Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand two hundred and sixteen: Lively Staples

The Lakers and Grizzlies, for a long time, this is not a focus match.

Because when Koro was in the sun, Link and the Grizzlies were just inconspicuous little characters.

After the Grizzlies rise, the Lakers have entered the stage of failure again.

So, this may be the first time in the true sense that the Lakers and Grizzlies have faced each other head-on when they are both in a championship period.

Of course, during the recent period, the Grizzlies have not been very good.

Although they only lost one game, the fans seem to feel that the Grizzlies can't even make it into the playoffs.

On the other hand, the Lakers record is also 2 wins and 1 loss, but the outside world's evaluation of the Lakers is very high.

After losing to the Clippers in the opening game, the Lakers defeated the Jazz 98-86, and beat the Hornets 120-101 to get two consecutive victories.

The victory of these two games made the Lakers fans cheered.

Perhaps in their opinion, the Lakers' victory by a big score proves that the Lakers are more dominant than the Grizzlies.

Don't ask, the question is that the Grizzlies are struggling to fight a bull, and the Heat are overturned.

It seems that the Lakers championship is no longer just a joke.

The arrival of Anthony Davis really changed the Lakers who didn't make the playoffs last season.

Only Lakers fans know how hard they waited for Anthony Davis.

Since the middle of last season, the Lakers and Anthony Davis have spread rumors.

It wasn't until this summer that the Lakers and Davis finally got together.

This long wait naturally made Lakers fans extremely high expectations.

For now, the Lakers are indeed worthy of this expectation.

The only regret is that the Lakers have not yet won a true championship-level team.

The Clippers in the opening game were the championship team, but the Lakers lost.

And now, facing the Grizzlies, the second championship team, the Lakers fans want to reap a victory.

It seems that as long as they can win the Grizzlies, the "Lakers Championship" can definitely be achieved.

Link can understand the mood of Los Angeles fans. After all, as one of the biggest giants in the NBA, the Lakers have been rotten for too many years.

It's hard to imagine that proud Lakers fans have not experienced what it's like in the playoffs for six years since the 12-13 season.

There has never been a darker period in the history of the Lakers.

Now, with the last chance to turn over, Lakers fans want to quickly test the true strength of the team.

Test to see if this Lakers can compete with their title rivals.

Los Angeles fans can't wait. They want to prove themselves more than fans of any team in the league.

In this focus battle, the Lakers bear the huge expectations of the fans.

And what about the Grizzlies?

Most fans view the Grizzlies game in a gloating way.

As the Los Angeles fans said: "The Lakers will tear off the last fig leaf of the Grizzlies."

Many people are also waiting to see the Lakers tear off the Grizzlies fig leaf.

After the Lakers win the Grizzlies, they will be able to spout unscrupulously.

In short, the Lakers in this game are more promising. Even the Los Angeles media ridiculed: "After Irving, Patrick Nunn and Kobe White, we can expect Avery Bradley to score high points on Conley."

The Los Angeles media hasn't been full of air for many years, and now they finally have enough strength to mock the Grizzlies.

In this way, on October 29, just one week after the start of the new NBA season, the Grizzlies and the Lakers ushered in their fourth game.

The Staples Center is very lively, as if it brought people back to the time from 2009 to 10 years.

After the Grizzlies players arrived in the arena by bus, a crowd of reporters crowded the surroundings.

Although the Grizzlies are the most watched team in recent years, to be honest, the Memphis media is definitely not so exaggerated.

"Fuck, it's Los Angeles, the big ball market." On the bus, Gasol whistled at the exaggerated scene below.

"It's been a long time since Staples has been so busy, right? Now the Lakers are back in the championship and everything has recovered." Old Carter shrugged. He is considered a regular guest of Staples.

Howard stared at the scene outside the car window, fascinated.

Returning to Staples, he was somewhat mixed.

Once, he also owned everything here.

Big stage, high exposure, and a large number of fans.

However, he also let all this slip through his fingertips.

Although Howard has been with the Lakers for one season, Los Angeles has become the most important stop of his career.

