Reverse Growth Superstar

: Eight hundred and thirty-four: Dominoes

Latest URL: "The Memphis Grizzlies are the perfect team."

After the opening game of the new season, David Blatter's words completely became popular. After all, it is a rare thing for the head coach of the biggest competitor to recognize his perfection.

Of course, Blatter's words still caused controversy. According to internal sources, some Cavaliers players were very disappointed by the head coach's speech.

As the head coach, he immediately praised the opponent's strength without comforting his own players. This is undoubtedly a morale-damaging thing.

Although it is not known whether this rumor is true or false, at least people do see the shortcomings of David Blatter. Sometimes, once a crack appears, it will get bigger and bigger.

The combination of the Big Three + European meritorious coach is far less beautiful than everyone imagined.

The Cleveland people's desire to win the championship was clouded from the beginning, and Link and the Grizzlies finally got rid of those doubtful voices.

People began to believe that the Grizzlies indeed, as Link said, there should be 6-7 people selected for the top 50 stars. Because yesterday Tobias Harris performed better than Love, and even Jimmy Butler played better than James.

In just one game, the Memphis Grizzlies reversed their reputation. Now, almost the whole world believes that the Grizzlies can win this year's championship. If not even the Cavaliers, there is no second team in the league that can stop the Grizzlies.

The Grizzlies have indeed played their destructive offensive. After the opening game, they won the second-strongest Pacers in the Eastern Conference last season.

On October 31st, the Grizzlies played their first away game in the new season with a guest in Indianapolis against the Pacers.

This game was originally a highlight, after all, George and Link's soaring game is also very eye-catching.

But due to Paul George's injury and absence in the pre-season training camp, this game also lost its greatest appeal.

Speaking of it, George really can't escape bad luck.

In the original history, in the summer of 2014, George suffered a terrifying 90° fracture of his calf during the training game of the Dream Team.

But in this time and space, George did not suffer such a devastating blow. George was safe all summer.

Link was originally complacent about this, he thought that his arrival might let George escape. As a result, George was still injured in the pre-season training camp.

Although the injury is not as serious as the original 90° fracture of the calf, George still needs to rest for a full half season.

In addition to George, another Pacers general David West is also absent due to injury. Coupled with the transfer of George Hill and Stephenson this summer, the Pacers are now fragmented.

Without George, without Hill, without West, without "First James" Stephenson, only one Hibbert can not support the team.

Therefore, the prospects of the Indiana Pacers this season are very worrying.

Faced with the Pacers who lost four of their five starters last season, the Grizzlies won the away game 99-82 without blood.

Seeing the desolation of the Pacers fans, Link sighed.

Who could have imagined that this team that has fought with the Heat's Big Three for two consecutive years will suddenly fall?

The starting five Tigers lost four of them instantly due to injuries and transfers, which is a huge blow to any team.

After the Grizzlies won the Pacers, the NBA new season has started four days, a total of 26 games. All 30 teams have also appeared one by one.

However, this season seems to be cursed. In just 4 days and only 26 games, each team has suffered injuries of varying degrees.

The worst of them is the Thunder. They were still going for the championship this year, but Durant broke his right metatarsal a week before the start of the season and will not be able to return until December to January.

If this is the case, it is actually not too bad. With Westbrook, the Thunder can survive 2014 anyway.

As everyone knows, Westbrook will follow suit in the second game of the new season.

Yesterday, in the game between the Thunder and the Clippers, Westbrook played only 9 minutes and ended up injured due to a fractured right hand. Prior to Durant, Reggie Jackson, Jeremy Lamb and other players have entered the list of injuries, and now they have injured Westbrook, the Thunder only have 8 players on the court to play.

For this reason, they had to go to the development alliance to pan for gold. The record of the Thunder, I am afraid it is difficult to hold up before Durant returns.

The Thunder is just a portrayal of the serious injury problem this year. After November, the Grizzlies encountered the opponents, there is basically no complete lineup.

On November 1, the former Bobcats renamed the Charlotte Hornets, the Grizzlies only allowed the opponent to score 69 points. The Hornets scored so low, in addition to their lack of strength, but also because the Hornets’ Al Jefferson, the team’s leading scoring team, was absent due to injury, the Hornets’ offense was messy and could not be organized.

The boss of Joe looked worried off the court. This summer, he introduced powerful players such as Stephenson and Gary Neal to the team, coupled with the two cores of Jefferson and Kemba Walker. He thought he could compete. The weak Eastern Conference smoothly hit the playoffs.

But because Jefferson was injured, the Hornets are now defeated in 3 games! As soon as the game started, it was a hit.

On November 3, when the Pelicans were played, the Pelicans head guard Holiday was absent because of a broken right leg. Although Davis attacked fiercely, after all, the "thick eyebrows" are not yet fully developed. The Grizzlies won another victory easily. Unknowingly, they have started 4 consecutive victories.

But this time, even Link himself was not very excited. Because in these four consecutive victories, apart from the Cavaliers in the opening game, the Grizzlies have never played a team with a complete lineup.

Such a 4-game winning streak, the gold content is indeed not too high.

And this large-scale injury also made Link a little worried.

After the game with the Pelicans, ESPN also reported the situation of extensive injuries this year. According to statistics, in just one week since the start of the 14-15 season, the total number of injured players from all teams has reached nearly 100!

Injuries are like dominoes. After the first one falls, the ones behind cannot stop at all.

Looking at the entire NBA history, no season seems to have experienced such a brutal start. What is the concept of close to 100 people on the injured list? This is the number of players in 7 teams!

Although some of these 100 players are only short-term players with 10-day short contracts, even if these unconventional rotation players are aside, the injury problem is very serious.

"If this continues, the NBA may be breaking up before the All-Star Game."

"The league should reduce the number of regular season games, or lengthen the regular season game time! Facts have proved that the current game system is very harmful to the health of players!"

"The Thunder and Pacers are basically abandoned by injuries this season. I hope other teams will not follow in their footsteps."

Fans are also beginning to worry. After all, what is the charm of an NBA where no stars can play?

The Grizzlies are also paying great attention to the physical problems of their players. In the past two years, the Grizzlies have been able to dominate the league because of their strong strength and because the Grizzlies miraculously have not encountered them in two years. What a major injury issue.

In the past two seasons all major rotation players of the Grizzlies have played more than 70 times, making it the healthiest team in the league. In the playoffs, there were hardly any examples of injuries.

Health means everything. If a team can't stay healthy, no matter how strong the paper lineup is, it won't help.

However, even with great attention and caution, the defending champions have given bad news after two years of good luck.

On November 5th, the Grizzlies played away against the rebuilding Suns. There was no suspense and spectacle in this game, but Randolph's rebound in the second quarter changed the calm game.

Randolph suddenly fell to the ground without warning after grabbing the board. At first, Link thought that "Big Black Bear" had just slipped his feet and was about to pull him up. By the way, he was more and more cumbersome. body of.

But when Link saw the pained expression on Randolph's face, Link's heart suddenly "cocked".

The scourge finally came to the door.

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