky.

In the end, the Grizzlies once again won the first place in the Western Conference.

Although the results are not as beautiful as last season's record-breaking win, there is not much pressure behind them, and the Grizzlies still managed to reach the top.

Looking at the Warriors, they didn't even get 0 wins this year. The Cavaliers were even worse, and they almost didn't win 0!

The entire regular season was completely ruled by the Grizzlies.

In the playoffs, the Warriors were almost overturned by the Rockets in the Western Conference semifinals, and it was not until the tiebreaker.

Had it not been for Chris Paul's injury in the fifth game of the series, God knows if the Warriors can reach the Western Conference Finals.

Facts have proved that the Warriors do not have complete dominance in the West. They are declining like the knights.

Sure enough, in the Western Conference Finals, the Warriors were eliminated by the Grizzlies again. Jokic's growth has left the Warriors helpless.

You know, while the Warriors are slowly declining, the Grizzlies are still getting stronger!

After the finals, the Grizzlies directly beat the Cavaliers with a 0-0 sweep.

LeBron James is difficult to support. After losing Irving, the Cavaliers have absolutely no capital to wrestle with the Grizzlies.

This is the third time in his career that James has been swept in the finals. Everyone predicts that James will make a decision this summer.

After all, in Cleveland, James has no hope at all.

Without a fight, the Grizzlies easily won the fifth championship in team history, and the second consecutive championship.

Compared to last year, the Grizzlies have more obvious advantages. In the entire league, the Grizzlies can't find an opponent at all!

It seems that the third consecutive championship is within easy reach.

In the summer after two consecutive championships, the Grizzlies' championship lineup has undergone some changes.

Two years later, Wade received another offer from the Miami Heat.

Although the amount of 0 million a year is not high, Wade still hopes to finish his last season with the Heat.

So he gave up the chance to chase three consecutive championships and said goodbye to Link.

You can see how sincere Wade's feelings for the Heat are.

How many people in this world can resist the temptation of three consecutive championships? Wade did it.

He also knows that even if he has won three consecutive titles with the Grizzlies, he is only a minor role. The protagonist of the Grizzlies is Link, even Jokic, but it will not be Wade.

But in Miami, he is a well-deserved legend!

Wade hopes to end his career as a legend of the Heat.

Although Wade's departure is regrettable, the Grizzlies' dominance has not wavered.

After all, Dinwiddie and others who have grown up can completely replace Wade's position.

Except for the Grizzlies, almost the entire league reshuffled this summer.

After James was swept again, he really made a decision 0. He left his hometown again with regret and traveled west to Los Angeles to join the Lakers.

After Leonard and the Spurs lasted a whole year of "fighting games", he and DeRozan exchanged owners and joined the Raptors.

Carmelo Anthony joined the Rockets to form the Big Three.

Durant stayed behind the Warriors and decided to fight Link for another year.

This summer can be said to have completely changed the league pattern, but the Grizzlies challenger still seems to have not appeared.

-This season, the focus of the NBA's publicity is Link's second three consecutive championships!

Jokes are now smarter. Instead of playing Link, he started to praise Link instead.

Facts have proved that following the fans' meaning is king.

With Link's current super popularity, the joke has no capital to challenge Link.

With the help of the propaganda concept of "Link's second three consecutive championships", the-season has become particularly eye-catching.

In the east, the rise of the Bucks, Raptors and people has also changed the boring situation of the dominance of the east.

It seems that this season will be very interesting.

However, this year's regular season, the Grizzlies played easier than last season.

No team in the West has more than 0 wins. The Rockets dropped from second to fourth last season when Paul was absent from most games.

The Warriors were still desperate in the regular season, giving up the first place in the Western Conference.

The most unexpected is James' Lakers. People thought that James would compete with Link in the West.

Unexpectedly, the Lakers simply did not make the playoffs.

After reaching the finals for eight consecutive years, James can finally take an early vacation.

In the playoffs, the Warriors suffered a fatal blow-Durant was injured.

Without Durant, the Warriors lost their only capital to compete with the Grizzlies.

In this year's Western Conference Finals, Link played extremely easily, because the Warriors simply couldn't find a player who could compete with Link.

Than, this time, the Grizzlies did a clean job and the gentleman swept. The myth of the Golden State Warriors is officially shattered!

This year, instead of James as the king of the East, it is unexpectedly not Antetokounmpo nor Embiid, but Leonard.

With the rise of newcomers such as Siakam and Van Fleet, the seemingly not luxurious Raptors were taken all the way to the finals by Leonard.

Leonard certainly did not expect that when he and Link agreed to meet in the Western Conference Finals, they would meet in the Finals.

The ratings of this year's finals finally satisfied the joke.

Because the game was finally no longer one-sided, the Raptors gave the Grizzlies a lot of trouble. This may be the most difficult round of the finals the Grizzlies have played in recent years.

Leonard definitely has the strength to challenge Link, and Siakam has also caused great trouble for the Grizzlies.

In the first game, Siakam scored with this incredible shooting rate!

The Raptors beat the Grizzlies by 0 and are ahead of 0!

At that time, people exclaimed that Link's era was about to turn around, and the second three consecutive championships would be shattered.

But in the second game, Link quickly proved that what is your uncle or your uncle.

He scored wildly, and scored 0+ in the playoffs for the seventh time in his career. It is only one game short of Jordan's record of eight times!

In addition to scoring, Link also limited Leonard's shooting percentage to 0. It can be said that it blasted Leonard into scum.

As for Siakam, Georgel gave Harrell, who had grown up, to the starting lineup.

As a result, Siakam only made a full-court shot, with a hit rate of less than 0.

Again, the Grizzlies are still getting stronger! Link is strong enough, but his helper is still getting stronger.

In the third game, the Raptors took the lead again with a burst of three points. But after that, the Grizzlies did not give the Raptors any chance.

After winning the fourth and fifth games in a row, in the sixth game in Toronto, Link scored a rebound and assists and scored a 0-point triple-double again.

The veteran Iguodala also returned to the light, came forward at the critical moment, and scored points in the audience.

This guy hasn't forgotten that his mission is to assist Link, even if he is old.

But as long as Link needs it, he has to play the role of Pippen.

At the last moment, Link scored a key three-pointer against Leonard, and then smashed Siakam, completely ruining the Raptors' victory.

Compared to 0, the Grizzlies struggled to win the sixth game to disappoint the Toronto fans!

Although the Raptors are only difference, they have no chance.

The overall score ratio, the Raptors really make people shine, they let the Grizzlies encounter a real threat, let the fans see a truly wonderful finals.

Unfortunately, they still did not overthrow Link's rule.

The myth of two consecutive championships has officially become a reality!

When Link won the O'Brien Cup for the third consecutive year, he himself felt a little dazed.

The three years as promised at the beginning, instantly only the last year is left.

Sure enough, just a blink of an eye.

What seemed out of reach at the beginning to become the greatest road, now there is only the last step left.



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