Reverse Growth Superstar

: Five hundred and thirty-eight: I dangled myself

Greg Smith sat on the ground, regretting it. Although he and Link were both undrafted, he experienced the huge gap between the two in just one match.

Link didn't know what Smith was so iron, who gave him the courage, Liang Jingru?

Originally, I only wanted to complete a dunk in an ordinary way, so I had to send it up to make a dunk.

If you want to be famous, you don't need to be so anxious.

Jeremy Lin ran up to pull Smith up, while Harden was still standing there, stunned!

Bearded was thinking, Smith’s fate, will it be his fate today?

In the playoffs last season, the Grizzlies played against the Thunder, and Harden could still "hide" behind Durant and Westbrook. But today, he was completely exposed to Link's firepower.

And this Link is even more grumpy than Link during the regular season!

Link ran back to defend from the frontcourt and walked to Harden's ears. He still didn't ridicule or swear, but lightly said, "2 to 0".

Harden ignored Link for the time being, because head coach McHale had already started yelling from the sidelines.

"Relax, the game has just begun! Get it back on the offensive end, and be patient!"

McHale was very loud, and Link heard his yelling.

Although the Rockets are only eighth in the Western Conference this season, there is one stat that is very scary-they averaged 106 points per game in the regular season, ranking second in the league and slightly higher than the Thunder!

In this era when small **** and three-pointers have not yet been fully civilized, averaging 106 points per game is not something you can get casually.

Defense is not the Rockets' specialty, and McHale doesn't want the Rockets to struggle with defense.

Let go of your hands and feet to attack, and the attack is over!

McHale's yelling was still effective, and when the Rockets attacked again, Link felt the difference.

The Rockets' offense has become very fast, passing, running, screening...every step is going on at high speed.

It seems that McHale hopes to use a fast-paced offense to tear through the Grizzlies’ defenses.

The old Hubby on the commentary also saw through the Rockets' intentions, but he was not nervous, but laughed playfully.

Yes, the Rockets are second in the league in points per game. But the Grizzlies' defensive efficiency is the best in the league!

In 82 games, the Grizzlies have scored 10 games without even 80. This is the second decade of the 21st century, and NBA game scores can still be prevented from reaching 80. Listen, is this human work?

The Rockets’ rapid movement and conduction did not have any effect. The Grizzlies’ three perimeters and defensive capabilities are all top-notch ones! On the inside, there is also a strong contender for the best defensive player.

In the end, Parsons could barely shoot outside the three-point line. Iguodala is almost 10 cm shorter than Parsons, which is a big height difference. The height difference between Link and many centers is not 10 cm.

However, Iguodala’s timely defense and interference prevented Parsons’ height advantage from being fully utilized.

Under severe interference, Parsons's three-pointer hit the front of the rim. From the arc, it was not rushed into the net at all. It can be said to be off the beaten track.

This is a long rebound, but inside players are not easy to control. But the Grizzlies are not worried at all. They also have a good rebounder on the front line.

Link took off at the most correct position and at the most correct timing to get the rebounds. Of all the players in the third position this season, only four have 7 rebounds, and Link is one of them.

This kind of long rebounding has always been Link's specialty.

The Rockets' rapid offense failed, and then they were forced to use that tofu-like defense to resist the Grizzlies' offense.

The Rockets learned well this time. Seeing that Link was advancing with the ball, they all retreated very quickly. From Jeremy Lin to Asik, everyone was running like crazy.

Seeing that there was no chance for a fast break, Link also slowed down. But to be honest, he would also like to see how strong the Rockets' defense can be.

Just after halftime, Link handed the ball back to the real point guard Conley.

Conley was known to more and more fans because of the 0.9-second lore against the Spurs at the end of the season. Now everyone knows that Conley is not the kind of point guard who only dribbles for halftime in the Grizzlies. His own attack power is also quite strong.

Randolph consciously ran up to cover Conley, and it seemed that Conley was about to break through.

This agile guard is really a challenge for Jeremy Lin. All the Rockets' eyes are on Conley.

But as soon as Conley bypassed Randolph, he started to pass the ball. The basketball flew from the right to the left middle distance, and Link received the ball! And there was no one in front of him!

Everyone opened their mouths, including McHale. Because Harden has committed the old problem of eye defense again!

After Conley held the ball, Harden's attention was all on Conley. Link sneaked around to the left space, but Harden still stood there, his eyes still on Conley.

This kind of defense will be hammered to death by teammates in the 90s!

By the time Harden realized that he was going to block it, it was too late. Link steadily hit a jumper from the mid-range, and just got a stiff buckle, and now his soft shots can't beat Link.

"James Harden is stunned again. No one knows what he was thinking about. This kind of defense appeared in the playoffs. It really shouldn't be." Mike Brin sighed. Harden also played in the finals. People who are now, there is still no progress in this area.

Link pointed to the sky as a celebration of the goal. As he passed by Harden, Link said to him again, "4 to 0".

Harden clenched his fists, that hate!

Seeing Harden getting a little angry, Link became proud. It’s right to be angry, isn’t the purpose of spamming you to make you angry?

The Rockets' baseline shot was very fast, and the Grizzlies hadn't fully retreated before the Rockets' baseline shot.

Harden rushed forward frantically, halftime already. Jeremy Lin took a long pass at the right time and sent the basketball to Harden, who was running in front.

Harden really likes this fast-paced offense. He still doesn't believe that he will be suppressed by Link at the rhythm he likes. At least in terms of scoring, it will not be worse than Link!

After Harden received the basketball, facing Link from beyond the three-point line, his upper body wobbled, just about to change direction!

However, Link seemed to see through Harden's mind, and reached out his hand just right, and stunned to shoot the basketball in Harden's hand!

Link has carefully studied Harden's game video, and Harden always uses this trick in fast-paced advancement. Once he breaks through the defense, he can go straight to the basket. Not making it to the basket is enough to make a foul.

Harden averaged 10.2 free throws per game this season.

Sure enough, this time was no exception, Harden wanted to use this trick to sway Link. But it's a pity that Link is not the kind of player who can break through just by shaking. Irving wanted to fly Link too, but that was another sad story.

Harden not only lost the ball, but because of the sudden blockage, he lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground.

Then my left foot accidentally stepped on my right foot, and the shoe flew away...

Under Harden's embarrassed back, Link began to counterattack near the midfield line. He traversed the crowd all the way, and finally succeeded in a layup under Asik's block.

The audience laughed and Mike Brin joked, "James Harden knocked him down."

Harden got up from the ground put on his shoes again. Then, the voice came as promised, "6 to 0".

At that moment, Harden experienced real despair. This is the Memphis Grizzlies, and this is why the Rockets do not want to fight them!

After 6 minutes, the Rockets didn't score any sports games! Only relying on Harden's two free throws, he played 13-2 with the Grizzlies. Only halfway through the first quarter, the Rockets were 11 points behind.

McHale's fast offense didn't have any effect in front of the Grizzlies, so he had to suspend the game again.

Before Harden left the field, he saw Link make a gesture to himself, indicating that the score between the two is now 6-2.

It seems that whether Harden is willing or not, he was forcibly pulled into this competition.

Harden pretended to ignore it, but he was panicked.

The voice of Link's counting is like a death knell, forcing Harden to move toward hell.

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