Reverse Growth Superstar

: Four hundred and eighty six: Blizzard

At the end of the All-Star Game, the NBA regular season war reignited. On February 19, in the run-down Detroit, the Grizzlies ushered in their first opponent after the All-Star Game, the Pistons.

The Pistons' poor record of 21 wins and 33 losses this season is not surprising, because in the past three seasons, they have not reached the playoffs. For the rebuilding of the team, it can not be done in a day or two.

There is no suspense in this game, the Grizzlies are far above the Pistons. Even specific to a single position, the piston does not have a dominant position.

Brandon Wright is the player that the Pistons rely on the most, but as a second-year player, he averaged 40% shooting per game, making his 13 points seem to be piled up by shooting power.

The Grizzlies took the lead early and clocked out of get off work in three quarters. This is a situation often seen after Stevens took over the Grizzlies.

In the fourth quarter of the game, Grizzlies such as Link, Randolph, and Iguodala sat on the bench, but the camera lens was aimed at the flat guy at the end of the bench.

"This is the first game that Tobias Harris played with the Grizzlies, but even if it's garbage time, Coach Stevens doesn't seem to be going to let him play. I still don't understand, the Grizzlies What did the team do this deal.” The two Detroit local commentators were so boring that they both began to worry about the Grizzlies.

"It's not just you, Wharton, many people don't understand what the Grizzlies think. The trade will definitely destroy the integrity of the Grizzlies lineup. If you trade a player, you won’t need him. For the team, it doesn’t make sense. Instead of that, it’s better to keep Speights. God knows what the Grizzlies are for, maybe they just want to find a presence in the market?"

The ridicule of the two commentaries coupled with Harris' helpless expression made the old Ball in front of the TV very helpless.

But in fact, Harris didn't play during garbage time for a reason. Harris, who appeared in the training hall for the first time yesterday, was severely blown by Randolph and Arthur.

On the training ground, Harris seemed at a loss. Facing Randolph, Harris was almost unable to move at the basket. On the defensive end, it couldn't resist the rough collision of the **** bear.

Later, facing Arthur who had already ruptured his Achilles tendon, Harris actually struggled very hard.

Seriously, his performance surprised Link. Is this still the All-Star Tobias Harris in the future?

After the training, Harris was very frustrated. He wanted to vent his negative emotions by training, but because the team had an away game today, Stevens even banned everyone from training...

Lin Keguang felt uncomfortable even thinking about it when he went home with that kind of aggrieved mood. After the training, Randolph was also very disappointed. On the way to the parking lot with Link, he shook his head vigorously, "Didn’t you say that he would let me know who Tobias Harris is today? Sorry, that kid didn’t make anyone shine at all. The place."

The condition was so bad during training yesterday, Harris naturally did not get a chance to play today.

A few minutes later, the whole game ended. The Grizzlies easily smashed the Pistons with 105 to 91 on the road. Link scored 23 points, 6 assists and 4 rebounds in the three quarters, and he became the best player of the game without any suspense.

At the press conference after the game, Link did not encounter any embarrassing problems until the last reporter raised his hand.

"Link, what do you think of the team's deal with Tobias Harris?"

Harris is in the locker room at this time, and the news conference is also on the radio. He suddenly stopped the movements in his hands and became extremely focused.

Link scolded the reporter secretly, that Nima was really bad, and there was nothing in the audience, so in the end he had to dig himself.

However, Link is also a three-year veteran of the Confusion League, and he is easy to deal with such reporters. "I believe that Tobias will play his own value in Memphis. You may think I am talking beautiful things, but I am serious. . All of us were despised at the beginning. However, we were all reborn in Memphis. The same is true for Harris. He is being integrated into the team."

Stevens beside Link nodded approvingly. Link said this beautifully.

Moreover, Stevens is also confident to make Harris better. He was not in his final form yesterday.


Link put on the headphones and prepared to sleep beautifully on the plane. The night after the away game is always the most exhausting, and after this game, the Grizzlies will not go home, but will rush to the north of Toronto without stopping.

Tomorrow, in the city that is now dozens of degrees below zero, the Grizzlies will face the Raptors back to back. As soon as the All-Star Game is over, they will fight back-to-back, and the Grizzlies' schedule is no longer there.

As soon as Link put on the headphones, Tobias Harris walked over to Link and waved his hand embarrassedly, "Can I have a few words with you? Link. Of course, if it disturbs you." ,I am very sorry."

"Of course don't bother, sit down Harris. In the Grizzlies, we are not so restrained." Link smiled at Harris, and put down the headset by the way.

"Um... I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for your willingness to drive me home yesterday. You know, the first time I came to Memphis yesterday, I was so dizzy. Fortunately, I have you. And, thank you for today What I said at the press conference. It means a lot to me, thank you!"

In just a few words, Link heard three thanks. Harris is different from many black players. He is polite and very educated.

"Don’t thank me, my teammates, don’t you? Teammates should be like this. Tobias, I know there have been many voices questioning you in the past two days, but you don’t need to care. If anyone here has not been questioned, he won’t run. Come to Memphis, hahahaha. I believe that the team needs you to trade you. So, keep working hard. Our goal for this year is not easy, I hope you can be prepared.” Link finished, patted Harry On the shoulder.

Stevens, who was sitting diagonally behind, couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene. Leaders in the third grade are indeed rare.

Many players didn't really understand it when they were in the third grade. Link is good, he can enlighten others.

Link also knows that it is not a matter of one person to win the championship, and that everyone's strength must be assembled. There is no harm in having one more helper.

I hope Harris can find his own state as soon as possible.


"I'm Cao, it's a miracle that we can land!" As soon as Randolph got off the plane, his whole body suddenly fell asleep.

Because it's too cold!

It was snowing heavily in Toronto today, and the plane was delayed for two hours in the air. It was not until the landing changed and it flew to Toronto's second largest airport in Buttonville, where it finally landed. At 4:30 in the morning, when the players got off the plane, they found that there was a blizzard at Buttonville Airport!

Fortunately, they did not fall until the snow fell, otherwise they really don't know how long they will hover in the sky.

"Everyone is next to each't run around!" Stevens yelled at the front. He felt like he was not leading a basketball team, but a climbing team.

Everyone got on the bus under heavy snow, only to find that the street was white and could not even be seen.

Several police cars with flashing lights approached and got on the bus after showing their credentials, "Sorry, the snow is too big now, and the road is temporarily closed! When we can leave, we have to wait for notification!"

"What? Can't leave yet?" Stevens looked at his watch, it was almost five in the morning! If I don't leave now, when can I get to the hotel! In 14 hours, the Grizzlies players are about to play!

"I can't do anything, coach. But for the sake of safety, let's wait for the notice. Don't worry, when the road is reopened, we will open the road for you." After that, the officer got out of the car. Stevens turned his head and saw only the tired faces of the players.

This trip to the north is quite unpleasant.

But now, the Grizzlies players can only wait.

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