Reverse Growth Superstar

: Eight hundred and ninety-seven: The Eastern Spurs are here

The Memphis Grizzlies finally ended their winning streak on January 3.

On January 3, 2015, in the Denver Plateau, the Grizzlies lost 98 to 104 to the Nuggets.

Since the Grizzlies No. 2 just finished the game in Los Angeles, No. 3 immediately went to Denver Plateau to report, which is undoubtedly a huge test for the physical fitness of the Grizzlies players.

So in this game at the Pepsi Center, the Grizzlies were exhausted.

But as the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Unless that horse really runs fast.

If the Grizzlies are just exhausted, the Nuggets, who can't even get into the top eight in the West, will find it difficult to challenge the Grizzlies.

But the Nuggets performed extremely well in this game.

Ty Lawson made 10 of 14 shots and scored 25 points and 11 rebounds with a 71.2% shooting rate.

Afflalo scored 8 of 12 and scored 23 points with 66.7% shooting.

The bursting feel of these two backcourts made the Grizzlies very passive. In addition to Lawson and Afflalo, the Nuggets also scored in double figures at the same time.

There is no doubt that this is a result that the Nuggets could not achieve in previous games.

The Nuggets shot 51.9% of the field and 46.7% of the three-pointers in the game. The team that can hit the Grizzlies this season can count on one hand.

Or put it more bluntly-this one!

In this way, the Nuggets relied on their super-level performance and the Grizzlies' own exhaustion to win upset. The Grizzlies' winning streak stopped at 13 consecutive victories.

However, the loss of this game did not make the Grizzlies fans too worried, just a painless regular season record, not to be afraid.

Although the Grizzlies are unlikely to have a terrifying score of 70 wins this year, it should be no problem to hold the first place in the West.

At any rate, the Grizzlies have won 70 games or more in a single season for two consecutive years. After the Bulls won 72 wins that year, they have not been able to continue their 70 wins.

Originally 74 wins were the ultimate thing, even under the same circumstances, it is difficult to replicate that miracle.

The outside world is quite tolerant of the loss of this game. Almost everyone believes that as long as the Grizzlies take a rest, they can continue to win a series of victories.

But on this point, Link's view is different from that of the public.

For the Grizzlies to win 70 in the regular season for three consecutive years, this was not an impossible task.

After all, from the beginning of this season, Link really reached the peak.

Although the Grizzlies have left Nick Young and others, overall the lineup has not changed much.

Compared to last season, the Grizzlies' strength has risen instead of falling.

But the reason why the Grizzlies can no longer play an exaggerated 70 wins this year, the reason why they have already lost 6 games just entering January is mainly because of injuries!

In the two previous seasons with 70 wins, the Grizzlies' lineup was quite healthy. From the main players to the role players, there are no serious injuries.

But this season, the Grizzlies' lineup is almost incomplete.

Early in the season, Randolph and Iguodala knelt. Iguodala has only recently returned, but Randolph is still silent.

It's not over yet. Tony Allen hurt his right cornea a few days ago. Although "Tony Teacher" will return in the next game, if he were there, Afflaro might not be able to hit such a high shooting percentage today.

Injuries are the biggest obstacle limiting the Grizzlies' footsteps.

No, after the back-to-back game with the Nuggets, the injury came back to the door.

"What!? In this way, don't we have no inside players!?" In the office of the head coach of the Federal Express Arena, Dave Georg looked at the chief team doctor Moon in front of him, with "difficulty The word "confidence".

"It's a pity, but I'm afraid so." Moon shook his head. "Yesterday Mark and Nurkic fought too hard. He said he had some discomfort in his right calf today. To be safe, we must let him enter the daily Watch list."

In yesterday's game, Yusuf Nurkic and Gasol's matchup was considered a European derby.

Gasol is very famous in Europe, and all European players follow Gasol's two brothers as an example.

Nurkic, who has just joined the league, is no exception.

In Europe, this "European Derby" has been very hyped. Therefore, Nurkic has been preparing for yesterday's matchup for a long time.

Nurkic finally lived up to expectations. He played very aggressively yesterday, scoring a double-double of 11 points and 10 rebounds in 23 minutes of appearance.

Faced with a young, passionate and hard-working Nurkic, Gasol, who fought back to back, was a little struggling to cope.

Although he insisted on finishing the game, he scored the second highest for the Grizzlies, second only to Link's 18 points.

But in the game yesterday, Gasol felt a little discomfort in his right calf.

Today, under the examination of the team doctor, Gasol was added to the daily watch list.

Taking advantage of the protection before the real injury is faster than the treatment after the injury.

But in this way, the "Black and White Bears" can no longer play.

Randolph was going to be back a few days ago, but he still felt uncomfortable in his knees and did not get better.

The medical team was afraid of Randolph's continuous injury, so he kept him on the daily watch list and he was not activated for a long time.

Well, Randolph's return date is uncertain, and without Gasol, the Grizzlies' internal strength is undoubtedly weakened.

Although the Grizzlies had previously signed a guaranteed contract with Whiteside that lasted until the end of the season, even with the addition of Whiteside, the Grizzlies' insiders were barely enough.

Now that the "black and white bears" have both injured and stopped, the Grizzlies' inside reserves have become stretched again.

"Fucking... this season we are suffering from injuries." Georgel was very helpless. If it weren't for injuries, what would be the Warriors in the Western Conference.

If it wasn't for injuries, the Warriors' 16-game winning streak would not be the longest winning streak this season.

"No way, Zach is 34 years old after all, and Gasol is less than 20 days away, and 30. This is the fifth year that Link has been in the Grizzlies, Dave, and everyone's age will not stop growing. "

Mu En's words made Georg even more sad. Yeah, the villain boys who made trouble in the league at the time have already come.

Time flies quickly, but in a flash.

"However, it's really not the time for Mark to fall. On the 7th, we are about to run into a difficult opponent." Georg looked at the schedule and drew on the grid on January 7. A red circle.

"You always have a way to overcome difficulties, don't you?" Munn He is only responsible for healing injuries, and making a game plan is beyond his ability.

"It's not that I always have the means to overcome the difficulties, but Link always has the means to overcome the difficulties. If Mark can't come back on the 7th... Link will really have to do a brand new attempt... ..."

Georgel rubbed his temples, really a headache.

A few days later, on January 7, the Memphis Grizzlies will play away against the Atlanta Hawks.

The Hawks were only eighth in the Eastern Conference last season, and their 38-44 record, if placed in the Western Conference, would not even be able to make it into the top ten.

The Atlanta Hawks have never been considered a trouble.

But this year, their current record is 26 wins and 8 losses, only two more games than the Grizzlies...

This rising Eastern Spurs may be more difficult to deal with than the genuine Spurs.

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