Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand two hundred and fifty one: Be careful, George (four/five)

The Los Angeles Clippers ravage the Eagles, making Sam Smith call the NBA finale.

However, this time, not many people followed him with no brains.

Many fans said with disdain: "If you beat the Hawks NBA, it will be a big finale, then I don't know how many times it has ended this season."

"The score of 150 to 101 is really exaggerated, but considering the strength of the Hawks, this is not enough to show that the Ultimate Clippers are the strongest."

"It doesn't matter. When Durant was still in the Warriors, people also exclaimed that the NBA was over. The result? The annual ending is still defined by the Grizzlies."

It takes courage to fight against a team that is the most popular in the world.

Because such a team has a lot of sunspots and a lot of crowds.

In the past few years, most fans of Link and Grizzlies may not like to speak up.

But this year is Link's last year, and they won't have a chance to speak up for their idols without speaking.

Therefore, if you plan on the Grizzlies and Link this season, you'd better prepare yourself.

You will find that there are thousands of people who will stand on the side of the Grizzlies and fight with you.

Although Sam Smith's words caused him to be attacked by fans, everyone also admitted that the Los Angeles Clippers are a strong opponent.

They can contain the Hawks' scoring while slaughtering the Hawks, which shows how good a team they are.

They are not as serious as the Rockets, nor are they too old like the Lakers.

Leonard has proven last season that he has the ability to fight Link.

Now, he will lead a stronger team and come back to find Link for revenge.

Coincidentally, the game was played on Saturday. By Monday, ESPN's latest strength ranking will be released.

In other words, the outcome of this game will most likely directly determine the final ranking of the strength ranking.

Whether Link can bring the Grizzlies back to the top of the power rankings as they did at the beginning of the season, it can be said that it all depends on the next game.

If the Clippers win, there is no doubt that they will continue to occupy the top position.

If the Grizzlies win, with their record, the Grizzlies will definitely be able to overtake.

This highlight, coupled with the fact that the Clippers have evolved into the ultimate body during this time period, has made this game, which was already planned to be broadcast throughout the United States, become more popular.

Speaking of, the season has only started for nearly a month, and the Grizzlies have already played several nationally broadcast games.

Almost every other place, there will be a blockbuster showdown in the Federal Express Arena.

Before the start of the game, the major sports media also made forward-looking programs.

For the sake of a regular season, I was doing a preview program. This regular season completely met the specifications of the playoffs.

In ESPN's program, Stephen A. Smith, Lin Mi, said frankly: "The opponents in the next game are not trivial. The Grizzlies must be in a better state. The most important thing is that you must not let the Clippers drag the game. In the last moment. Otherwise, God knows whether Michael's mysterious power will affect Link again!"

Although Stephen A. Smith finally made a joke, it is not difficult to see his worries.

The Clippers are definitely the biggest challenger for the Grizzlies this season. Whether Link's career can be completed in the final year depends largely on whether the Grizzlies can kill the Clippers.

Stephen A. Smith's forward-looking this time is fairly pertinent, while some of the forward-looking programs in Los Angeles are completely one-sided ridicule.

"I can't think of a reason for the Clippers to lose, they are too strong! From the starter to the bench, everyone is so perfect."

"Leonard is one of the league's best offensive players on the offensive end. He can score 1.07 points per round in singles, second only to Link, Harden and Lillard. Paul George was the MVP candidate last season. For one, he also proved his state in the three games he just returned. Such a striker, even Link is helpless!"

The famous basketball talk show hostess and a loyal fan of the Los Angeles team, Christine Lacey, even said in her show, "The Clippers Championship, I will let it go. Even if Link is sitting across from me, I will I still say that."

The last time Link blasted 61 points at Staples, the Los Angeles fans have been frustrated until now.

Obviously they have two of the league's top teams, but Los Angeles is still only a supporting role, still can only look up at Link's back.

They are very unwilling, they really hope that the Los Angeles team can dismount Linkla.

So, this time almost all Los Angeles fans support the Clippers.

Guan Te. Was it a Lakers fan before? Now, all of Los Angeles is united!

The arrogant attitude of the Los Angeles media has once again triggered a scolding war on the Internet.

Sure enough, when the words Link and Los Angeles are paired together, there will never be a shortage of topics.

Memphis fans and Los Angeles fans scolded on the Internet, and the atmosphere of the war has enveloped the entire league.

The fans thought to their hearts that the players on both sides must be at war, ready to go.

