Reverse Growth Superstar

: Eight hundred and eighty-eight: Modify the rules because Link is too strong?

In 1968, Wilt Chamberlain scored a triple-double from March 8 to March 20, for a total of nine games.

Chamberlain slaughtered the Quartet and set a record of consecutive triple-doubles in one fell swoop.

And this record has been sealed since 1968, as if his single game 100 points and the figure of 20,000, no one can match.

But on December 19, in the Grizzlies and Bulls game, Wilt Chamberlain's 46-year-old record was finally tied.

"For the first time in 46 years! Link hit a triple-double in nine consecutive games, creating a miracle!"

"Mirotic made 6 of 6 three-pointers and it was still difficult for the savior. Link cut triple-doubles to establish his position!"

"It's only a matter of time to surpass Jordan? Link is writing the history of the NBA!"

The frantic reports of the media have made it known to everyone that Link won a triple-double in nine consecutive games.

Mirotic scored 6 of 6 from three points, but was only occasionally mentioned.

The Spaniard can only admit that he is unlucky. This was an opportunity for him to stand out, but in the end, it became a contrast to Link's great existence.

With the help of the king of voting in the first round of the All-Star Game, Link has become one of the people with the most consecutive triple-doubles in NBA history.

After this wave of operations, Link's All-Star votes are expected to continue to soar.

Arenas joked during a guest show, "When I was still playing, the first thing I did after getting up every day was to vote for myself. But when I saw Yao Ming's votes, I gave up. Now , The other players in the league are probably in the same mood as me. But both Link and Yao are worthy of the title of the vote. If you haven't played against Link, you won't know how amazing he is."

Arenas is still very friendly to Link. Last year, he and Link tried three-pointers, so Link completely won the respect of the "general".

The whole world is caught in the upsurge of voting for Link. It is believed that Link can even break the record of the highest number of votes in NBA history set by Howard in 2009.

However, as Link thought, some media took the trouble to bring out the element of the Chinese market again.

"Yao squeezed O'Neal's All-Star starting center position in his first year in the league, but at that time Yao's strength was not comparable to Shaq. It is obvious that Chinese players are suspected of'cheating' in this regard."

"Does anyone remember the farce that Yi almost squeezed Garnett into the All-Star start? This kind of thing is happening again in Link."

"Is Link strong? No doubt, he is strong. But is he really strong enough to surpass LeBron James twice? This is very doubtful. I know Link’s nationality is different from Yao, but it’s still Can't stop the enthusiasm of Chinese fans."

These contradictory reports appear again. Almost every time a Chinese player's All-Star votes are too high, they will come out and clamor once again.

Before Yi Jianlian almost surpassed Garnett, it was indeed a farce. After all, at that time, Yi Jianlian averaged only 9.7 points and 6 rebounds per game in the NBA. It was obviously inappropriate for him to start the All-Star game.

But Link believes that at least he and Yao Ming are well deserved.

Why would he be questioned if he broke the record of winning votes in the first round? If it is James who broke the record, do these media still have so many questions?

Is it possible that Yao Ming and he are both yellow skin and black hair?

The league does not want Chinese fans to interfere with the "fairness" of the All-Star vote, but Chinese fans are also part of the fans, so the votes of Chinese fans do not count.

Link knows that the league hopes to break its dominance of the All-Stars. Of course, they also urgently need a "local hero".

In addition to his skin color, Link knew that his personality might not actually suit the league's appetite.

Link is now the facade of the Alliance, but it is not an official facade of the Alliance.

His utterances are dirty, full of sorrowful comments, and his personality is blatant. He sprays reporters from time to time, which has a very bad influence. Last season, Link was fined by the league.

What the league needs are "good guys" like James, Durant, and Curry, and they need these people to maintain the positive image of the league.

And Link is an out-and-out "anti-hero". In the alliance's view, such people are not conducive to propaganda.

Link is not the only superstar in NBA history that has been treated differently by the league for being too "naughty".

Back then, Iverson blew up a street hip-hop craze in the league. As a result, the league issued a dress code requiring players to wear formal attire to attend all team activities.

Anthony was also the darling of the league at the time and was enthusiastically praised by the league. But because of the serious brawl in 2006, Anthony's personal setting changed suddenly and "melon" became "social melon." The league then abandoned Anthony, a facade figure, and fully praised James.

With these lessons learned, it is not difficult for Link to predict this situation.

But Link didn't care about these opposing voices, anyway, after a few days after the second round of voting results were released, all doubts would be self-defeating.

But Link didn't expect that the next afternoon after the game with the Bulls, the league actually got involved in the All-Star voting!

It seems that they really urgently need a brand new character.


"All-star voting reform?" Link looked at the file before him, then looked up at Georgel.

"I'm afraid it is. It seems that your extremely high number of votes this time has begun to attract the attention of the Alliance." Georgel spread his hands.

He just received a fax from Chris Wallace, so he immediately informed Link to look at it.

The league officially issued a document to change the rules, requiring the general managers and owners of the 30 teams in the league to vote.

Once more than half of the number of people agreed, the rule changes will be established and will be officially implemented next season.

The All-Star voting rules modification plan clearly stipulates that the All-Star starting will no longer be selected by fans, and the media and players will have the right to vote, and a large proportion.

The document also writes the conversion formula for future All-Star voting in detail: All-Star Voting Score = (Number of Fans Voting Division Position Rank*2 + Media Voting Division Position Rank + Player Voting Division Position Rank)/4, The lower the total score, the higher the final ranking.

In other words, the players and the media each have 25% of the decision-making power.

To put it nicely, this is to ensure a fairer vote and prevent fans from voting blindly.

But all fools know that this is actually to curb the huge base of Chinese fans and to curb Link's continued dominance in the future.

In order for the alliance to create a brand-new character, provide convenience!

"It's so **** disgusting. He still keeps saying that the All-Star is a feast for the fans. Now he is doing this kind of thing..." Link shook his head. Malicious targeting is very uncomfortable.

"But having said that, I am too strong to force the Alliance to modify the rules, right? Hahahaha."

"Uh... be it." Georgel was speechless. He thought Link would be very angry, but he didn't expect Link to take this as an honor.

"It doesn't matter, they can do whatever they Maybe after changing the rules, I will still be the first? When that happens, they will be even more embarrassed." Link shrugged and handed the file back to Joe. Ger.

"Well... the new rules may not be passed. Chris and Pella have decided to vote vetoes, and they are firmly on your side."

"Okay, it doesn't matter. In any case, they will have to watch me become the champion this year. I go back first, and I have to play tomorrow." Link got up and said goodbye to Georg.

Mr. Joke wanted to restrict Link through some special means, but he didn't know that some superstars could not be restricted anyway.

The zone defense and the three-second rule failed to limit O'Neal, and the back 5 seconds still couldn't stop Duncan and Dirk and other backed gods from killing the Quartet.

Link left behind the All-Star voting reform.

With that mind in mind, it's better to think about how to break Chamberlain's record.

After all, the joke cannot refuse to write Link's name into the record history again and again.

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