Reverse Growth Superstar

: 246: Cooperate with Guy?

Bynum's supplementary deduction completely ignited Staples. Hollins's biggest worry before the game still happened. The black and white bears no longer have the advantage in front of the Lakers' championship twin towers.

Bynum's brutal growth and Randolph's poor state have caused subtle changes in the internal strength of both sides.

At present, the Grizzlies have failed to score, and the Lakers have successfully scored in two consecutive rounds. Hollins was anxious, but he had to watch a few more rounds.

This time, the Grizzlies decided to attack from the outside. Link kicked off Kobe with the off-ball screen and cut into the penalty area. Conley's pass arrived and Link got the opportunity to attack the frame.

"Under the basket, under the basket!" However, as soon as Link received the basketball, he heard Kobe yelling behind him. In the next second, Bynum and Gasol, two elders, appeared in front of Link!

"Damn! It's really fast to make up!" In a hurry, Link accurately delivered the ball to Randolph, who shot the ball from close range!

But Gasol is still fast to make up, and he still has a height advantage.

Randolph's shot was seriously disturbed, and he knocked out again!

Many people think that shooting is just a task at hand. However, the most basic action of shooting is about body balance. Randolph's knee discomfort made it difficult to exert force on his legs, which actually greatly affected his shooting percentage.

Link jumped up to grab the board, only to find that he was slammed. It was Bynum, who roughly smashed Link in the air and protected the rebound again!

"Isn't it a foul!? Are you sure you know the rules of the basketball game!?" Hollins shouted at the referee off the court, but to no avail.

"The Lakers did have some physical contact, but there was no foul." The referee responded, leaving Hollins speechless.

The Lakers continued their offense, but the Grizzlies still didn't score!

Bryant finally played a pick-and-roll with Bynum this time. Link wanted to go around quickly, but Bynum's screen quality was very high, and Link was firmly blocked behind him!

Kobe took the opportunity to make a breakthrough and succeeded in a layup under Randolph's interference.

6-0, the Los Angeles Lakers had a nearly perfect start! Hollins stood on the sidelines angrily. The Lakers were very arrogant today, and made a fuss about capturing Randolph.

Randolph took a break last game, although the Grizzlies did not announce the specific reasons. But I believe the members of the Lakers coaching staff have guessed somehow.

In the last game, there was no Randolph, and the Grizzlies were beaten by the Jazz's attack on the Twin Towers and couldn't take care of themselves. Today, the Lakers may naturally have a wave of red.

The Grizzlies finally broke the scoring drought after Rudy Gay singled out Barnes. Mitchell at the scene also ridiculed, "This kind of difficult time depends on Guy, Link has obviously been beaten by Kobe!"

The debate between Guy and Link who is the core of the Grizzlies outside has never stopped this season. Although in the team, Link and Gay get along pretty well. They are not friends, but they are not hostile to each other. But to outsiders, Link and Guy Ben have a certain competitive relationship.

Now that Guy has stepped up to help the Grizzlies break the scoring shortage, it is natural that he has the upper hand in this argument.

However, Gay's goal does not completely solve the problem. Because in the next round, the Lakers let Gasol on.

This time, without the fancy cooperation, Kobe did not take the ball alone. Pau Gasol leaned directly on Randolph and began to ask for the ball. The Lakers wanted to play Randolph to the point where there was no need to cover up!

"Day, I'm all here!" Randolph screamed in his heart, being used as an "cash machine" by others, Randolph was of course very upset.

The **** bear is full of momentum, but his knees are really not good. Gasol took two steps back, Randolph couldn't stand it at all. In the end, Gasol, who was 2.13 meters tall, turned over and made a hook, and Randolph was beyond the reach of such a shot.

"Splash!" Gasol's scoring ability is indeed better than his brother Mark a few grades, his hook is soft and into the net, Randolph was beaten again!

"8 to 2, Paul Gasol's goal allowed the Lakers to further consolidate their advantage. The Lakers are very strong today. Since Bynum came back, the Lakers seem to be ready to get on the right track!"

"Pause, pause!" Hollins shook his head and had to call to stop the game. The buzzer made a loud noise, and the battle between the two sides was temporarily terminated.

Kobe looked at Link before he left the field. After several rounds today, Link didn't even get a single stat. There is no doubt that Kobe's restrictions on Link are quite successful.

Coming to the decisive Sunday, Kobe didn't joking with Link!

"Damn it, if I can wrap a bandage or wear a protective gear, the situation should be better!" Randolph started to complain about himself at the first moment, he knew that he was completely targeted.

"Take a break, Zach, calm down." Hollins first comforted Randolph, then turned to look at the end of the bench, the guy with a small sarcoma on his head.