However, it is not.

On the evening of November 22, the night before the Grizzlies VS Clippers game, Link invited two Clippers players to dinner at home.

Moreover, the atmosphere is quite harmonious.


"Woo, hoo, hoo!"

In the living room of Link's house, Lin Ling was hitting Harrell's hand hanging in the air with her small fist one by one.

"Come on, little guy, look at you, I bet no boy in school will dare to bully you in the future." Harrell looked at Lin Ling with a grin, and was very happy to be her target.

Link looked at Lin Ling and Harrell who were fighting on the sofa, as if suddenly returning to the past.

At that time, everyone often came to play at home, and Harrell and Lin Ling were very close.

Hearing Harrell coming to Memphis, Lin Ling clamored to let the uncle with long hair come home and teach him punching.

Even a child has feelings for Harrell, let alone Link.

Link does hope that Harrell can get a bigger contract, but it is definitely impossible to say that he doesn't want the teammates he used to be.

Those guys, but the people who have walked through the entire three consecutive championships with themselves...

"Why do you want to retire so suddenly?" At this moment, George beside Link spoke.

In addition to Harrell, Link today also invited Paul George, a friend he had met since college.

At this time, George and Link were sitting on the sofa, and George could finally talk about some relatively serious topics with Link.

"I didn't make a sudden decision. I planned it long ago. I planned it before Lin Ling was born. It was only announced this summer." Link smiled, and he was relieved about his retirement.

Seeing Link's answer in such an understatement, George shook his head: "It's so fast, I'm actually reaching the age to talk about the word retirement. The scenes of fighting with you in the NCAA seem to be yesterday. More than ten years, just like that. And passed."

"You guy, what are you feeling suddenly? It's not like you, George, be happy." Link patted George on the shoulder, although Link was not the current Link when he was a teammate with George in college.

But in Link's memory, there are also those beautiful pictures.

And after so many years, Link and George have also developed a deep friendship. So thinking of the college time that Link didn't actually experience personally, he would still miss it a little.

Time is illusory, but human feelings are real.

"I have no emotion, I just don't give up... After so many years of basketball with you, I'm about to say goodbye. In the end, I still couldn't catch up with you." George smiled bitterly.

Since college, he has been chasing Link.

Although George was the player with the best talent in college, Link, as his senior, was the strongest and most mature player.

In the NBA, George gradually became strong and mature, but Link created a series of peaks that made him difficult to climb.

The first championship, the first dynasty, two and three consecutive championships... Link won the championship every year as a matter of course as required by the Constitution.

In fact, George had a chance to catch up with Link when he was in the East, but he fell under James for many years, and also experienced injuries and the reconstruction of the team.

He had a chance to catch up with Link in the West, he even played MVP-level performance last season!

But the disappointing performance of the Thunder in the playoffs, so that George still failed to splash a little.

George chased after him, but found himself and Link drifting away.

This summer, George joined the Los Angeles Clippers and joined Leonard.

He thought that he could finally pursue Link.

However, Link suddenly announced his retirement...

This means that George has only one year to complete his goal.

The back figure who has been running in front of him for so many years, he is bound to seize the last chance to catch up!

He must seize every opportunity, including tomorrow night...

Later, it's time for the three people who had a good chat to be parted. Tomorrow night there will be a game, and their players must be prepared.

Link bid farewell to Harrell and George, and their car quickly disappeared into the night. It was only then that Link was finally willing to go home.

"What did George just say to you?" Rachel asked curiously as soon as Link got home.

When they had just said goodbye, Link and George spoke for a long time at the door.

Link smiled and shook his head slightly: "Nothing special, that guy, he just wants to win."

Meanwhile, in the car, Harrell asked George the same question.

George looked at his frowned.

"I told him that I will never have any reservations tomorrow. I will play tomorrow night's game as the finals, and hope that he will treat me the same way. It's the last year and I want to fight him with all my strength."

"How did Link answer you?" Harrell asked again.

At this time, George's expression was not so serious, but a slight smile appeared.

"He said: Be careful, George. By the way, I also tell that facial paralyzed man, I can't let you win. Not only tomorrow night, but this season will not let you win."

George shook his head, but Link was as brave as before.

But this year, Link's biggest enemy is George himself.

Even if this was Link's last year, George would not give up victory.

There is only one straight left in the 1000-meter long run chasing Link, and it is time to start sprinting.

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