Reverse Growth Superstar

: Five hundred thirty-seven: Promise me, don't come and die

After the regular season, the teams were given two days off. Two days later, it's time to go fishing. The fight is to begin their hottest time in the year.

Before the start of the playoffs, espn made a forward-looking special program. This time, the Memphis Grizzlies were taken seriously for the first time. In the eyes of espn experts, the Grizzlies have become a champion challenger.

"The situation in the West is very interesting. The Spurs, Thunder and Grizzlies are all fighting for the final glory."

"In fact, we all know that Kevin Durant has already written a battle against Link. This year, Durant is eager to fight James a second time. No matter who stands in front of him, he will go forward."

"The Grizzlies won the regular season this season in a devastating way. I don't know if their state will continue in the playoffs."

To what extent can the Grizzlies do? Become the biggest suspense of this year's playoffs. Finally, the whole league experienced the threat of this small team to the championship.

There are different opinions about whether the Grizzlies can win the final championship. But for one thing, everyone's views are quite consistent.

To quote a quote from t.nt news, "No matter what results the Grizzlies will eventually get, the Rockets will be out of luck."

In the first round of the Western Conference playoffs, the first Grizzlies played against the eighth Rockets. This game seems to be doomed before it starts.


Kevin McHale must be very upset at this time, upset why the Rockets failed to beat the Lakers in the final game of the regular season.

This year, the Lakers f4 was brutally defeated by Waterloo. They were originally considered candidates for the championship, but in the end they only played a record of 45 wins and 37 losses. This record was the same as the Rockets, but because the Lakers won more games against the Rockets, the Lakers eventually ranked seventh.

The Rockets can only play against the West.

The last time the Rockets played in the playoffs was in the 08-09 season. It was also the last relatively complete season Yao Ming played in the NBA.

After three consecutive years, the Rockets have been "lottery champions", ninth each year, a steady number of. This year, the Rockets finally got rid of the spell of "lotto champion" and successfully entered the playoffs.

It stands to reason that the Rockets players and coaches should be happy. Reaching into the playoffs means that their reconstruction has played an initial success.

But now, the Rockets are full of despair from top to bottom.

Indeed, even if the Rockets play with the second-largest Thunder in the West, they have no chance of winning. But to be honest, the Thunder is not that desperate yet. If you run into the Thunder, the Rockets players still have fighting spirit, strive to win and create some trouble for the Thunder.

But against the hope!

The Rockets know the Grizzlies' style too well. The two teams have met four times this season. The Rockets have lost 3 and 1 win, which is enough to explain the problem. And the last time the two sides played against each other, the Rockets were completely beaten to nothing.

Thunder is a kind of strong, but it feels not cruel enough. Moreover, Westbrook is also a time bomb. So in the Thunder game, you can always feel the first line of life.

But the Grizzlies are different. The group of "bandits" in Memphis are strong and ruthless! As soon as they play, the Grizzlies will catch their opponents and punch them until they can't get up.

Therefore, McHale is quite embarrassed now. Desperate to live for a season, finally got a place in the playoffs. But if you get a shaved head in the playoffs and you can't win a game, it's better to get a lottery pick.

Thinking of this, McHale clenched his fists. In any case, the Rockets have to take a piece of skin off the Grizzlies!

It's all here, at least you have to play the Rockets.

On the other side, the Grizzlies are also preparing for the game in an orderly manner. Although the Rockets' hard power is incomparable with the Grizzlies, Link is still very serious.

The day before the game, at a regular press conference, Link made no secret of his goals.

"Win? Winning is not the goal, it is something that must be done. The goal of the first round of the series is very simple, we have to sweep the opponent 4-0! If the first round is difficult, then there is no need to fight in the subsequent games. Up."

Link's speech can be said to be merciless, and he didn't even give the Rockets any face.

But this is Link's character. It's okay not to provoke him. Once he provokes him, he is very stingy and has to kill his opponent.

There are already many stars who are abused because of quarrels or conflicts with Link.

Link's speech was too direct, naturally in order to attract a lot of sunspots. Some people think that Link is too arrogant after winning 70. The Rockets may not be able to beat the Grizzlies, but they will definitely make the arrogant Link pay some price.

Link dismissed this statement, and Link, who was interviewed in the player channel three hours before the start of the game, also responded to this.

"Of course I will pay, but it was in the Western Conference semifinals at the earliest! If the Rockets have this capability, I would like to experience it."

From the beginning, Link was hostile to the Rockets. This is not for other people, just for Morey.

Unfortunately, the rest of the Rockets must accept the punishment for Morey.


In the playoffs, this is the battlefield that Link thinks about. After seeing the Rockets players wearing red jerseys, Link undoubtedly became more excited.

Link will not let go of every opportunity that makes Morey want to cry.

Before the game began, the live footage gave Link and Harden a split-screen close-up, and attached the two regular season data at the bottom of the screen.

