Reverse Growth Superstar

: 485: New Face Report

Mount Dess, New York, Long Island.

Bauer Harris is distributing food to homeless people on the street. This middle-aged man in an old brown suit has a righteous face. He belongs to the kind of person who "knows that he is particularly friendly just by his face."

Old Baoer is a well-known good man, since he was a child, he has liked to help the neighborhood solve various problems, and it is not the first time that he has given things to homeless people.

Old Ball’s education made his five children different from most black children. His children have eliminated drugs, guns, and crime since they were young and can spend the same year happily.

Of course, Old Ball also set up a family motto for this Christian family-work hard, be grateful, and be willing to give.

So far, his five children are running their lives according to this family motto. Among them, the most proud old Ball was his second son, Tobias Harris.

The kid used his hard work in exchange for the opportunity to play in the NBA. A year ago, every scout's report on Harris must have a sentence-he worked very hard.

But speaking of it, Harris' efforts seem to have not been appreciated in the NBA. For a while, Tobias would give up. But Old Ball told him, "You can survive in the NBA, it is already a gift to your hard work. Continue to persist, your glory will naturally come."

Just thinking about this, Old Ball's cell phone rang. He took out his old cell phone and looked at the electric display. It was his second son Tobias Harris who called!

"How?" Old Ball couldn't wait to ask. As Tobias's father and manager, Old Ball certainly knew that the Bucks wanted to trade Tobias. It's just that whether the transaction will be reached in the end is beyond the control of Old Ball.

"It seems that I am moving again, father." On the other end of the phone, Tobias Harris' voice was full of helplessness.

"Don't be frustrated, boy. You are just going to another place and keep working hard. In Orlando, maybe you will get more opportunities."

"Orlando? No, father, I'm not going to Orlando."

"What!?" Old Ball was stunned for a few seconds. Didn't the team inform him before that, if it's hard to say, will Harris be added to the deal with the Magic? Now that the deal is concluded, how could it not go to Orlando?

"My next stop is going back to Tennessee when I was in college. It's Memphis, father, I'm going to report to the Grizzlies."

After Harris finished speaking, Old Ball's head was blank. Grizzly? The team whose regular season record still ranks first in the league so far this season?

How can a team whose goal is to win a championship need a newcomer who has not proven themselves?

Unless...unless, they want the newcomer to prove himself in Memphis.


On the night of the 17th, the All-Star Weekend games all ended. On the morning of the 18th, Randolph and Link were about to embark on a plane returning to Memphis. At the end of the All-Star weekend, they should also rejoin the team and finish the last month and a half of the game.

Before boarding the plane, Link and Randolph both played with their phones. They are not reading Facebook, but sending a farewell message to Maris Speights who has been fighting with them for a year and a half.

This morning, the NBA officially approved the trade between the Grizzlies and the Bucks. The Grizzlies sent out this year's second-round pick and Speights, and got the little-known second-year forward Tobias Harris from the Milwaukee Bucks!

This transaction did not cause any uproar, after all, people are looking forward to seeing Howard and Josh ultimately belong. Speights, second-round pick and an unknown young player? No one cares about this type of transaction.

But for the Grizzlies, this deal is significant. Everyone knows that this will be their last reinforcement before they hit the championship!

Speights walked peacefully. In the media interview, he thanked the Grizzlies for their trust, thanked his teammates, and expressed his dissatisfaction with Memphis and hoped to open a new chapter in his career in Orlando.

In a team like the Grizzlies, where the atmosphere in the locker room is extremely harmonious, no one will make a moth. Although everyone has feelings, everyone knows that the NBA is a business. Since some things cannot be avoided, it is better to accept them.

Speights chose to accept it.

As for the other protagonist in this transaction, no comment was made. Because a second-round pick can't speak.

Yes, the second round pick is one of the reasons the Bucks are willing to send Harris away. If they want to rebuild, they need more picks to support. All tickets are scratched, and it is possible to win the second round of lottery. Not to mention the second round show, after Link became famous, even losing the draft has become the object of various teams competing to "scratch the lottery."

Tobias Harris' position in this trade is not even as good as that pick. When he left, not even a reporter came to visit, nor did any teammates see him off.

He left the "Ice City" Milwaukee alone with his luggage on his back, and got on the plane to Memphis alone.

Before turning off the phone, Harris posted a paragraph on his own social media with few fans, "You are not defined by the past, the past prepares you."


"Do you still say that I will just talk nonsense? Look, Tobson Harris is really here." Randolph was triumphant along the way, as if he had personally made the deal. In fact, Randolph didn't even know if Harris was an American.

"My name is Tobias Harris. I will be teammates from now on. At least I have to figure out their names." Link was speechless, Randolph was instantly skinned as long as he hadn't played for two days.

"Well, Tobias, Tobosen, it's no different! I don't know if the kid likes playing cards, if he doesn't like it, Tony Allen will lose a gambler, hahahaha."

Although Link and Randolph had just returned from Houston, they had to participate in team training in the afternoon. Because tomorrow, the Grizzlies will go far away against the Pistons and restart their regular season journey. Therefore, training is urgent.

"Have you seen that guy play?" Seeing Randolph joking around, Link was about to talk to him about serious topics.

"Who? Harris? I don't even know who he is, what do you think?" Randolph spread his hands.

"Then you'll know him this afternoon." Link patted Randolph on the shoulder. Randolph always despised the newcomer. It was the same attitude towards Link at the beginning.

But the **** bear is actually very simple. If you are powerful enough to be recognized by me, I will recognize you as a brother, and I will respect you.

Link believes that Harris will definitely brighten Randolph during training this afternoon.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Link arrived at the training hall. As soon as I stepped into the gate of the training hall, everyone was discussing the Speights deal.

"Marlis did a good job, but it's a shame that he actually left."

"The management has their ideas. We played well this season. This at least proves that their previous decisions were correct, didn't they? Then this time, maybe it was correct."

"Tobias Harris? Why don't I remember that I played against him..."

It wasn't until Link walked in that the voice discussing Harris finally disappeared. It wasn't because Link was so prestigious in the Grizzlies that no one else dared to speak when he walked in. It’s because people’s conversation partner instantly changed from Harris to Link...

It wasn't until five minutes before the training started that a player with a strange face finally appeared in the training hall. He is carrying a backpack and looks very tired. Everyone stared at him, and he stared at everyone, and then waved his hand to greet everyone.

"Hello everyone, my name is Tobias Harris and I will be a teammate from now on."

Stevens' inquiry also came out of the office, and then looked surprised, "Didn't I ask you to report after the team returns from Detroit?"

Stevens knows very well Harris just came to Memphis today and there are still many things to deal with. Therefore, he decided to give Harris a few days to deal with everything. When the Grizzlies return from Detroit, it will not be too late for Harris to join the team.

However, Harris himself "sent to the door" at this time.

Facing Steven’s question, Harris smiled honestly, "I just don’t want to miss the team’s training, coach."

At that moment, Stevens remembered the words of Harris University coach Brewer Peel, "He had the most professional work attitude I have ever seen in college."

Harris put down the bag, received the training uniform from Elston Turner, and then naturally joined everyone in the queue, waiting for the training to begin. It was as if he was a member of the Memphis Grizzlies, and the transfer seemed to have no effect on him.

Randolph grinned and whispered in Link's ear.

"This kid is interesting."

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