Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand two hundred and twenty-five: only small problems

It's been almost a week since the 19-20 season started. During this week, many unexpected things happened.

After the great changes in the summer, the teams made their appearances, which greatly satisfied the curiosity of the fans.

But no team is as popular as the Memphis Grizzlies.

As long as you open a webpage or APP related to sports news, you will find that at least 8 of the 10 news are related to Grizzlies.

"The Grizzlies are seeking to trade Mike Conley, but no one is currently bidding."

"Inevitably fall off the altar? The Grizzlies' performance was disappointing."

"The Grizzlies' dominance has fallen to the bottom of the three games in a row until the final minute."

"It now seems that the Grizzlies may be lucky to kill the Nets. Being forced by the Nets to the last minute also shows that the Grizzlies are not overwhelming."

The last time a grizzly bear was so questioned, it may have been as far back as six or seven years ago.

At that time, although the Grizzlies had just won their first championship. But in people's conventional perception, the Grizzlies still have nothing to do with the word "strong team".

Therefore, as to whether the Grizzlies can defend the championship, most people give a negative answer.

But after that, the Grizzlies sealed everyone's mouth with a series of consecutive crowns. The unquestionable strength of the Grizzlies made the voice of doubt less and less. Last season, no reporter even dared to say that the Grizzlies were not.

This year, after three games, the Grizzlies have become a subject of suspicion, and they have been sentenced to death by fans.

Although the Grizzlies' current record of 3 wins and 2 wins is not too bad, for a team that is used to a wave of more than 20 consecutive victories at the start of the game, such a record is indeed not good.

For the Grizzlies during the three-game winning streak, the team on the edge of the playoffs was able to win easily.

No one thinks that a Grizzlies, who have played inextricably with teams like the Bulls and the Heat, can beat all the Western powers and reach the finals.

The best proof of their conjecture is the game between the Grizzlies and the Lakers on October 29.

If the Lakers win easily, it proves that the Grizzlies are really just paper tigers this season.

But if the Grizzlies win...without this if, many people simply don't have this option in their hearts.

There are also many people who support the Grizzlies, and Link's popularity is not covered after all.

Praised voices can never compare to those slanderous voices.

Wasn't Kobe and James not popular back then? But isn't it the same everywhere in the world?

Rather than analyzing it calmly and carefully, most people prefer to directly and rudely.

Under the guidance of public opinion, the Grizzlies seemed to have experienced three consecutive losses at the beginning and were demoted to nothing.

Link is weird. The Grizzlies only lost one game. Does it need to go online?

If there is a meeting to lose a game, then there is no team in the league that does not have a meeting.

Link himself is quite satisfied with the Grizzlies' performance in the past three games.

The reason why I played so anxiously in all three games is because they played really well.

In the Nets, Irving scored 40 points fast, Durant 30 points fast.

Losing to the Heat, the outstanding performance of those three young men has a high probability of winning the game against any team.

Playing the Bulls and eager to prove himself LaVine also scored 37 points. Kobe White's 19 points really caught the Grizzlies by surprise.

Isn’t it normal that the opponents played well and the score is anxious?

And at the beginning of the season, it was also the time when young players were most excited, and when they were in their fullest form.

Now they are physically fit and ambitious.

But as the season continues, when they experience the brutal beatings of NBA veterans and their physical fitness is not so abundant, their performance will also calm down.

The Grizzlies only met two teams with outstanding young people at the most inappropriate time.

Link doesn't think this is because the Grizzlies have lost their dominance. He is still confident of four consecutive championships.

What fell off the altar was nothing but fart in Link's eyes.

The only real problem exposed by the Grizzlies in these three games is that of Conley.

Conley's decline in form this season is indeed unexpected.

Whether it is offensive efficiency or defensive efficiency, Conley has experienced a cliff jump.

In the last game against the Bulls, Conley made 0 of 7 shots and scored 1 point on free throws.

And his defense, from the defensive leader in the previous position, has become a big colander for everyone.

As the best point guard in the league, his performance this season is indeed surprising.

But Link has nothing to complain about.

First of all, Conley is here after all. At the age of 33, it is naturally impossible for him to maintain his peak state.

It's common for players to decline after 30, but Conley's decline is a bit sharper than the others.

For this, Link was actually mentally prepared.

Secondly, the poor defensive ability of the number one does not mean that a team is completely hopeless.

Curry's defense was not good at the time, but this did not prevent the Warriors from becoming the best defensive team in the league.

Is Tony Parker's single defense ability really strong? No, but the Spurs' team defense masked this fact.

Countless examples have proved that the defense at the first position is not good, so let the players in other positions help to defend and wipe their ass.

Although everyone's tasks will be aggravated on the defensive end in the future, this is not a terrible problem that cannot be solved.

As for the decline in scoring efficiency, it is not enough to give Conley's scoring task evenly to others.

Green, Brooks and Rose are all waiting for the right to fire.

Solving the defensive and scoring issues, Conley can still continue to contribute his strength as a metronome for the Grizzlies.

After all, there is no point guard in the league who knows the Memphis Grizzlies better than him. With his eyes closed, he can deliver the ball to the right person at the right time.

Although the Grizzlies have changed their players, their core and system have not changed. Therefore, Conley is still the best position for the Grizzlies.

Conley's state of decline, which really affected the Grizzlies. But from beginning to end, Link didn't think this was a terrible problem.

From start to finish, the Grizzlies never even thought about trading Conley. The rumors about Conley trading on the market are also entirely fabricated by reporters.

For the Grizzlies, Conley can still play a huge role.

After playing the Bulls, Georgel gathered everyone for a tactical meeting and adjusted Conley's role on both offense and defense.

In fact, only a slight adjustment is needed to basically solve the problem.

It is not difficult for the Grizzlies to make up for the defensive defects of the first position.

In the eyes of Link and most Grizzlies players, this is just a small ups and downs in the long season.

But the people outside have already risen to the height that makes the Grizzlies fall from the altar...

Link looked at these news and online comments, really speechless.

Lao Tzu is still here, tell me to fall into the altar?

Although very upset, Link didn't want to spray directly with the fans.

After all, Link has been trying to be a gentle person.

Although the execution is not very successful...

Seeing that the Grizzlies have been lifeless and silent these days, the Los Angeles fans have completely inflated.

The day before the game started, when the Grizzlies arrived in Los Angeles and took the bus to the hotel where they were staying, the Los Angeles fans on the street raised their hands to "welcome" the defending champion.

"The crown belongs to the real king." The content on the sign is very simple, but it reveals pride.

The real king undoubtedly refers to LeBron James. And the crown must be grabbed from Link's head!

Looking at the Lakers fans, Link just wanted to laugh.

A few years ago James was still one of the favorite targets of Lakers fans. When Kobe was still there, James was even more of an enemy of Los Angeles fans!

It's good this time, they all call James the king. It's as funny as a Memphis fan called Durant King one day.

It's really faster to change your face than the sky.

At this moment, Link received a text message from Kobe's second daughter, Jaina.

"Tonight, Dad and I will go to watch your game. Come on, I know, you guys must have been suffocating. Let those idiots see who is the king!"

This text message is all written in Chinese, and Jaina's Chinese level has improved as quickly as her football skills over the years.

Link smiled and silently turned off the phone screen.

With the number one fan present, of course you can't let her down.

Staples tonight is destined to not be peaceful.

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