Reverse Growth Superstar

: 247: Signature Action

The Lakers still lead, and all Staples fans believe they can keep the lead. Who is Maris Speights? He is no one. Simply put on a fierce insider, but there is no way to deter the Lakers' championship twin towers.

Not only fans of the Lakers, even Kobe Bryant believes that Speights will not be a threat. If Gasol can guard Randolph, he must be able to guard Speights.

The Lakers continued to attack, Kobe is still the main attacker, this time Link did not let Kobe do any more moves, he chose to press close!

"Link is pressing Kobe, this is tantamount to suicide, Kobe can easily live him clean!" Mitchell Thompson smiled playfully, the second-year rookie is still inexperienced.

Kobe did intend to use a breakthrough method to get rid of Link, but after taking two steps, he found that Link was still hanging beside him!

Kobe now is no longer the omnipotent "Peter Pan"!

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of Link, Kobe suddenly turned over to shoot a jumper. But Link knew too much about Kobe's offensive footsteps, and he jumped up, his palm completely blocked Kobe's shooting route!

Kobe had to increase the arc to avoid the cover. But the result of this is that the basketball knocks to the front of the rim, and Kobe shoots for iron!

"This ball is too difficult, Link's defense is different from other rookies." Kevin Harlan is not surprised at this, he knows how strong Link's defensive ability is. Before Kobe was able to shoot 2 of 3 in a short time, not because of Link's bad defense, but because Kobe's hand was too smooth.

But Kobe's hand can't be so smooth every time, right?

Speights withstood people this time, and Gasol didn't need to be disturbed by his brother, so Bynum stuck behind him!

In the end, the rebound was finally successfully protected, and the Grizzlies had the ball!

Link and Guy immediately jumped in on the left and right sides, and Conley pushed the ball in the middle. The Lakers starting point guard is the old "old fish" Fischer, the chairman of the players union is considered one of the most misleading starting players this season.

Fischer is too slow now, it is not easy to keep up with Conley. Don't look at this guy's good posture, but he is really the one who was stepped past.

As a result, Barnes had to make up to stop Conley. Before being blocked, Conley passed the ball to Link who cut to the basket. Link made a breakthrough and attracted the defense of Barnes and other Lakers.

Barnes hasn't forgotten the embarrassment he faced with Link last season, so the "mad dog" is extremely active in defending Link.

But Link just took a step before he threw the ball into the air.

Barnes took off and blocked, thinking it was a shot. In the next second, the unattended Rudy Guy flew up, caught the basketball in the air, and then smashed with one hand!

"Air relay, the air relay cooperation from Link and Guy! Beautiful offense, when did the Grizzlies offense become so gorgeous!?"

After Guy landed on the ground, he let out an exasperated roar, then Guy looked at Link and nodded slightly at him.

He found that sometimes it seemed nice to let that kid hold the ball?

"Look at your own people, see your own people!" Mike Brown furious off the court. Seeing that the Lakers' lead is only 2 points left, can he not worry?

In fact, the ball was just because of Kobe's long shot that caused the Lakers to get a fast break. But Brown didn't dare to talk about Kobe, so he could only let Barnes take the blame.

Kobe also knew that Link was not easy to deal with, so he handed the ball to Gasol. Gasol thought Speights was a good bully, but after confronting it, he realized that this guy is even more ruthless than Randolph!

Randolph is very weak today, but Speights is very tough. Although Speights' defense skills are average, his physical fitness is not top-notch. But as long as he can withstand Gasol's impact, his defense is equal to half of the success!

Seeing that Gasol couldn't eat it, he chose to roll over and shoot a jumper. Speights continued to pressure, making Gasol's shooting action extremely awkward. In the end, the basketball knocked out, and Gasol withstood Bynum's collision and protected the rebound again!

The Grizzlies have a chance to tie the score!

"Retreat, back quickly!" Kobe shouted to the team as soon as Gasol hit the iron. The Lakers then retreated quickly, forcing the Grizzlies into the battle.

Link once again faced Kobe with the ball, but instead of a strong hit, he called Speights again!

"Want to repeat the old trick? Kid! Come on, you still can't score!" Kobe spitted trash at Link. Now he doesn't care about his personal relationship with Link, he just wants to win!

After Speights took his place, Link started immediately. But this time, Gasol hesitated on how to defend Link.

Let Speights, that fat guy can really shoot. Let Link, he can directly threaten the rim again.

In the end, Gasol chose to trust his teammates. He believed that Bynum or others could make up for Link, so the Spaniard continued to guard Speights, allowing Link to kill him in the penalty area!

Link's breakthrough caused the Lakers' defense to shrink. After all, this was a player who averaged 20 points per game. The Lakers couldn't be so dumb to watch Link score.

But Link passed the ball diagonally behind without looking at anyone!

At this time, people discovered that Guy had got rid of Barnes at some point and was cutting diagonally to the rear!

After receiving the basketball, Guy made a jump shot. Because the Lakers were attracted by Link on the inside and Barnes was thrown away again, Guy got an open shot!

Gay's unsteady shooting rate is mainly due to too many strong shots. His core style of play makes him always try some difficult shots. And Guy is really obsessed with mid-range shots. Sometimes he can be abrupt, but he still chooses to shoot mid-range jumpers.

But for this kind of open mid-range shot, Gay has a good grasp. He made another shot and the Grizzlies equalized!

"Good job, haha! Let the Lakers see our offense!" Randolph waved the towel off the court, Link and Guy connected, the picture is simply beautiful!

