Reverse Growth Superstar

: 1209: Humble Master Huo

After talking on the phone with Link, Howard quickly contacted the Grizzlies management.

As a result, trial training and interviews were quickly arranged.

Under normal circumstances, Howard does not need to report in advance. He only needs to show up on time on the day of the trial and interview, which is polite enough.

However, what the Grizzlies management never expected was that Howard actually came for personal training a day in advance.

In his words: "I hope to adapt to this place in advance and play a better state in the trial training."

Link naturally wouldn't be too busy to go to see Howard, but he was a little surprised to learn that Howard appeared early.

This attitude is really Howard?

If Howard had this attitude in the Lakers back then, he and Kobe wouldn't have a fight.

That night, Howard also sent a text message to Link, asking him to participate in his own interview and trial tomorrow.

Strictly speaking, Link is a descendant of Howard. When Link entered the league as a failed draft pick, Howard was already a superstar.

In the NBA league, seniority is still more important. No matter how good you are, you generally have to respect three-pointers when facing senior players. In most cases, the predecessors are not so low-pitched to the younger ones.

For example, Tony Allen and Randolph last season, their strength is no longer as good as Jokic and Dinwiddie and other young people, but Jokic and Dinwiddie still have to listen to those two old guys.

But now, as a senior, Howard treats Link as an interviewer.

This suffices to show that Howard really put his posture very low, lower than in front of the media.

Has that guy really changed? The answer will be known tomorrow.


At noon the next day, Link drove to his home court.

At this time, outside the Federal Express Arena, several huge posters of newly joined players have been hung up.

The brothers of Ross, Jie Michael Green, and Morris, next season, Link will fight alongside them.

For the above four people, Link still has some expectations. But for Howard, I don't know why, Link just can't be interested.

After all, it's really hard for you to imagine how a person can suddenly change so much.

When the car was parked and walked into the training hall, several staff members were already testing Howard's various data on the field.

But Link couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw Howard on the court.

The figure of Howard is a full circle thinner than before!

"Surprised? I was also taken aback. It is said that he strictly controlled his diet this summer and trained frantically. He lost 25 pounds in four weeks! His figure has returned to its best shape in recent years, of course, also Gives him greater mobility."

Beside Link, Dave Georg looked at Howard with a smile on his face.

In today's era, the standard requirements of centers must be able to attack and eat bread, defensively can be delayed, move fast, can help defend and protect the basket.

With Howard's style, large-scale delays are simply impossible, and it is normal to squat and fail to come out. Once he was misplaced for defense, he was beaten into a sieve every minute.

After weight loss, Howard's shortcomings will be significantly improved.

25 pounds, that's more than 20 catties of meat. It is impossible to lose so much weight without improving flexibility.

Although this can't directly make Howard a top defense expert, he won't be caught and beaten up.

It can be seen that Howard began to adapt to the times and began to actively seek change. These are things he could not do before.

Throughout the trial training, Howard showed his good athletic and physical condition.

Although only nine games were played last season, it is almost the same as season reimbursement. But it can be seen that he spent a lot of energy to keep in shape.

"How? He does meet our requirements." After watching Howard's trial, Georgel turned to ask Link.

Howard wiped his sweat with a towel while watching Link and Jorge on the sidelines.

Although he used to be rivals and even rivals with Link.

But Howard knows very well that now he needs Link nod to find a job.

In the Grizzlies, it's useless for Chris Wallace to nod, and it's useless for Dave Georg to nod.

Only those who are approved by Link can stay in Memphis.

"That also depends on whether he can accept his role." Link didn't make a conclusion so quickly, after all, it was not his ability but his attitude that limited Howard.

After the trial, Link and Georg went to the head coach's office to wait for Howard to change clothes.

In less than ten minutes, Howard, who had just been sweating on the training ground, cleaned up and appeared in front of Link and Georgel.

"Hello, I'm so glad you can come today, Link." Howard greeted with a grin after entering the door. Link hadn't seen Howard's face for a while.

"Let's ask you a few questions, Dwight." Georgel didn't greet him, but went directly to the subject.

Link didn't say a word, just like a strict interviewer.

It's a job to love a job.

"I can answer any questions, coach!" Howard spread his hands and nodded gently.

"Very well, next season, are you willing to accept the tactical role given to you by the team? Specifically, the offensive presence is relatively low, mainly responsible for defense, doing the dirty work of rebounding and protecting the penalty area."

After Georgel asked this question, Link could already imagine Howard filmed the table and walked away.

If he could accept it, he wouldn't have been so miserable these years.

Howard has been thinking of himself as a super giant all these years, he still doesn't like pick-and-rolls, and is very confident to often play insiders. But the most important thing is that his back-to-back shooting rate is not very good, which seriously undermines the team's offensive system.

However, in the face of such blatant questions, Howard’s smile did not reduce by half: "I am willing to do anything for the team. I have learned from the past few seasons. I will focus on rebounds, defense, and blocks on the court. , Pick-and-roll, shooting near the rim. And only when the coach asks him to play."

Link:? ? ?

Howard's brain is showing up! ?

His answer is absolutely perfect, the sentence "I am willing to do anything for the team", the answer is very simple.

"Can we trust you in the locker room?" This time, Link said.

In addition to the role of the field, Howard's other shortcoming is the destruction of the atmosphere of the dressing room.

In Howard's resume, he has left his own "bad marks" on almost every team!

The application for a deal during the Magic, the contradictions and undisciplined attitudes between the Lakers and Kobe in F4, and Harden in the Rockets period, dissatisfied with the ball...

The most exaggerated is that in the Eagles, a reporter broke out that Eagles players celebrated after Howard was traded!

The newly appointed Wizards general manager, Shepard, said that the firing of Howard was the fastest decision in his career...

It is not difficult to see from these that he is definitely a cancer in the locker room, and every team wants to throw him away as soon as possible.

"Of course you can trust me, Link. Indeed, no matter in any team in the past few seasons, I have not become the kind of teammate that other people need...but I have changed my mind and only want to get myself once. Opportunity for redemption. I don't want anything now, I don't fight for anything, I just want to win." Howard's tone is very calm, as if he did not make a lot of determination, but thinks he should be.

"I used to hate the way Draymond Green played, but then I noticed that in the playoffs he did everything for the team. He was everywhere, he took technical He made offensive fouls, he went around to defend, he kept shouting, he did almost everything. These things will not be reflected in the technical statistics, but all the people watching the ball are in mind, I want to be like this at this time people!"

After speaking, Howard added himself.

Yes, rebuilding the team does not need a 34-year-old veteran. For championship teams, the Grizzlies and Lakers lack centers most.

After the Lakers signed Cousins, Howard's only chance was in Memphis.

Therefore, he must seize the opportunity anyway. If you can't grasp it, it is likely to say goodbye!

Looking at Howard, who was almost begging for a job offer, Link and Georg looked at each other.

Maybe, he can really play his role well.

After that, Link didn't ask any more questions. Because no matter what you asked, Howard was very humble and answered convincingly.

The last piece of the Grizzlies puzzle might be this seemingly most unlikely guy.


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