Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand two hundred and eight: Another lick

Getting a call from Dwight Howard surprised Link.

After all, Howard can be regarded as one of Link's enemies. When Howard was in the Rockets, the two sides formed a bridge.

It's trivial to spray trash talk on the court. Howard and Grizzlies players even broke out several physical conflicts.

At that time, Howard was very angry, not only Yu Link, but also Kobe, Garnett and others who were very high in the league at that time.

Link has never been a generous person, so he hasn't had a good impression of Howard until now.

Therefore, even if the Grizzlies urgently need a high-quality blue-collar center, even if there are no more people in the free agency market, Link and the Grizzlies management never considered Howard.

I just didn't expect that Howard actually took the initiative to send it to the door.

Link was still hesitant to answer the call, but when he thought of Howard's low posture this summer, he answered.

First listen to what he is going to do, if it doesn't work, just hang up.


"Link, I thought you wouldn't answer my call, great!" On the call, Howard seemed very pleased.

"What's the matter?" Link's attitude is still cold, and his attitude towards Rose is completely different.

"Hahaha, I just heard rumors saying that you are looking for a center forward. Link, I can help you, really!"

"You can't help me, Dwight. Besides, signings are management's business, you don't need to call me." Link curled his lips, it turned out to be a "sales call."

"I know that if you don’t nod, the Grizzlies management won’t sign me. Let’s meet, Link. It’s okay anywhere, I can go to Memphis to find you. I can do anything, pick and roll, Defense, rebounds, I don’t even need the ball. The previous one is dead, Link, I just want a chance."

Howard had another good meal at Link, which even made Link think that it was not Howard who was calling him.

What was Howard before? Self-conceit, high self-esteem, and ugly speech. Starting from the Lakers, to the Rockets, Hawks, Hornets and Wizards, he has had problems in the locker room of every team.

Such a "dressing room cancer", do you expect him to speak well?

But at this time, Howard put his posture super low.

These days, Link also saw a lot of news related to Howard on the Internet.

He has already apologized for the incident with Kobe Bryant, and said that now he only wants to focus on the game.

In short, the attitude has completely changed from the previous 180°.

But on second thoughts, this guy still has a bunch of illegitimate children waiting for alimony. If he can't find a job this season, he will probably go crazy.

Is Howard really mature? Link didn't know.

But under the pressure of life, it is indeed easier for a man to mature.

"Link?" Seeing Link didn't answer for a long time, Howard asked again.

"I am not a place to play happily basketball. Next season, our goal is to win four consecutive championships. This is a difficult goal. Guys who don't want to win can't find their place here. So, Dwight, it's easier to go. Right place, Memphis is not for you, I'm serious." Link finally rejected Howard.

The atmosphere in the dressing room of the Grizzlies has been very good these years, and this is also the basis for the Grizzlies to establish two dynasties. Link does not dare to risk breaking this atmosphere.

After Link finished speaking, he was about to hang up, but he heard Howard's low voice: "I just want a chance for redemption, Link. I know you don’t like me. If I want to go to a more relaxing place, I won’t call I called you. Believe it or not, I want to win now. I understand Kobe now. To win, I can do anything. Really, if you don’t believe me, you can even sign a non-profit. Guaranteed contract. If I do not do anything well, you can lay off me at any time."

Just about to press the hang up button, Link suddenly hesitated. Howard's posture was too low. As a former superstar, can you even accept non-guaranteed contracts now?

Non-guaranteed contracts are generally signed by players who have lost drafts and development leagues. Even a mediocre ordinary rotation player will never be willing to accept non-guaranteed contracts.

To put it bluntly, a non-guaranteed contract means that whenever the team wants to throw you away, you can be waived like trash at almost no cost.

"I won't believe you until you prove it, Dwight. Call your manager to contact the management, and they will arrange interviews and trial training for you."

"What!?" Hearing this, Howard couldn't limit it.

Link promised himself! ?

"Don't hear it, so be it." Link finished speaking and finally hung up the phone.

He didn't like Howard, and he still doesn't.

But Howard's mentality has indeed changed dramatically this summer.

Link believes that people can change, let alone a man in his 30s.

See what that guy can do, and it's not too late to make a decision.

Regardless of all preconceptions, Howard is indeed an excellent blue-collar center. Although his strength is far from his peak, his playing style is not suitable for this era of space.

But after all, the foundation is there, and it's good to do some dirty work on the bench.

The key is whether Howard is willing to do the dirty work. This is the crux of the problem and the reason why he was abandoned time and time again.

People obviously only want to sign a senior blue-collar, but Howard regards himself as the core.

It's weird to be able to integrate into the team in this way.

Asking to play the pick-and-roll and not to play, not happy without the ball, who is used to you now?

But what if Howard is willing to accept his role?

Link didn't continue to think, anyway, let's see how that guy will do afterwards.

After all, there are almost no high-quality centers that can still be signed.


If you want to know what the real ups and downs of life are, then look at the experience of Dwight Howard.

In 2004, he entered the career as the last high school student in NBA history. He played all 82 games as a starter in the rookie season.

Because of his explosive style and likable character, he immediately became a popular player.

He smiled every day to face anyone, even his opponent.

The dunk played by Superman in the dunk contest made Howard's popularity soar. Everyone likes this player who is good-looking and funny.

In addition to character and popularity, Howard's strength is beyond doubt.

He led the team to defeat James' Cavaliers and reached the finals. He was a man who personally destroyed 24VS23.

After leading the team to the Finals that year, he was also known as the only player in the league who could change James alone.

At his peak, he averaged 22.9 points, 14.1 rebounds and 2.4 blocks per game. He was the best defensive player for three consecutive years and was selected for the best team five times.

During the time when Yao Ming and O'Neal disappeared, he was definitely the best center in the league.

Such a guy, according to the regular script, should win the championship in a certain year, and then go to the pinnacle of life.

But this is not the case. After joining the Lakers in the 12-13 season, Dwight Howard changed Howard's continuous injuries, ups and downs of investment, and the league's quiet "small ball revolution" , Let him gradually fall behind from the ranks of the league elite.

However, he does not have a clear understanding of this, and he still regards himself as a big-name player. He was unwilling to put down his body to change himself, but instead blamed others.

After leaving the Rockets, he changed four teams in three years and lived a life of displacement. His uncertain performance has discouraged many teams from him. His bad relationship with his teammates caused him to be thrown around.

In the end, after only playing 9 games last season, he was reduced to the point where there was no ball to play.

This is Dwight Howard's career, a perfect interpretation of what is called a cliff drop.

To be honest, Link did not have any expectations of Howard. He thought that the guy licked so badly just to find a cash cow so that he could continue to earn the support of his illegitimate children.

However, when Howard came to the Federal Express Arena one afternoon early for personal training, Link found that the guy seemed to be serious this time.


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