Reverse Growth Superstar

: Four hundred and eighty-seven: Competition

At 5:50 in the morning, the Grizzlies players finally arrived at their hotel. If it is summer, the sun will rise slightly at this time.

After a season, there are many examples of NBA teams being delayed due to flight delays. But it’s rare for the Grizzlies to get a rest so late today.

Some time ago, James and his Heat only returned home late because of flight delays. But that time, after James arrived home, it was only "just" 4:30 in the morning.

Compared with five and fifty, four thirty is not worth mentioning.

As soon as Randolph arrived in the hotel room, he laid out big characters on the bed, and Lin Keqiang fell asleep quickly after holding on to wash.

The next day, when the players woke up wearily, it was already past 12 noon.

So, dragging their tired bodies, the Grizzlies players opened their eyelids, started eating lunch, and started a day of training.

After staying up late, the restful sleep is not like usual. Although the Grizzlies players slept for about 7 hours, they still haven't recovered enough energy. I haven't slept after five o'clock in the evening, and I consume twice as much energy. Even after 7 hours of sleep, people must be very floating today.

This state is not suitable for work. Not to mention, it's a strong confrontational job like playing basketball.

Obviously, I only finished the game yesterday. I stayed up all night and played again today. Everyone's physical strength and energy were completely drained.

"Damn flight, no wonder so many people don't want to come to Toronto to play." Stevens looked at the tired figures of the players on the court, and couldn't help but complain.

Obviously, it takes less than five hours to drive from Detroit to Toronto. As a result, the flight took so long. In other cities, just walk straight after getting off the plane. But in Toronto, the passport had to be inspected, which delayed a lot of time.

Although the Grizzlies were also born in Canada, Stevens only feels fortunate that the Grizzlies fled this land.

Two hours before the start of the game, Stevens arranged for confrontational training. As soon as there is a confrontation, the players' state plummets.

At the beginning of training, the state was so bad that it was not obvious, Stevens just thought the players were a little tired. It's fine now, the last fig leaf is not torn apart.

How can the Grizzlies play in this state?

The Raptors' record this season is similar to that of the Pistons, and they are now 22 wins and 32 losses. Although it only ranks behind the top eight in the east, there is a great possibility of getting in.

If you lose to such a team outside the playoffs, Stevens and the players will be very unwilling.

But is there any way? In this game, the Raptors are destined to play very hard. This kind of team that has not completely given up its results is the most terrifying.

So a few hours later, in the luxurious Air Canada Center Stadium, the exhausted Grizzlies could not move on the basketball court.

"The Raptors have been in very good form recently. They have won five consecutive victories. Since Lowry's last 1.7 seconds of the Pacers on February 3, the Raptors have not lost again. Now, the Toronton As if seeing the hope of returning to the playoffs. After five consecutive victories, they are only three wins away from the eighth-ranked Milwaukee Bucks in the East! Today, I don’t know if the Raptors can continue their momentum. Upset at home!"

When Randolph missed another shot on the inside, and the Grizzlies' score was still 0, the Canadian local commentator shouted excitedly.

The game has been played for two minutes, and the Grizzlies have not scored a point. Throughout the entire season, the Grizzlies have never experienced a worse start than this.

Link, Randolph, Gasol and Iguodala all shot, but they all failed to score. Although Link was physically strong enough to cope with back-to-back games, his exhausted nerves still made him lose his state for a while.

Lithuanian center Valanciunas protected the rebound, and the Raptors quickly countered! They know that Grizzlies are exhausted, so speed up whenever they have a chance! DeRozan happens to be a player who likes to hit the basket. He went straight to the basket after receiving a pass from Valanciunas.

Link tried hard to catch up with DeRozan, but his running speed was getting slower and slower. In the end, he could only watch DeRozan perform a powerful two-handed buckle in front of the home fans.

DeRozan has started this season with some superstars. His scoring average has reached the highest so far in his career and the defensive counterattack is what DeRozan is good at.

7 to 0, the Raptors continue to lead!

"Nice counterattack. The Grizzlies' defense today is a bit unable to retreat. Look at Randolph, look at Gasol, the black and white bears have only played for a few minutes, and I feel like they are out of breath. The panting is not so exaggerated, but the physical condition is definitely not much better. The Raptors must continue to accelerate the pace and continue to control the situation!"

