Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and ninety-nine: Influence after two dynasties (1/5)

The NBA Annual Awards Ceremony in 0 years returned to the Barker Hangar Exhibition Center in Santa Monica, California.

In the previous two years, the award ceremony launched by Jokes was not very successful.

Not to mention the low ratings, fans and stars are also unable to raise their energy.

Because the regular season awards will be awarded after the championship has been decided, it is somewhat of an afterthought.

Last year, even Harden didn't bother to show up, which shows how watery this awards ceremony is.

But this time the situation is completely different.

This year's annual awards ceremony has become a lot of attention before it even started, and t TV has, as always, got the right to broadcast. This year, they finally don't have to worry about the problem of low ratings.

Because of this year's annual awards ceremony, there is one biggest suspense-whether Link can make the regular season vp three consecutive games!

Of course, if there are only gimmicks and no protagonists, then this year's annual awards ceremony is nothing to look forward to.

No matter how grand it is, it will only end up as embarrassing as the previous two years.

After all, who would want to watch a movie without a protagonist? Who would want to see a joke coming out to address Link?

So the reason why this year's awards ceremony is so much attention, in addition to the biggest suspense, is also because Link will attend the awards ceremony for the first time!

When Link announced that he would attend this year's awards ceremony, the originally half-dead awards ceremony instantly became hot.

All fans are looking forward to the award ceremony. In addition to fans, even many NBA stars have also announced that they will attend this year's event.

LeBron James, Anthony Davis, Stephen Curry and even Kobe Bryant have all announced that they will participate in this year's awards ceremony as guests.

In the previous two years, since the award ceremony was really not hot, none of these real super-big names participated.

But this year, due to Link's relationship, a group of popular monsters have gathered together.

With Link's vp three-linked Zhuang and so many big names, the NBA's annual awards ceremony finally reached what the joke wanted.

It can be said that Link saved the entire event by himself, just like he saved the NBA dunk contest.

Of course, all this is inseparable from Xiao Hua's efforts over the past two years.

In the past two years, he didn't disgust Link anymore and even gave Link more freedom.

When Link stubbornly speaks badly in the media, he will no longer receive a fine.

When Link teaches those dishonest opponents, he will not be suspended.

And something like a backward post is even more impossible to appear on the Grizzlies.

In the past, the Grizzlies and Link were villains despised by the Alliance. But now, he is held in the palm of the hand by the league.

In short, just lick Link comfortably.

So this year, Lin Ke agreed to participate in the annual awards ceremony because of the opportunity to be a vp three-linked village.

As a result, the popularity of the annual awards ceremony reached the highest in history.

This is the appeal of the first man in the alliance.

Countless stars are vying to get the chance to enter the scene, and some really want to witness Link's miracle of winning the vp trophy for three consecutive years.

And some, just want to rub Link's heat.

On the night of the award ceremony, Memphis was full of people. Almost everyone watches TV at home, watching their heroes perform at the awards ceremony.

At least half of the large LED screens in Memphis are live broadcast of the awards ceremony.

With the joining of Link, the NBA's annual awards ceremony has truly reached the level of an annual event.

And such influence was created by Link himself.

When Link won the O'Brien Cup two weeks ago, he was destined to be the greatest player of this era.

You don't even need to add the word "one" after the greatest.

Six championships in seven years, two three consecutive championships, two dynasties.

Since Michael Jordan, no player can do such an exaggerated thing.

It used to be said that Link ruled the second decade of the century.

But now, it is no exaggeration to say that Link is the greatest player since the league entered the century!

Look at the other great stars of the century. LeBron James has only one ring and lost to Link five times in the finals.

Kevin Durant also only has one ring, and has also been dominated by Link for many years.

Carmelo Anthony is now directly without the ball to play, and the number of championship rings is still 0.

Wade, who has just retired, has four rings, but two of them were taken with Link.

Vince Carter had four rings, but all four were taken by Link after getting old.

Tim Duncan, who has created a triple crown for five years, only has four rings. Originally, Duncan had the opportunity to wear the championship ring on one hand. But unfortunately, he lost to Link this season.

Don't talk about the championship, Chris Paul, he is still looking for a chance to touch the floor in the Western Conference, but it is said that the Rockets are already trying to sell him.

As for the two top picks Griffin and Wall in the same year as Link, they are even more incomparable.

The former is now desperate to pass the first round of the playoffs, and the latter has disappeared for a long time due to injuries.

From the century to the present, Kobe is the only one who can be compared with Link.

But in terms of hard honor, Link has also left Kobe too much.

Kobe has five championships and Link has six. And for Kobe's five championships, the span between the first three and the last two is too long. Therefore, it cannot be said to have ruled an era.

But Link's two three consecutive championships are only one year apart, which is absolutely undoubted dominance.

Link has five vp and may even get a sixth tonight, while Kobe has only one.

Kobe has only two fvp, and the number of Link is three times that of Kobe.

So Kobe is only the closest to Link.

This is the result of the comparison between the great stars of the century and Link.

Two dynasties, this is something that many people would not even dare to imagine. This seems to be a privilege that "gods" have.

But this summer, Link made it a reality!

Therefore, people also enshrine him as the **** of this age.

Now, on top of Link's head, there is really only Michael Jordan left.

No one has ever been so close to Jordan, not only in honor, but in dominance!

Back then, all teams would be frightened to see Jordan. As if now, the Grizzlies are the most threatening team in the league.

Back then, Jordan's existence was directly linked to the income of the alliance. During the time he retired, the league's ratings plummeted. As soon as he came back, there was another NBA boom around the world.

It's like now, as long as there is no Link, no one will watch the award ceremony.

That year, Jordan's jerseys and sneakers sales were beyond the reach of others. As if now, Link has ranked first in the jersey sales list for six consecutive years.

His Link series sneakers have also been favored by more and more stars and fans.

Nike even deliberately created a brand for Link directly as it did with Jordan!

From hard honor to influence, Link is the man closest to Jordan.

How close is it? Close to the point where most people think he can surpass Jordan!

In the past, when people mentioned whether a certain player would surpass Jordan, the response was often only ridicule.

But Link is different. When people raise the question of whether Link will surpass Jordan, everyone starts to think seriously.

The establishment of this second dynasty completely changed Link's historical status.

If you say that before, Link was still a star in the same class as Kobe and Duncan. So now, he has become second only to Jordan, the only existence.

In the eyes of most people, Link has achieved fame and he has no regrets in his career.

But Link didn't want to let it go. His goal was not to become the greatest in the century, but the greatest in history!

If he can achieve four consecutive horrific titles and further expand his influence

Link believes that surpassing Jordan is no longer just empty talk.

Of course, vp Sanlianzhuang is also a thing that can expand its influence. The most important thing is that this is something that even Jordan has not done.

In the history of nba, there are only three people who can do vp three-linked village.

Among them, Russell and "Zhang Twenty Thousand" were both made in ancient times and do not have much reference value.

In the history of modern basketball, only Larry Bird can win the vp for three consecutive years.

After that, Sanlian vp became a legend.

But today, at this highly anticipated awards ceremony, another legend is about to be broken by Link.

Michael Jordan's position has become more and more dangerous.



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