"Marlis, come here! I want you to replace Zach and open up space for Link and Guy on the offensive end!" Hollins finally made the decision, the time has come to test the depth of the Grizzlies bench!

Speights was a little surprised, because he has never appeared so early this season. But soon, he took off his training suit and ran all the way to Hollins.

Speights is not tall, but very big. Like "Big Baby" Davis, he feels a bit fat.

But don't be confused by his size. Speights has the advantage of fast movement on the basketball court.

"Link, Rudy, I need you to start offense! Use your firepower to fight against the Lakers' defense! I need you two to increase the number of cooperation, pass each other more, so that the Lakers can not figure out which one of you will shoot! "

Listening to Hollins' arrangement, Link and Guy glanced at each other, then nodded slightly.

Attack with Guy? Link hasn't really tried it before.

"As for you Speights, like I said, open up the space and use your hard-working three-pointer to open up the space. As long as you can make one, the Lakers are afraid of you! I don't want to see the Lakers Twin Towers. They are all piled under the basket, understand!?"

"Understand, leave it to me. Defensively, I will also handle the Spaniard." Speights responded confidently.

"Very well, I know we are in trouble, but this is not the biggest trouble we have ever encountered. It's only 6 points. You should equalize for me soon, right?"

"Yes!" Grizzlies all answered in unison. At the same time, the buzzer sounded again, and the timeout ended!

Link was about to play but was grabbed by Randolph on the bench, "Leave it to you and Rudy. Let the Los Angelesers see our gorgeous offense."

"Relax to rest, Zach. When your knees get better, you will be upset again. Until then, you don't have to worry about anything!" Link smiled and stepped onto the court.

Soon it was discovered that the Grizzlies had changed. Maris Speights, this chubby insider, many Los Angeles fans can't even be named. After all, Speights has never been a star.

Since college, Speights has always been a humble "little character". At the University of Florida, Speights had two insiders, Noah and Horford, which resulted in him having no playing time at all. After Noah and Horford participated in the draft, Speights has also been living under the aura of the two.

Compared with those two seniors, Speights' statistics and performance are naturally not amazing, so Speights has not attracted much attention.

But Link knows very well that Speights is the kind of player who doesn't care about stats and fame, but is always passionate about the game. The Lakers' championship twin towers are really likely to be upset by this little-known guy.

But before that, Link still has one thing to do-to cooperate with Gay on the offensive end.

Gay was still the core play until he became the third scorer this season. In the case of a large number of possessions, but few assists, it can be said that almost no pass!

An iron man like Westbrook averaged 8 assists per game. After all, the ball is in his hands most of the time, even if he is not good at organizing, it is easy to play such assist data. Gay, with a lot of possessions, averaged only 2 assists per game, which shows how "core" his style is.

Guy usually stands up to solve problems with his personal ability when Link and Randolph have no chance. But at this time, Hollins asked Link and Guy to cooperate! Link is looking forward to it, because after a year in the Grizzlies, he doesn't know how it feels to work with Gay.

Don't think this is an exaggeration. Players with core styles rarely cooperate with teammates. In the future, Nick Young even set a record of assisting Kobe for the first time in two and a half years with Kobe...

The first attack after coming back from a timeout Conley handed the ball to Link early. Link faced Kobe and observed the situation on the court.

The championship twin towers are still guarding near the penalty area, and once they break through, they will fall into a defensive trap. Guy is trying to get rid of, but Matt Barnes's "mad dog" is clinging to Guy.

Link called Speights to cover, and then broke through!

Speights is a villain, this is undisputed. On the basketball court, Speights has always been known for being rough. So even in the pick-and-roll, Speights gave Kobe huge pressure.

By the time Kobe left Speights and followed again, Link had already entered the penalty area.

At the same time, Gasol followed to defend to the basket, he was still creating a defensive trap for Link.

But Link would not be fooled, he passed the ball back to the outside. At one step within the three-point line, Speights took the ball and shot!

"Pau Gasol ignored Speights, it will cost him!" Kevin Harlan's voice just fell, the Nets rolling sound rushed into his ears.

Speights made a mid-range shot, and the Grizzlies recovered some points 4-8. And Link's data sheet is no longer 0!

Sure enough, as long as there is a little chance, infinite possibilities can be expanded!

"Thanks buddy!" Speights was in a good mood after the goal, and smiled and pointed to Link.

Link nodded slightly, indicating that the meaning of this CIC is more than two points. After this ball, Gasol knew that Speights shot very well and would never let him go.

This means that the Lakers' penalty zone will be less supported by a tower!

In this way... Link looked at the number 8 next to him, that was their performance time!

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