Reverse Growth Superstar

: Eighty-nine hundred and ninety-nine: Breaking the merits of Zhang Dashuai, achieving 3 consecutive

The NBA is a league with no secrets

The next morning after the league sent the announcement to the team managers, the media had exposed all the details of the All-Star voting reform.

Just like every time the league changed the rules, they would not say by name and say that the rules were changed to restrict anyone, but the fans are not stupid, they all see the obvious intentions of the league.

And this time, the league clearly made such a change to limit Link.

Everyone knows that Link is not a good gentleman, not a traditional hero.

But he has been breaking records, winning the game, and becoming the top voter.

For the first two items, the league is powerless and it is impossible to operate the game blatantly.

Therefore, we can only start with the All-Star voting.

Once the reform of the All-Star voting system was exposed, it immediately caused an uproar.

Especially in China, the fans are very emotional.

"The foundation of the league is the fans, and the fans are the people who support the league. Since the All-Star is a festival for fans, the decision must be left to the fans!"

"If you can't choose your favorite player to participate in the All-Star, what is the point of the All-Star?"

"The All-Stars are watching the excitement. Let's do it now. Even the All-Stars have to look at the boring arrangements of the league."

"Don't say anything, joke Sabi."

Chinese fans have started a quarrel on the Internet. This action, which is clearly aimed at Chinese fans and Chinese-American players, naturally caused dissatisfaction among fans.

The reporters also interviewed Link on the matter, asking him what he thought of the new rules and whether he would worry about falling from the top spot in the future because of the new rules.

"How do you think? This is a rule that deprives the rights of fans, not a rule that deprives players. For many reasons, I will not scold the president. But if he is not scolded by the fans, I don't know." Link laughed It was very relaxed, with an attitude of "waiting to eat melon".

"As for worry, it is even more unnecessary. I never worry about the position of the All-Star ticket champion, because I do my best in every game to give the fans the best game. Therefore, I trust them. It's like this time, I Didn't it become the first in the first round of voting without posting any canvassing video?"

Link coped with ease, he deliberately wanted the league to collapse!

And after this incident, Link's desire for awards and record-breaking became even stronger.

The league doesn't want to make itself a face figure? That won't work, after all, my strength is here!

The best of the month, the top vote, the MVP and the championship, the more you don’t want to give it, the more I want it!

Link even couldn't wait to see how the joke looked when he handed the championship trophy to himself.

That face that was obviously reluctant and had to laugh, must be very funny.

So in the game that night, although the Grizzlies faced the Timberwolves, which is currently a 5-20 underdog, Link was not at all soft.

In the matchup with No. 1 man Andrew Wiggins, Link did not hesitate.

He scored 6 points in a row at the start, and Wiggins was beaten up as soon as he came up.

In this game, people originally looked forward to the duel between Wiggins, the "future super giant" and Link.

As everyone knows, Link relentlessly ended this highlight as soon as he started.

The current Wiggins, and Link are not at the same level, incomparable!

However, today, in addition to scoring, people find that Link's enthusiasm for offensive rebounds is also too high.

The Grizzlies’ three-pointers are not high today, but the Grizzlies have hit the iron several times, allowing Link to grab a second offense.

Link is like a predator lying in ambush in the jungle. Once he finds a prey, he will pounce on it, not giving the basketball a chance to "escape".

In this way, Link easily got a lot of rebounds and assists.

It just so happens that the Timberwolves are very tenacious today. The little-known 13th pick Shabaz Mohammed broke out in the second half and scored 18 points in the half.

"Don't pass" Mo Williams also followed and scored 13 points on 6 of 9 shots in the second half.

The sudden outbreak of these two guys did not give the Timberwolves hope of winning, but extended Link's playing time.

If Link clocked in early today because of the advent of garbage time, he might have broken his triple-double record.

Thanks to the efforts of "Mubu Chuan" and Mohammed. They allowed Link to play nine minutes in the fourth quarter and successfully scored 27 points, 12 assists and 11 rebounds in a triple-double.

102 to 96, the Grizzlies won the Timberwolves in a surprise away game, giving the opponent a five-game losing streak.

Of course, the most important thing is that Link has 10 consecutive triple-doubles and successfully squeezed the "ancient beast" Wilt Chamberlain under him, becoming the player with the most consecutive triple-doubles in NBA history!

At that moment, even the local commentator in Minneapolis couldn't help but stand up to celebrate.

"Link created greatness in Minneapolis. For Target Center, this may be one of the few memorable moments of the season!"

"10 consecutive games with triple-doubles is incredible! Link was the player with the most triple-doubles in the league in the regular season last season, but he only got 8 triple-doubles! But this season, Link has three consecutive doubles. There have been as many as 10 double matches!"

"I believe this will be a record that has been sealed for many years! He is like an epoch-making player, setting goals for future players!"

"No matter how the alliance changes the rules, Link is the vote king in my heart. Only he is worthy of the vote king status!"

The live commentary seemed to be more excited than Link, because they all knew how difficult it was for Link to break Chamberlain's record.

In Chamberlain's era, the rules were not perfect, and the degree of professionalism was not as high as it is now.

Therefore, Chamberlain's opponent is not as strong as the opponent Link now encounters.

Moreover, Chamberlain may be one of the earliest data brushes in NBA history.

He can hit so many incredible numbers because Chamberlain has a brush heart.

He often puts personal data above the team's victory, which is why his winning percentage in the finals is not high. What he thinks every night is not how to win, but how to get 30+20.

Of course, that's why Bill Simmons, Link's "old friend", disliked Chamberlain.

According to Simmons, "Lord of the Rings" Bill Russell is a real leader, a great player who is willing to sacrifice his ego for victory and understand the true meaning of basketball.

And Chamberlain, is a clown who brushes data. It's hard to be great if you get the data but can't win the championship.

To put it bluntly Link breaking Chamberlain's record in this era is an incredible and even more difficult thing.

Not deliberately brushing the stats and having to face a strong opponent, makes Link's 10 consecutive triple-doubles look exceptionally great.

In an interview after the game, even Timberwolves meritorious coach Philip Sanders bluntly said, "This may be a record that can never be broken. Whether you like him or not, Link's greatness is beyond doubt. I Bless him, I hope he can be successful this season."

The league must be very painful now, they want to suppress Link, but they can't suppress it at all!

Once the triple-double record of 10 consecutive games comes out, Link's popularity will be surging like a volcanic eruption!

But fortunately for the league, the Grizzlies' winning streak may soon stall.

After all, the Christmas war is coming soon. The league also arranged for the Grizzlies a strong opponent with recent momentum.

The arrogant momentum of the Grizzlies may end here.

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