Together, these two offenses are very good people, and completely achieved the result of 1+1>2.

People have been discussing this season as to who Link and Gay will be the main attacker. But today, Link undoubtedly gave a new answer-why don't we attack together?

The scumbag Guy laughed happily. He has rarely played such a comfortable offense this season.

Link 0 points and 3 assists, he still did not score on Kobe's head. But absolutely no one would say that Kobe restricted Link to death.

Because Link's 3 assists are more valuable than points.

"Link and Guy suddenly cooperated. This is an attempt that the Grizzlies have never tried before. In the past, Link and Randolph were the core of the offense, and Guy occasionally scored singles. But now, when Randolph can't play. , Coach Hollins may have changed his strategy."

"Anyway, the sleeping Grizzlies have awakened. If the Lakers want to win two consecutive victories and try to restore the impact of the two-game losing streak, they must be more serious."

The Lakers are serious, but Guy and Link's two consecutive cooperations have boosted the Grizzlies' morale.

Gasol, who has the longest beard on the Grizzlies, is the most inspired player.

Seeing his brother playing well on the offensive end, Mark also wants to do what he is good at on the defensive end.

The basketball was beaten to Bynum this time, and the Lakers opened up all the members. The "Little Shark" was quite a bit going to tear the penalty area.

However, this fits the appetite of Gasol!

Bynum is not a simple brutal center. Maybe he likes to use dunks to end the offense, but in fact Bynum's footwork is quite solid under the basket and he can also hook on both sides. There is even a shot. If Bynum is placed in seven or eight years, this guy may have to shoot five or six three-pointers in a game.

Bynum received the basketball, shook his shoulder to the left, then immediately cut to the bottom line, ready to break the dunk! In 2006 Bynum's rookie season, he used this trick to dunk in front of Heat O'Neal!

But this time, Gasol's judgment on defense was very accurate. In the first time Bynum shook his shoulders, Gasol didn't eat it. In the second time, Bynum broke through the bottom line, and Gasol sealed it up for the first time.

Bynum carried Marc Gasol to the basket with his body, then raised his arm to dunk!

However, Bynum obviously underestimated Gasol's defensive ability. On offense, Paul is better than Mark. But in terms of defense, this ranking has to be reversed.

Little Gasol squeezed hard, jumped up close to Bynum, then waved his long arm, "Pop!"

The basketball was shot on the backboard by the little Gasol, who is like a tramp!

"Puts on the board, Marc Gasol defended the Grizzlies inside, and the Lakers missed the attack!"

"Fuck, is it so powerful!?" Kobe didn't expect Bynum to be taken, after all, Bynum was really strong this year. If Bynum is not capable, Kobe will not be willing to give him the ball for singles.

But Gasol is also in the upswing of his career. Gasol averaged 1.9 blocks per game this season, a career high. Averaged 3.1 fouls per game, which was a career low. His grasp of the timing of the block and the anticipation of the offense have risen to another level. Bynum had just made up for the deduction and thought Gasol was good for bullying. But little Gasol can do anything in order to shave his beard soon!

After winning the basketball, Gasol handed the ball directly to Link.

Link pushed past the midfield and looked at the defense. Obviously, the Lakers are preventing him from playing the pick and roll, preventing him from breaking the ball.

That being the case... Link decided to single Kobe!

He alternated left and right dribbles outside the three-point line, slowly approaching Kobe. Kobe didn't step back, but stared at Link with those viper eyes. He knows Link's offensive footsteps are superb, but strong? Come on, Link is not that strong yet.

Just after Kobe thought about it, Link turned to the right and suddenly accelerated!

Looking at the entire league, Link's speed is really not fast, but compared to Kobe's expectations, it is a lot faster!

Kobe hurriedly moved, but Link changed his direction again with a cross step! Kobe retreated and changed his center of gravity again, but at this moment, after the cross step, Link did not continue to break through, but suddenly jumped!

Cross-step mid-shot, this is the result of Grant Hill's entire summer. Link has said long ago that this trick will become his killer!

Kobe was surprised and sealed up. In the Los Angeles game a few months ago, Lin Keming hadn't been so fast, nor had these tricks! How can he expand his arsenal in a short time!

Of course Kobe didn't know that after Link came back from Los Angeles and before the start of the season, he was upgraded again. In other words, Link is no longer a player of the same level compared to the previous game!


Kobe's blockade is of no avail. One of Grant Hill's best moves is not so easy to prevent Link successfully singled out Kobe, and the Grizzlies officially overtake the score!

"Come on, Sunday!" Link smiled confidently at Kobe, 2 points and 3 assists. The Grizzlies' points are basically related to Link! He has responded to Kobe with his best performance.

All Los Angeles fans were stunned. This No. 0 kid is now able to single out Kobe! Moreover, such a superb trick is used!

It's like Kobe's turn-over jumper, Duncan's 45° boarding, Dirk's Golden Rooster retreat independently... Link's cross-step mid-shot also left a deep impression on the fans. If this continues, it is not impossible to become his signature action.

After this ball, the Grizzlies can be said to completely reverse their momentum. Link can cooperate with his teammates, can lead the defense, and also singles the star. The entire first quarter is simply his personal performance.

Randolph is stealing from the bottom, I believe that after today's game, Link's votes in the All-Star vote will definitely rise rapidly.

After all, this is Los Angeles. The rewards of winning on this big stage are unimaginable.

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