Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand two hundred and fifty-two: It was a cheating (Fri/Fri)

Christine Lacey sits in the first row of the Federal Express Arena. This is the first time she has appeared here as a fan.

Although Lacey is 34 years old, she is still one of the most popular female hosts in the sports world with her beautiful figure and delicate skin.

Her talk show is very popular, and even NBA stars like O'Neal are included in the show.

As an out-and-out "mature girl", Lacey can maintain such a high popularity in this industry where young girls are more popular. In addition to looking good, there must be other reasons.

The biggest reason is-Lacey dares to interact with the players.

In her talk show, Lacey will boldly press the guests various sensitive questions, and dare to make complaints in front of the players.

For example, once, the program group first arranged for Griffin with champagne.

Then Kristen said, "After all, you have never won a championship, so you may not know this is champagne. You must celebrate before drinking it! But I must admit that I am a fan of you, and I still have it in my house. Your poster, the one where you were cut off by Antetokounmpo, can you talk about the defense?"

Griffin's face was green at the time.

This is also the hostess. If it were a male host, it would have been violently beaten by Griffin.

In addition, Lacey is also very relaxed in the show.

For example, after Harrell was stationed in the Clippers, Lacey invited Harrell on a show.

At the time, Lacey said that if the Clippers win the championship, Harrell will definitely be the most experienced player in the Champagne game.

So, champagne and goggles were really prepared in the show, and Lacey asked him to show how he sprayed champagne after winning the championship.

Harrell is also an honest person, holding the champagne and slamming the opposite Lacey...

In the end, the ratings of that program exploded.

Not only did Lasie get wet, she finally hosted the show completely.

Before this, there was no sports hostess who dared to get wet in the live broadcast of the show, yet so calm.

This is Christine Lacey, a very rare female host in the sports circle who dares to play, dare to make trouble and dare to speak out.

If you think she is just a vase that depends on her looks and figure, you are quite wrong.

This is by no means a fuel-efficient lamp.

Therefore, when she said the phrase "Clippers championship, I will put it here. Even if Link sits opposite me, I will still say that", the fans are not surprised at all.

Lacey came to the scene today to witness the Clippers' first step to the summit.

She also admired Link, but she thought Link had ruled the alliance for too long.

If you change the ruler, the NBA might be more interesting.

Moreover, Lacey never took the matter of Link's retirement seriously. She believes that with Link’s character, if he loses the championship this year, Link will definitely choose to stay.

As a result, Lacey hopes to see the Clippers reach the top.

Before the players came out to warm up, reporters on the sidelines first interviewed Lacey and asked if she was optimistic about the Grizzlies taking the first place in the strength rankings.

Although not in her own show, Lacey still speaks very viciously: "The Grizzlies will not be this time, and they will not be able to occupy the first place in the power rankings this season. They are great, but that is already in the past. They are It must be accepted that the team has begun to decline."

Twenty minutes later, Christine Lacey's words were transferred to Link's ears. The reporter also asked Link how he would respond to Lacey.

However, Link just scratched her head: "Christine Lacey? Sorry, I don’t know this person. The most famous female basketball reporter in the world is in my house. As for Christine Lacey, she just thinks herself Very famous."

Link's response made Lacey gritted her teeth with anger. This was completely stepping on her painful foot!

Because it was the few years when Rachel retired, Lacey's popularity only rose slightly.

Lacey didn't expect this guy Link to show mercy to the lady.

This is definitely the most **** player she has ever seen.

Link is actually telling the truth, he really doesn't know Lacey...

If you want to see the Belle Basketball reporter, Link can watch it when he goes home, so he doesn't even need to watch TV.

Therefore, Lacey's show Link is not seen in one episode.

And he doesn't have the mind now to consider whether his tone of voice is too heavy for Lacey. Link's mind at this time is all on the Clippers.

Paul George, Link knows too well.

Since he could say that yesterday, he will definitely put it into practice today!

After a while, everyone from the Clippers came out to warm up.