This time, the Grizzlies attacked. Link is determined to help the team break the scoring shortage. After holding the ball, he first calmed his breath, and then, facing DeRozan, he used a beautiful body to accelerate backwards and completely shaken the still young buckle!

But just after Link got rid of DeRozan, the Raptors started at the fourth position, and the fierce Amir Johnson made up his defense.

Amir Johnson is the kind of player who is desperate for Saburo. Maybe he can't fill up his data sheet every night, but he will definitely use his enthusiasm to contribute to the victory.

Link originally wanted to continue to break through, but because Amir Johnson was also fast on foot and had plenty of energy. So Link gave up this plan.

He passed the ball out of the gap between Johnson and DeRozan and delivered it to Randolph impartially! Although Link was tired, his mind was clear. Since Amir Johnson is in front of him, there must be no one in front of Randolph!

"This is the perfect opportunity for the Grizzlies to break the scoring shortage. Zach Randolph takes a mid-range shot!"

In the eyes of all Grizzlies players, this year's No. 2 Grizzlies, who was selected to the Western Conference All-Star team, made a short shot!

The basketball knocked to the front of the rim, and Valanciunas rebounded by one.

"I still didn't make it. This is an open shot opportunity! Hey, it is not difficult to see from the arc of the shooting that the Grizzlies are too tired. The goal just now was obviously a small effort."

The Grizzlies still failed to break the scoring drought, and their offense was a mess throughout the first quarter. If it weren't for the Raptors' offensive efficiency, I'm really sorry, the Grizzlies might have been beaten in the first quarter.

After the first quarter, the score was fixed at 20-14. The Grizzlies only scored 14 points in 12 minutes.

Randolph scored 0 for 6 and scored 2 points with only free throws. He was a well-deserved "Iron King" in the first quarter! Conley was 1 in 4, Gasol was 0 in 2, and even Nick Young made 0 of 2 shots today. It's hard to draw.

Link was 4 of 6 and scored 8 points in a single quarter. At first glance, the efficiency is pretty good, but you know, this is facing the Raptors! Under normal circumstances, Link should be able to do better.

If the game continues like this, Link will definitely not be able to maintain the efficiency of the first quarter, and he will be dragged down sooner or later.

Stevens is a little anxious. The Raptors are not playing very well today. Today the two teams are not playing better than who, but not so bad. It would be a pity if I just gave up.

But at the moment, everyone he can use is used, and they are all exhausted! Just when Stevens and Link were at a loss, Tobias Harris, who was sitting at the end of the bench, stepped up.

"Um...Coach, can I try it out?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Harris in an instant, but Harris was not afraid, he also wanted to contribute to the team.

Stevens looked at Link, who was half-tired after the first quarter, then looked at the Raptors who were playing equally badly, waved and called Harris over.

"Listen, I don't ask you to follow the traditional power forward style of play. You can try more outside jumpers and three-point shots. Gasol and Link will attract firepower for you. You have a lot of shooting space to use. Defense. End, assist more, and switch to the third position. Be fierce and play aggressive. I don’t care what you were like before, I only care what you can bring to the team now. Go, in the second quarter, you first hair!"

Harris swallowed, and Stevens actually gave him so much freedom! However, to give play to everyone's strengths, this is the characteristic of Stevens.

According to the traditional 4th position Harris will be abused by Randolph and Arthur to doubt his life. But what if you change the style of play? Stevens wanted to experiment on the training ground before sending Harris on. But for now, it can only be experimented in the game.

"Come on, man, let them know that Memphis players are not easy to mess with." Randolph patted Harris on the chest, and then sat on the bench tiredly. Although Randolph despised Harris on the training ground, on the court, the Big Black Bear knew that only his teammates could be trusted.

The electronic buzzer sounded, and Harris was nervous. This is not his first time playing an NBA game, but he is just very nervous.

He was afraid that he would fail the trust of his teammates and coaches.

At this time, Link walked to Harris and tore off Harris' training jacket.

"The time is up, it's up to you to play."

After Link finished speaking, he stepped onto the court first. Seeing Link facing the enemy's back, Harris instantly felt that he was not so nervous.

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