Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand three hundred and twenty: one all-star

83 points and 33 consecutive victories have become the two most representative numbers in Link's career.

Link originally thought that by the third day, the influence of this event would gradually diminish.

However, things were far more exaggerated than he thought.

On the third day, the Grizzlies were still in a truce. Although Link did not play, the heat did not drop at all.

The TV is still broadcasting Link's single 83-point special program, 33-game winning streak, and various programs.

Anyway, it's all about Link.

In the evening, when other teams were playing games, the commentators had been talking about the battle of the gods that had passed two days.

During the game, there is no need to waste a second scrolling through Link's 83-point full-cut video.

The ratings of NBA games in these two days have dropped slightly, because now fans are not interested in other games at all!

Just after watching an incredible 83-point fairy battle, who is still in the mood to watch children fight?

Link's popularity alone is even higher than that of the entire NBA!

In fact, the two days of competition are not boring.

Bradley Beal scored 45 points, Antetokounmpo scored 48 points, and they both played extremely well.

But no way, Link scored two 40 points in a game.

All the players in the league have made Link's wedding dresses.

On the fourth day, finally, the Grizzlies had another game.

Tonight, the Grizzlies' opponents are not strong, but the Detroit Pistons who have begun to sell Drummond and are determined to rebuild.

The fish belly team is against the title favorites, this kind of game is really not worth seeing.

But what is unexpected is that the ratings of this game are even higher than the ratings of any game in the previous few days!

The reason why this battle has attracted much attention is simple, not because it is a wonderful game, not because it is a blockbuster duel.

It's because there is Link in this game.

This reason is sufficient.

The game with Link is the game the fans want to watch.

Part of the fans who missed the 83-point game hoped to see the "God" style.

Even, some people who didn't pay attention to basketball originally wanted to see what kind of guy can set off this exaggerated storm all over the world because of the heated publicity these days.

In this way, this ordinary game has become the focus of battle.

The players of the Detroit Pistons are all dumbfounded. In the past five years, no, be more confident, the past ten years! The Pistons have never been so much-anticipated.

In this way, the Detroit Pistons somehow enjoyed the same treatment as a national live game.

Every Pistons player is gearing up, ready to show themselves in the eyes of the world.

But in this game, the Pistons eventually lost miserably. No way, the difference in strength between the two sides is really big.

The reason why the Grizzlies were so embarrassed in the last game was that Link could only score points because everyone else was tired and paralyzed.

Now, after two days of rest, all Grizzlies are resurrected with blood.

So today, they all demonstrated their due strength.

On the contrary, Link was so happy today. After three quarters, he went off to discuss his fishing plan after retirement.

In the three quarters, Link scored 24 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists. The data can only be described as mediocre.

It is also impossible for Link to score the battle every game, so he can't bear it himself. Besides, this kind of game that decides the outcome early, Link has no need to stay on the court and continue to score.

He is not David Robinson and Devin Booker, and he still doesn't like to use stats for meaningless hours.

Although today's statistics are very ordinary, but Link's way of scoring at will on the court, those elegant shots, smashing bucks, and subtle passes still make fans feast their eyes.

It is indeed a person who can create miracles. It is a pleasure to play.

Overall, Link has been recognized by most fans. And you can score 24 points by playing casually, which is enough to prove Link's toughness.

118 to 93, the Grizzlies took the Pistons at home.

Today there is no scoring record burst, but the Grizzlies' winning streak has risen again.

After this game, the Grizzlies have won 34 consecutive victories.

This allowed the Grizzlies to surpass the Lakers in the early 70s and become the team with the longest winning streak in NBA history.

As a result, the popularity of 83 points has not gone down, and the popularity of Link breaking the 33 record has risen again...

Watching the news and programs about himself, Link curled his lips.

When is this a head?

After 34 consecutive victories, the NBA's official All-Star selection event officially opened.

After the NBA All-Star Game was changed to the mode where the East and the West were chosen to form teams in 2017, the live broadcast of the selection ceremony will attract attention every year.

This year, Antetokounmpo and Link are the captains of the East and West. The two will also participate in this year's All-Star selection event with the host of .T through a video connection tomorrow.

But the day before the event, the star players who were waiting to be selected expressed their desire to fight with Link on social media.

With the exception of James, Davis, Harden and Leonard, everyone expressed the hope that they would play with Link and accompany him to finish the last All-Star.

Antetokounmpo is now embarrassed to death. He feels that he is not picking people, but others are picking him...

Although the two were the ticket kings of the East and West, Link was the one who crushed Antetokounmpo in terms of popularity.

It is not difficult to see the clues from this selection activity.

Link was actually embarrassed because he suddenly didn't know who to choose.

Everyone expressed their desire to play with themselves so enthusiastically, it seems that it would be a bad idea not to choose someone.

But the number of places on a team is limited, and Link cannot take care of everyone.

Hey, it's a trouble unique to the strong.

On the day of the selection ceremony, while Antetokounmpo was still worrying that he was no one to pick, Link used a lottery to determine his teammates.

He randomly wrote all the people who wanted to play with him on a small note, and then randomly selected...This wave of show operations caused Antetokounmpo to receive 10,000 critical hits. .

Good popularity, high popularity, is so willful, that is, you can do whatever you want.

After the selection ceremony, the Grizzlies continued their efforts and won the Washington Wizards, winning 35 consecutive victories.

It wasn't until February 9th that Doncic led the team to overturn the Grizzlies, that the Grizzlies' winning streak finally stopped.

At the end of November last year, when Rose scored 50 points in a single game, when Link said that he was going to win ten consecutive victories, some people laughed at Link for being too much.

As a result, Link didn't stop until 35 consecutive victories...

Facts have proved that Link is still too low-key.

Although the winning streak was ended, the Grizzlies have nothing to regret.

Bill Simmons also said after the Grizzlies lost to the Mavericks: "When Link is 80 or 90 years old, he will find that his record is still very safe. Believe me, 35 consecutive victories, this is already the same for any other team. Impossible. Although it was inevitably terminated, it was enough."

With a 35-game winning streak, the Grizzlies players finally ushered in the coveted All-Star Game.

This year's All-Star is the reason for Link's last All-Star, so it has also attracted the attention of fans.

In the main match, each of the "Letter Brothers" players played singles with Link at least once. In this way, they paid tribute to the greatest star of the 10s.

After the game, the joke naturally handed the All-Star MVP trophy to Link. Whether it is in terms of popularity, feelings, or data itself, this MVP trophy cannot be awarded to others.

After the awards, the stars from all walks of life took photos with Link, and the fans burst into tears from the stands, expressing their dismay to Link.

In general, this is almost an All-Star game that belongs to Link alone. He is the only protagonist ~ other superstars are just to set off.

What about Link himself? He was not too sad.

Although it is the last All-Star, this is not his last game.

It’s far from summer...

For Kobe, Wade and Dirk in the previous years, the All-Star means that they have only two months left in their careers.

But for Link, this season is only halfway through.

The All-Star MVP is nothing. After you get the finals MVP, let's grieve and remember.

This is the end of the last All-Star belonging to Link, and then, it is almost the most critical period of the season.

Link can't wait for a feverish summer.

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