Reverse Growth Superstar

: Five hundred and seventeen: I was crushed by myself

The reporters were excitedly waiting outside the training hall. Every time they came to participate in the Grizzlies’ media opening hours, they would be very excited.

Once, the Federal Express Arena in Memphis was a place where no reporters wanted to come. But now, it has become one of the birthplaces of the best news.

As long as the Grizzlies players can be interviewed, there will be no traffic.

After checking the time, the security guards guarding the entrance of the training hall opened the gate of the training field, and reporters swarmed in like sharks smelling blood.

However, when the reporters carrying long guns and short cannons rushed in, they were all dumbfounded.

They looked around in surprise, this is indeed the Grizzlies training hall! But in the basketball training hall, no one is playing basketball!

The reporters only saw the Grizzlies players holding a magnified version of table tennis bats and playing giant table tennis on the basketball court. They all had a lot of fun.

"Is there a game for the Grizzlies tomorrow?" a reporter whispered to his assistant.

"Yeah, tomorrow the Grizzlies will play against the Celtics at home." The assistant nodded.

"Then who can tell me what the Grizzlies are doing now? Are they going to win the Celtics by table tennis tomorrow!?"

All reporters have this question in their hearts. The Grizzlies’ training is like a playground!

Seeing the reporters coming in, the Grizzlies players gradually put down their "ping pong rackets", with unexplainable smiles on their faces, like children who were suddenly called home for dinner by their parents after halfway through play.

"Link, what training were you doing just now?" A local Memphis reporter who was very familiar with Link couldn't help but put his biggest doubt on the stage as soon as he came up.

"Training? Have you ever seen training like this? We are just playing." Link waved his hand, looking in a good mood.

Although playing large-scale table tennis, it has nothing to do with real table tennis. However, Link still has the most wins among all players. This may be the legendary racial talent.

"Um...but you will have a game tomorrow. The Boston Celtics are also fighting to keep their position in the playoffs recently. Are you so confident about tomorrow's game?"

"Tomorrow our enemy is very strong. The last time we played against the Celtics, Paul Pierce's outbreak almost turned us over. We are prepared for this. So don't worry."

Link's answer was very sleek, and would neither make the Celtics feel despised nor embarrass himself.

But even so, the reporters' surprise cannot be concealed. An hour later, photos of Grizzlies players playing large table tennis on the training ground became popular on the Internet.

Fans talked about this, the Grizzlies are now having a lot of traffic, and everything will be discussed.

Some people like the "sand sculpture temperament" of the Grizzlies and think the players are very interesting.

Some people, especially fans in the Boston area, think that the Grizzlies' transitional pride will ruin them.

No way, Bostonians have always been very exclusive. Even if they have lost to the Grizzlies this season, their xenophobia will not decline.

Fortunately, this game was played in Memphis, otherwise the Grizzlies players really don't know what they are going to be called.

The outside world does not understand why the Grizzlies should be so indulgent at a critical moment, but Elston Turner is looking forward to tomorrow's game.

At that time, everyone will know why.

On March 20th, Federal Express Arena. The Celtics players have revealed a fierce energy since their appearance.

At present, the Celtics record is 36 wins and 32 losses, barely ranked seventh in the East.

However, with a full month left in the regular season, the Celtics' playoff spot is not solid.

For a team like the Celtics that has a long history and just won a championship in five years. Not making the playoffs is a very cruel ending.

For this reason, Kevin Garnett has run out of ammunition and food and is unable to play tonight due to injuries. In the case of losing Garnett, the Grizzlies can be said to have a very big win.

But Paul Pierce, who has been in great shape these days, has made Grizzlies fans uneasy.

After the game started, the Celtics attacked very fiercely. Especially Pierce, his continuous scoring on Iguodala, seems to make people forget that he is an "old man" in the past years.

If the basketball game only had 12 minutes, the Celtics would have won the ball.

After the first quarter, the Grizzlies lost to the Celtics 22-27. Pierce made 6 of 8 shots in the first quarter and scored 13 points in a single quarter.

Many Boston media have already thought about the headline after the game today, "The Grizzlies despised the Celtics, and they were killed by angry Pierce!"

But everyone did not expect that the momentum changed as soon as the game entered the second quarter. Moreover, it was the Celtics themselves that changed.

After the start of the second quarter, the Celtics' turnovers increased significantly, and the offense became overly cautious. For many of the **** that can obviously be shot, the Celtics players have chosen to pass.

Mistakes will cause counterattacks, and hesitation will not bring points. Gradually, the Grizzlies began to catch up with the score and then overtook.

In the cheering atmosphere of the Grizzlies fans, all Boston reporters were stunned.

Why did the Celtics play this ball completely different from the first quarter?

Elston Turner, who was sitting on the bench, smiled. He could clearly see that the Celtics were too tight!

In the first quarter, the Celtics have no psychological burden. To put it bluntly, barefoot people are not afraid to wear shoes. But after taking the lead in the first quarter, the Celtics came under pressure.

All they are thinking about are how to keep their advantage, how to prevent the Grizzlies from overtaking, and how to win the game. However, the more you think about these things, it will make the players fearful.

This is why the Grizzlies coaching staff wants the players to relax. It's too tight and sometimes it's not a good thing.

The Celtics gave the opportunity here, and the Grizzlies would naturally not let it go. In the second quarter, Pierce was prevented from swallowing an egg, and there were 2 turnovers. Link performed bravely and returned Pierce with 12 points in a single quarter and beat the Celtics 32 to 20!

In an instant, the Celtics went from leading by 5 points to 7 points behind.

This time, the Celtics panicked even The huge pressure almost crushed the Celtics, causing them to not perform well enough in the second half.

In the end, the Grizzlies won the Celtics 110-98 at home.

In the game, the state of the Grizzlies and the Celtics are completely different. With the exception of the first quarter, the Celtics have never played well enough. And what about the Grizzlies? Players should be tense when they should be tense, and relax when they should be relaxed, which is considered a level.

The Boston reporters were looking forward to a big victory, thinking that high pressure would knock the Grizzlies down.

But they never thought that the "large table tennis match" would have such a big impact on basketball.

After this game, the Grizzlies' record became 56 wins and 10 losses. It's one step closer to breaking the record of the best regular season record since the 21st century.

But everyone knows that defeating the Celtics will not make the Grizzlies rest easy.

There are many people who don't want them to break records.

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