Reverse Growth Superstar

: One Thousand One Hundred and Nineteen: The Revelry

As Link expected, 83 points in a single game and 33-game winning streak, the first in history, had an immeasurable impact.

This night that can't be replicated makes the NBA a thing everyone in the world is discussing.

83 points in a single game, 33 consecutive victories in a single season.

Even if these two records are viewed separately, they are both very important.

What if you put these two great records on the same night?

No one has experienced such a crazy thing.

At the end of the game, it was only the beginning of a Lakers player to ask Link for an autograph.

On the second day after the game, when the matter was completely fermented, Link knew what a torrential flood was.

As long as you take out your phone, open a news website or Twitter. Or turn on the TV, as long as it is a news program.

You will find that all of these have been wiped out by the Grizzlies' 33-game winning streak and Link's 83 points in a single game.

"This is the first miracle in basketball. Link's achievements in the regular season are beyond my reach."

Michael Jordan sent such a tweet half an hour after the game ended, and it turned out to be still hot until the next morning.

From the mouth of "God", the words "I can't reach" appeared, which is quite shocking.

After all, Jordan has always been a representative figure of modern basketball. He is a high banner, the goal and direction of everyone's efforts and struggle.

But this time, Link climbed to the top and took off the banner like Jordan.

33 consecutive wins in a single season, blasting Jordan's longest 19 consecutive wins in a single season.

83 points in a single game, blasting Jordan's career-high 69 points in a single game.

The fact is that Link's achievements in the regular season are indeed beyond Jordan's reach.

In 2006, when Kobe scored 81 points in Staples, people also compared him with Jordan, and some even said that Kobe has surpassed Jordan.

But soon, this voice disappeared.

why? Because at that time Kobe couldn't compete with Jordan on hard honors. Just a bursting performance is not enough to shake Jordan's position.

But Link is different. He already holds six championship rings. He is the five-time regular season MVP winner. In terms of hard honors, Link has been on par with Jordan.

On such basic conditions, coupled with a bursting performance, this makes the voice of "Link has surpassed Jordan" unprecedentedly high.

No, even Jordan himself stood up and praised Link. This is indeed unprecedented.

However, Jordan played a word game with everyone. He believed that Link's achievements in the "regular season" were beyond his own reach. He did not say that Link's career must be greater than himself.

You knew it was an old hooligan as soon as you spoke.

But in any case, Jordan personally responded to Link's historic night, which was quite a shame.

And according to the momentum of Link and Grizzlies, Link's entire career is more brilliant than Jordan, which does not seem to be a problem.

In addition to Jordan, many other stars also expressed their opinions on the second day after the game.

Allen Iverson specially recorded a short video saying: "83 points in a single game? Actually I can too."

Then, he posted a picture of himself controlling himself to score 83 points in the game.

"Well, only in the game, it has to be the easiest difficulty."

Paul Pierce also said in disbelief when he was a guest on T's show: "This is nothing short of a miracle. You must know that a large number of jump shots will eat up your stamina crazily, and you will feel more exhausted than others. What's more, Link is still Fight back to back! It's really incredible. Link's 83 points are even more difficult than Kobe's 81 points back then!"

Since Pierce retired and became a commentator, he has gone farther and farther on the road to the gods. Two times in three days, Pierce will come out and spray the current young players.

But this time, Pierce was admired. He scored 83 points and 33 consecutive victories. How did this make him spray? Since it doesn't move, blow it!

The Lakers player Javier McGee, who experienced yesterday’s game in person, also mentioned in the live video: "I was sitting there thinking, I only turned back and ran for two rounds, and his score increased from 50 points to 50 points. It's 60 points! How did he do it!? That's how it was back then. Link completely took over the game and we were all silly."

Randolph will naturally not let go of this chance to join in the fun. He also quickly updated his social media updates: "In the second half, I told my good buddy Tony Allen that the boy Link will definitely get another 60 points today. .But after only a few minutes, I changed my mind, because I found that the **** seemed to have scored 70 points! He was about to break the record of Elgin Baylor! Everything happened so fast that he eventually scored 80 points. I hadn't even reacted to it when I went from 50 to 83. This was really sudden. This is definitely the greatest performance in NBA history!"

Kyle Kuzma is also very happily said: "I think everyone has that technical statistics table. I asked for several technical statistics tables of that game, and Link signed them all. ."

Kuzma made a billion dollars. I don’t know. I thought he was a Grizzlies player.