It can be said that Los Angeles is the beginning of Howard's career turning point.

"Master Huo?"

Link's shout made Howard come back to his senses.

Link always felt that calling Howard Dwight was a bit too serious, so he simply called him Master Huo.

Over time, this has become Howard's nickname in the Grizzlies, almost everyone is calling it.

After this time of getting along, Howard has basically integrated into the team. He showed his determination to change, and the rest of the Grizzlies also let go of their prejudice against him.

After seeing Link, Howard smiled again: "Come on, we have to do a lot tonight, don't we?"

"Of course it has to be a big fight, or the Los Angeles fans will go to the sky. No one can move our crown, Dwight. I know you might be under a lot of pressure to play here. But anyway, you have to take it today. To reach the highest level."

After Link finished speaking, he got off the bus.

In an instant, flashes were everywhere. Link simply put on sunglasses and walked coolly in front of the reporters.

When Howard was the last to get off the bus, the flash was immediately reduced by half.

Howard could even hear that some Los Angeles media booed him.

It is generally believed that Kobe's Achilles tendon rupture and the decline of the Lakers are Howard's pot.

If he worked harder, Kobe wouldn't have to fight as much in the regular season. If you don't fight like that, the Achilles tendon may be fine. The Achilles tendon is okay. God knows if 24 and 23 will join forces.

If he left the Lakers immediately in the second year without perfidy, the Lakers would not have fallen so completely. After all, when trading Howard, the Lakers almost took out all their belongings. Once Howard left, the Lakers had nothing left.

Although so many years have passed, although the head of the Lakers has changed from the elderly Kobe to the elderly James.

But this hurdle, many Lakers fans still can't make it through.

Say a thousand words and ten thousand, they all think it is Howard's fault.

However, Howard ignored the boos. He walked into the familiar and unfamiliar player channel and took a deep breath.

Now, he just wants to fight for the victory of the Memphis Grizzlies!


When warming up, the atmosphere at Staples Center is already very hot.

Link casually glanced at the sideline and saw several stars already.

James' fan girl Rihanna is already dancing on the sidelines, and West Coast rap godfather "Dog Ye" Snoop Dogg stares at Link with a pair of sunglasses, with a wild expression of "I want you to look good tonight".

Vaguely, Link also saw the famous photographer Guan Xige.

Of course, there must be a lot of stars here, but Link doesn't know him well.

Ashamed, Link has never had much contact with the entertainment industry, because he himself does not bother to have too much contact with people in that circle.

In the end, Link saw the two people he had been looking for and walked to the sidelines with a smile.

Lakers fame Kobe Bryant and his second daughter Jaina are the biggest stars off the court in Link's mind.

"Link, you finally found us!" Jaina jumped up excitedly and hugged Link who walked to the sidelines.

Link glanced at Corvo, who was very sour.

The daughter of the Lakers fame is supporting the Lakers' opponent team...

It is estimated that many fans would not think of this.

Subsequently, Link also fisted with Kobe.

Kobe has gained a lot of blessings over the years, has grown a beard, and has changed a lot.

"Suddenly I said I was going to retire, which one did you play?" Kobe immediately asked Link about his retirement.

"No, I want to make an animated movie with you." Link joked.

"You guy, really casual. But your mission is not over yet, how confident are you tonight?" Soon Kobe changed the topic to the game again.

"Five percent." Link spread his fingers.

"Only 50%?"

"50% grasp the big score to win, 50% grasp the critical moment to win. Anyway, I will win. So, I will ignore your face tonight, Corvo."

"Go on Link, beat them up!" Kobe didn't respond, but Jaina beside him raised his fist excitedly.

At this point, the referee stepped onto the court and signaled that both sides were ready for the start.

No matter how shining the Staples is tonight, the final focus is still the game itself.

In the cheers of everyone, LeBron James stood up and took off his training uniform.

Who would have thought that James, who had lost to Link five times in the finals, would have a chance to beat Link at the end of his career.

Old opponents brought new challenges to Link.

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