Doug Rivers smiled, and it was the first time Link saw Rivers smile so happily at the Federal Express Arena.

In the past few years, when did Rivers come to the Federal Express Arena without a frown?

But now, Rivers is confident. After all, it was his first time that Old Li fought such a battle of wealth.

Before the game started, Link gathered everyone together.

Obviously, this means that Link also attaches great importance to this game.

On the other side, George and Leonard touched each other before they played.

Both sides were very serious, and Lacey felt that the whole scene was heating up.

Is this the magic of the Federal Express Arena?

The referee signaled that the two teams stepped into the center circle. Leonard watched the Clippers' starting today and couldn't help clenching his fists.

The Clippers’ starting today has changed, consisting of Beverly, Leonard, George, Patrick Patterson and Zubac.

In other words, Leonard and George will directly stand in position two and three!

This is undoubtedly what Rivers prepared specially for Link. Such a powerful wing is enough to stifle most of the Grizzlies' firepower.

Leonard is still expressionless, the same as in the Finals last season.

George is gearing up to fulfill his promise last night.

George and Leonard, these two guys Link against one of them, need a lot of effort.

But this time, they were two together.

This is the first time Link has encountered this one-on-two situation.

Jokic and Zubac stood in the center circle, and the referee threw the ball high under the attention of the public.

The game officially begins!

On the Clippers side, Zubac is also a floor center. But Jokic, who was across from him, was even more grounded than him.

Therefore, he finally won the first strike for the Clippers with a fingertip advantage.

Beverly's possession of the ball slowly passed halftime, and Link stayed at Leonard, the top five singles in the league!

He didn't give Leonard any space, and it was the most intense melee combat.

However, Beverly did not give the ball to Leonard, but gave it to Paul George who was outside the right three-point line!

"Fuck, it's troublesome!" Link curled his lips. Dillon Brooks' defense is indeed active, but George has MVP-level strength.

George called Zubac to cover, and Jokic also mentioned that he was ready to help defend.

After Zubac set up a screen, George accelerated the breakthrough, and Jokic also filled in in time.

However, George dribbled the ball through the gap between Zubac and Jokic in a slanted manner!

Breaking through between screeners and defenders is a new skill that George has only added in the past two seasons.

Although it sounds incredible, it has become one of George's most efficient offensive methods.

Link watched George easily break through the defense, and then steadily stopped the jump shot from the middle distance!

Leonard didn't even touch the ball, and the Clippers took the lead and scored two points!

In the Raptors last season, it is impossible for a second person besides Leonard to score on the Grizzlies so easily.

But this year, this person appeared.

"For a beautiful offense, the Clippers’ tactics are not complicated. It is Jordan’s cover and singles. However, this simple method is a manifestation of the Clippers’ strength. The ultimate Clippers can effectively strike without complicated tactics. Break the opponent's line of defense!"

Kevin Harlan was taken aback by the strength of the Ultimate Clippers. Two top singles were present at the same time. How can this be prevented?

Afterwards, Link wanted to hold the ball personally and return the color.

But just as he was about to break through Leonard, George opened his arms and doubled up.

Rivers didn't plan to leave Link alive today, he was double-teaming from the start.

Facing the two top wings of Leonard and George, even Link can't be reckless.

So he hit the needle and distributed the ball to Dillon Brooks, who was emptied.

However, just as Link passed the ball George chased it back.

After receiving the basketball, Brooks just took off to prepare for a layup, but George, who was crushed by his bounce, height and wingspan, rushed back in time and waved his arm violently.


The basketball was like a cannonball, and it was blown out of bounds.

The Federal Express Arena fell silent in an instant, and this attack and defense was completely showing off!

This is the power of the league's most luxurious striker!

"This Nima is cheating." Link also scratched his head. The ultimate body of the Clippers is really difficult.

Top offense, top defense, multiply by 2...

It's really big.

On the sidelines, Christine Lacey played with her blonde hair with one hand and smiled.

Now she wants to see how Link is still arrogant.

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