Of course, as the creator of the last 80-point record, Kobe, who witnessed all of this on the sidelines last night, did not remain silent: "I have known that Link will do some crazy things this season. This is his In the last season, with his character, he will not let this season end in a dull manner. But I did not expect that the two craziest records in the league would be broken at the same time overnight. I can only say, worthy of it. It’s Link. Last night’s game was the greatest performance I have ever seen!"

Stars from all walks of life praised Link. This may be the first time in history that the performance of a certain player in a game will cause so much sensation.

From opponents to retired superstars to Hall of Fame members, as long as the stars you can name, almost all have expressed their opinions on this historic night.

Moreover, they are almost all blowing!

But no one is disgusted with such a direction of public opinion, because the game really does not exist too much.

On the evening of the second day after the game, .T TV made a special program of Link's 83rd Night.

In addition to replaying the game last night, the most important thing for this show is to explain clearly to the world what is the concept of 83 points!

"First of all, the first difficulty of Link's 83 points is that these 83 points are completely genuine and there is no suspicion of scoring. We can all see how fierce the game was yesterday. After 1985, a single game can score more than 70 points. Most of the players, except Kobe, are basically out."

"For example, when David Robinson scored 71 points, he was really good that day, but he was good. With the Spurs, you can score 50 points and you will be the best. But because Robinson was competing with O'Neal for the lead. In the last game, he needed extremely exaggerated scoring to win the scoring champion. So the management, the entire team and even the opponents were helping him and cooperating with him. The Spurs had already led the Clippers by 20 points at the time, but David Robinson did. Still staying on the court and scoring wildly, when the final individual score was fixed at 71 points, Robinson looked up at the scoreboard and felt embarrassed."

"For another example, Devin Booker. In that game, almost the whole team used to help Booker score points. It doesn't matter even the victory. It's incredible. That's why Booker scored 70 points, but he was still not The reason people love it fanatically."

"Therefore, if you want to get 80+ points at a genuine price, the difficulty is known. In modern basketball, besides Kobe, it is Link!"

Kenny Smith, who is in charge of hosting this show, talked a lot, but only just started. The incredible scoring in this game didn't stop there.

"After talking about the problem of scoring, let’s talk about physical fitness. For super scorers, it is not difficult to get high scores. But if you want to break your own scoring record, you need to lose physical fitness late in the game, and your opponents want to restrict you from continuing. After scoring and targeted defense, it still maintains the momentum of scoring with a high shooting percentage. This is very difficult for most players."

"If 50 to 60 points in a single game is a difficulty, then 70 to 80 points is another level of difficulty. The physical problem is the main reason that restricts countless players from moving to this level. Even Curry And Durant, they don’t dare to say that they can score 80 points when they are hot or how many shots they take. Because they understand that the hit rate will be affected by the decline in physical fitness and defensive strength, and it is not necessarily based on high shots. In exchange for an ideal score record."

"Harden, Durant, Curry, etc. may be able to score more than 60 points in a game that feels good, but 83 points are really out of reach! The scariest part is that , Link still fought back to back yesterday...So, he is not the word of God, who is qualified?"

"Finally, this game is also the ultimate expression of Link's personal offensive ability. He has almost no shortcomings on the offensive end, and can always score goals under various extreme conditions. Whether it is a three-pointer or a breakthrough, whether it is a back attack or a back attack. Link is proficient in everything!"

"It sounds like nothing great, but think about it, if Curry and Harden suddenly missed the shot at the 80-point hurdle, they wouldn't be able to attack with their backs to help them out. If Adeto One day Kunbo scored 70 points and was double-teamed by his opponents. His long shots did not give him any substantial help. The end result was that they could not score more than 80."

"But Link is different. He can rely on his omnipotent skill to ensure that the score will not stop rising in various situations! This is the miracle that Link created that night. One may never be able to be A miracle that breaks or even approaches."

After watching Kenny Smith's interpretation of his game yesterday, Link smiled himself.

At that time, I didn’t feel much when I was playing, but after being blown up for a day today, Link found that he was really amazing!

Speaking of Today, Link has been watching his news all day from morning to night.

It's really a day of carnival.

83 points and 33 consecutive victories...this is definitely enough to put gold bricks in his last regular season.

Link let out a sigh of relief. He thinks his regular season this season is complete.

But this is not enough.

The playoffs and championships are not yet in hand.

Link has not forgotten the goal of four consecutive championships.

He will not be stunned by the staged victory before him.

The 83 points and 33-game winning streak are great, but Link has no plans to stop.

This legendary season is just a comma.

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