Not sure what to say, I am really disappointed by Stevens's remarks.

But the thought of him as a white man living in Boston seemed to make sense. I mentioned more than once in my novel that Boston is a white-supreme city. I just didn’t expect that the terrible thing that Link encountered in Boston actually happened to me.

To be honest, there was once an urge to break more today. Affected by this incident in the past few days, several basketball novels have already published chapters titled "No Update Today". How big the impact is can be seen.

Stevens has a lot of scenes in this novel, and I was unlucky enough to step on thunder. And the impact of this on subscriptions... is a disaster. The impact on the subsequent plot is also a disaster.

But no one has the ability to predict the future, and who the **** knows that something will happen. Attentive readers have also discovered that I did not mention Stevens in the last chapter, and I also thought about a reason to change a coach. But who knows who will stand next? What if someone just stood in line when I just changed? Anyway, lately, the basketball circle has been smoggy.

Maybe some other great gods with deep foundations have not been affected, but I really can't play anymore. However, persisting in writing has always been my bottom line. I have never been a **** and it is a small thing to be proud of. So bite the bullet and continue to write this book today and in the future, so everyone can rest assured.

But after this book? How much impact will basketball novels suffer? no one knows.

I only know that many colleagues and friends like me have begun to seek transformation...I am very chilling. I have been working hard for this book. The classification is more than 30w words per month, except for me is the microphone. There are 48 more on the shelves, not the most peers, but there are also a lot of them. So far, I still remember the days when the whole day was codewords. But at that time, hard work can be rewarded, I am still happy.

But now, all these efforts may have to be lost because of a word from someone on the other side of the ocean, sad. Under the wheel of history, our small shrimps are really insignificant.

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