Harden can be said to have completed a fly-by improvement this season. Last season he averaged only 16.8 points per game, and his scoring average this season has soared to 25.9 points! At the same time, Harden averaged 5.8 assists and 4.9 rebounds per game.

And Link has 26.6 points, 6.5 assists and 7.0 rebounds in the regular season this season! In addition, he can score 1.3 steals and 0.8 blocks. The data is basically close to Grant Hill at his peak! Truly integrated offense and defense, omnipotent.

In terms of versatility, only James can surpass Link with this data.

In every way, Link's statistics are better than Harden. But overall, the gap is not too big.

However, people who often watch the game know that Link and Harden are not at the same level this season, and the gap between the actual performance of the two is much greater than the gap reflected in the data.

Harden has often been in poor form this season, shooting 20 to 30 percent from the field, and sometimes not scoring double figures.

And Link has the lowest score in a single game this season with 17 points! He is in his best form all the time. Rather than relying on occasional bursts to increase the average data.

If Harden's state is an undulating wave, then Link's state is a straight line with almost no waves. In terms of stability and processing power at critical moments, Harden is far behind Link.

But even so, the Rockets still have a good star. In case Harden is in excellent form today, maybe he can really fight the Grizzlies.

"This is the playoffs. In the playoffs, until four victories, no one is safe. The Rockets may still have a chance, and the suspense may not be ended." Before the game, espn commented Mike Brin also expressed Up this view. He does not think that the Rockets are a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Mike, how many Grizzlies games have you watched this season?" Hearing Mike Brin said, Hubby Brown, who was especially sent to partner with Mike Brin, asked jokingly.

Hubby Brown + Mike Brin, this luxurious cast of commentary, is enough to show how much espn attaches importance to the Grizzlies.

"I didn't see much. During the regular season, I also came to Memphis to explain two or three games." Brin said frankly.

"Hmm...that's right. No wonder you misunderstand the Grizzlies."

"Misunderstanding?" Mike Brin stared at old Hubby with a smirk. "What misunderstanding?"

"You mistakenly thought that the Rockets still have a chance."

On the court, the starting players of both sides have stepped into the designated positions. On the Rockets side, McHale did not change, and still sent Jeremy Lin, Harden, Parsons, Greg Smith and Asik's starting lineup.

On paper, the Rockets are basically not dominant in every position...

After the kick-off, Asik won the ball for the Rockets. Jeremy Lin organized after halftime, and finally passed the ball to Harden who had borrowed the screen.

Harden felt a chill in his back as soon as he received the ball. Today, it is Link who confronts him!

"The Grizzlies asked Iguodala to target Parsons today, and Link guarded Harden. Will the two teams' ace in the game start head-on?"

Harden gritted his teeth. He originally thought his opponent would be Iguodala today. Because in terms of video analysis, in order to save Link's physical strength, Iguodala usually helps Link to defend the opponent's top scorer.

But as soon as the game started, Harden received his first surprise.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not really a **** of death." Just then, Link smiled at Harden and said something.

Strictly speaking, this is not rubbish. Link neither cursed nor mocked. But this ordinary sentence made Harden even more afraid.

That guy actually saw that he was nervous!

Harden finally chose to break the ball, not head-to-head with Link. As the Rockets' leading scorer, Harden did not stand up in the first round.

In the end, Asik's basket attack was directly pushed down by Gasol. This year, Gasol is a strong contender for the best defensive player.

Link picked up the basketball blocked by Gasol and went straight to the fast break!

Jeremy Lin looked at Link running in a daze. Last year, they also appeared in Time magazine at the same time. But now, the two are far apart.

Link quickly pushed to the basket, the Rockets' overall retreat was very, very bad. Just as Link was about to attack the frame, the second-year draft pick Greg Smith rushed to the basket.

Smith is an athletic insider who can't do anything, just can run and jump. He naturally hopes that he can successfully block Link with his good running and jumping ability. The playoffs are the stage of fame!

But as soon as Smith took off, he realized that his so-called "advantage" was not worth mentioning in front of Link!

The athletic ability he is proud of is completely scum in front of Link!

"It's over..." Seeing Link whose jump height and projectile speed completely overwhelmed him, Smith muttered in his heart.

In the next second, Link slammed into and slammed the ball into the frame through Smith. Smith was hit by the huge impact and fell to the basketball hoop in embarrassment.

He knew that he had been deducted!

"There was a dunk at the beginning of the game! Link is very dangerous today, don't get close!"

After Link landed, he walked to Smith who was still sitting on the ground, looked at him condescendingly, and shook his head slightly.

"Promise me, stop doing such stupid things, okay? I'm really afraid of hurting you. Damn, do you really think you can stop me?"

Mike Brin on the commentary stage covered his forehead, and he was a little bit sweet. Unexpectedly, Link was so irritable when he came up, this is not giving the Rockets a chance.

Hubby Brown is right. It seems that he does have some misunderstandings about the Grizzlies.

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