Reverse Growth Superstar

: 833: The most perfect team

Latest URL: James feels that he must have been defeated in the opener.

In 2010, the first regular season after the formation of the Heat Big Three ended in defeat.

At that time, the league was enthusiastic about the matchup between the old and new teams. So the battle between the Heat and the Celtics became the highlight of the opening game. The final outcome was the "Green Shirts" victory with 8 points.

And now, four years later, after returning to Cleveland, James has also lost the first game.

It's just that this time James lost even worse than 4 years ago...

"The Cavaliers must have never thought of such a result. They absolutely couldn't think of everything they experienced tonight."

Looking at the Grizzlies who had already sent a substitute lineup, Hubie Brown on the commentator could not help but shook his head.

Fans spent close to 800 dollars to enter the stadium, ESPN put almost all resources into this game, not to watch garbage time.

In people's expectation, this game should be extremely fierce, and the two sides should fight to the last second. If the Cavaliers can top the Grizzlies, it would be even more perfect.

However, all the fantasies of the fans did not happen. There is no fierce confrontation, there is no heart-stirring chasing you, and there is no suspense in the game. At the end of the half-time game, the ending seemed doomed.

At this point, there are only 3 minutes left before the end of the game. The new Cleveland Cavaliers are still 22 points behind the Grizzlies.

The Cavaliers became the focus of attention of fans all over the world this summer, winning James and Love, making this small city team the protagonist of the basketball world.

But today, they played a game that did not match the level of attention.

The Cavaliers have indeed changed. They have three superstars, they have the treatment of national broadcast, they have the eyes of the world.

But the Cavaliers still seemed the same, because they still couldn't win the game.

At this time, the live camera swept over LeBron James. Sitting on the bench, his eyes were dull, completely devoid of energy. This "journey home" is really disappointing for James.

The audience made 5 of 15 shots, of which only 1 of 5 three-pointers, only 17 points. In addition, there are up to 6 personal errors! James' performance today cannot be described as excellent.

Many media have said that James's performance today is so-so. In fact, the word "so-so" can be regarded as a lot of face for James.

If it was Link who cut down this data, the media would definitely describe Link's performance as "a lump of shit".

James was completely suppressed by Link on both offensive and defensive ends today. It seems that successive defeats on the defensive end have also affected James' performance on the offensive end. In short, James definitely did not fulfill the responsibility of a leader today.

After James, the camera showed Kevin Love next to him a close-up of his face.

Love fell to the ground with his hands on his chin, his eyes blank. Today, the **** forward scored 19 points and 14 rebounds and scored a double-double as always.

But Love's only 42% shooting rate made his double-double less valuable. As an inside, even if it is an outside player, the hit rate is less than 45%, which is unacceptable.

The Cavaliers played the best today, but Irving is the youngest. The audience had 22 points, 7 assists, 5 rebounds and 2 steals, with a shooting rate of 53.3%. He is more like a giant than James and Love.

However, Irving has always been hard to beat with one punch, and his outstanding performance has not caused any waves. The Grizzlies firmly controlled the situation and rhythm in the second half, and even if Irving's status recovered, it was already too late.

The first battle of the three knights was unexpectedly embarrassing.

In stark contrast to the Cavaliers, is the Grizzlies bench.

On the bench, the Grizzlies players were talking and laughing. Although the game has entered garbage time, as long as a teammate scores a goal, everyone on the bench will stand up and cheer.

It is not difficult to see that the atmosphere in the dressing room of the Grizzlies this year is still very good, and the players get along very well.

In fact, this can be seen from the performance on the court. Today, the Grizzlies players showed a strong offensive ability with the ball. Everyone has the opportunity to attack, and everyone is not fighting for it.

Whether it is Link, Butler, Harris, Conley or Iguodala and Carter on the bench, everyone has the opportunity to attack with the ball.

Under normal circumstances, the Grizzlies' offensive points with the ball are a bit too much. The Cavaliers have only two possession points for James and Irving. People are worried about the distribution of the ball.

But the Grizzlies are magical, even if there are so many holding points, there is no obstacle to the distribution of the ball.

Because everyone on the Grizzlies can seamlessly switch between offensive and offensive with the ball!

Harris can take love with the ball alone, but he can also transform into a spatial four.

Jimmy Butler can score singles with the ball, but he can also be a 3D player silently.

Even Link is willing to give up the ball at any time to help his teammates open up space.

Therefore, the Grizzlies scored very evenly today.

Link went off work after only three quarters, so today "only" scored 25 points, 7 rebounds and 5 assists.

Butler scored 21 points. He showed a performance that was not inferior to the preseason.

Harris scored 18 points, and he has always had a low sense of existence, making Love scandal.

Conley had 13 points and 8 assists. He proved that he is a veritable All-Star player.

From individual performance to team performance, the Grizzlies are one level higher than the Cavaliers.

James' new Big Three is far from the championship.

In the end, the two teams scored at 122 to 97. The Cleveland Cavaliers defeated Memphis by 25 points!

The fans in the Federal Express Arena are happy, but this result is undoubtedly unacceptable to many fans outside of Memphis.

Although James's job-hopping event made the fans very upset, the Cleveland Cavaliers are indeed the best hope for preventing the Grizzlies from winning three consecutive championships this year.

However, in the first game of the new season's opener, their hope was thrown to the ground by the Grizzlies, not forgetting to step on their feet.

Their hopes were shattered before they even started.

After the game, David Blatter was caught by reporters before he realized what was going on. After he regained his consciousness, he discovered that the rest of the Cavaliers quickly walked towards the player channel at the end of the game.

Yes, for today's scapegoat, David Blatter has to carry it, or not.

The water in the NBA is too deep.

"I lost 25 points in the first official NBA game. Coach Blatter, how do you evaluate this loss?" The reporter was also merciless. Although Blatter was famous in Europe, he was a bully in the NBA. Rookie.

"..." Blatter was speechless for a while. He didn't expect that NBA reporters would sprinkle salt on the wound so straightforwardly.

Although Blatter did not say a word for a long time, the reporters still had no intention of leaving. It seems that if you don't say something, you can never get out.

As a result, Blatter, who was thoroughly educated, slowly approached the microphone, "The intensity and rhythm of the NBA are very different from those in Europe. The Memphis Grizzlies are very strong. They solved the ball perfectly with a lot of points. Power distribution and shot distribution. I think they are the most perfect team in the NBA at this stage."

Blatter praised the Grizzlies. He thought that complimenting his opponent would make it pass. But the rookie coach still thinks of the NBA too softly.

"So, do you admit that the current Memphis Grizzlies are much stronger than the Cleveland Cavaliers? Isn't your task to lead the Cavaliers to the championship? Don't you think the goal is impossible to achieve?"

Blatter's face was pale, and sure enough, the so-called sportsmanship and gentleman's demeanor are just the capital used by the winners to show off!

In the most powerful place of the NBA, the losers are not even qualified to show sportsmanship and gentlemanship.

The Memphis Grizzlies did give David Blatter a lesson.

In the end, Blatter turned around in a very embarrassed manner to "run away" and left without answering the reporter's question.

He really hopes that there is a team that can surpass the Grizzlies now, because he doesn't want to play the finals in this daunting place in six months. Well, if he can stick to the finals without being fired.

But Blatter quickly sighed. He said before that the Grizzlies are the most perfect team at this stage, not touting.

It is almost impossible to find a better team than the Grizzlies...

The "Long March" had only begun the first step, and Blatter felt that he could not go any further.

It's not that the Cavaliers are not good enough, but the opponents are too strong.

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