Reverse Growth Superstar

: Eight hundred and ninety-eight: I have a bold idea...

Before the start of the 2014-15 season, almost everyone's eyes were attracted by Cleveland.

Last summer, the Cavaliers welcomed back their "Emperor" LeBron James, acquired the "Double Double Machine" Kevin Love, plus the popular 2011 No. 1 pick Kyrie Irving. A younger and more powerful Big Three has taken shape.

In the eyes of most people at the time, let alone such a lineup in the East, even if you look at the entire league, few teams can compete with it.

Even the Memphis Grizzlies, encountering this younger Big Three, may not be guaranteed to defeat them 100%.

The east is almost showing a dominant situation, except for the Cavaliers, no one can spy on the first position in the east.

But when the season really started, it was not the Cleveland Cavaliers that brought surprises to people, but the Atlanta Hawks, who hardly remembered last season!

Under the leadership of Coach Budenholzer, the Hawks have been occupying the No. 1 position in the Eastern Conference since the beginning of the season, and the number of wins is much higher than the Cavaliers.

The five main starting players of the Hawks are Jeff Teague, Kyle Korver, DeMar Carroll, Paul Millsap and Al Horford.

None of these five people can be called an absolute superstar, incomparable to the bright lineup of knights.

Millsap's 16.7 points per game is the highest in the Eastern Conference. And throughout the season until now, no player has scored 30+ points in any game.

No matter how you look at it, the Hawks can't be a successful team.

The Eagles do not have much personal heroism, but they have brought the spirit of team basketball to the extreme.

This has to mention their head coach Mike Budenhorse.

This coach, who came from the Spurs system, successfully injected the tactical concepts of the Spurs into the Eagles.

The Eagles play rigorous team basketball, and each player maximizes his advantages. As the leader and commander of the team, Budenhorzer contributed a lot.

So much so that many fans call the Eagles the "Spurs Second Team", and even jokingly ridicule the Spurs as "Little Eagles."

Of course, their most well-known nickname is the "Eastern Spurs."

In fact, the Atlanta Hawks have always had a good foundation.

Since the 2007-08 season, only two NBA teams have never missed any playoff games.

The old Spurs are naturally among them, and the other team is the "Eastern Spurs" Eagles.

Last season, the Hawks reached the playoffs as the eighth in the East. Compared with the first Pacers, they lost a full 18 wins.

But the Hawks in the playoffs last season and the Pacers in the tie-break before losing, almost staged a black eight miracle.

It's just that this team with simple style and no big-name stars has received too little attention, so few people remember their results, few people remember that they almost staged a black eight miracle last season.

Therefore, they were surprised by their sudden rise this season.

There is no doubt that the Atlanta Hawks are now the top team in the league. Their record is not only outstanding in the East, even in the West, it is second only to the Grizzlies and the Warriors.

In the case of an uneven lineup, Georgel naturally has a headache for such a top team.

Fortunately, before playing against the Hawks, the Grizzlies can play the New York Knicks to warm up.

On January 5, after losing Gasol, the Grizzlies played at home against the Knicks, who currently have a record of only 5 wins and 31 losses.

The New York Knicks have also been "tortured" by injuries this season, but what is worse than the Grizzlies is that they have lost their star Carmelo Anthony.

After Anthony is absent, the Knicks simply do not have any combat effectiveness. Coupled with management confusion, the Knicks' record can be described as a cliff jump.

In the past few seasons, the Knicks were also a strong contender for the championship. Last season, the Knicks were the strongest in the Eastern Conference.

But this year, they went straight to the top pick...

If the league is to choose a "fastest regressive team", the Knicks are definitely the undisputed champion.

There is nothing to say about this game, the Knicks are naturally abused so that they cannot take care of themselves. People ridicule, this Knicks is probably hard enough to play NCAA.

In the end, the Grizzlies beat the Knicks to an explosion with a score of 105 to 83 at home.

Link went off work in the third quarter and scored 25 points, 7 rebounds and 7 assists. In the middle of the third quarter without the main lineup, the Grizzlies still won the Knicks by nearly 20 points.

This shows how solid the Knicks ranks last. After this game, the Knicks' losing streak has reached a heinous 12 games!

After the game, even Mike Brin, who was based in New York commenting on the game, couldn't help but complain. "The Grizzlies can beat the Knicks by nearly 20 points without the black and white bears, saying that the Knicks can't play in the NCAA. , That’s a bit too much. After I saw it, the Knicks had at least reached the level of the development league."

Mike Brin rarely spit his tongue, but this time, he really didn't vomit.

There seems to be no bright spot in this abusive game, but if you look closely at the data sheets of both sides, you will still find some unique things.

In the horrible data sheet of the Knicks, Quincy Assi, a second-round pick in 12 years, scored 19 points and 14 rebounds in a large double-double! The points and rebounds are the highest in the team!

Assi has been a low-level blue-collar player since entering the league, averaging only 5.9 points and 4.4 rebounds per game this season. Even in the Knicks, the worst team in the league, Assi couldn't get a chance to start.

It is such a long-time player who has won a double-double at the top of the league...

The reason is actually very simple. The time that Asi played on the court corresponds to the time when the Grizzlies have no inside line available!

After Gasol was injured, the Grizzlies naturally pushed Whiteside into the starting lineup. Although Whiteside's overall strength is not as good as Gasol, but the most basic frame protection and basket grab is definitely enough.

He might not be able to make him the icing on the cake, but Whiteside can definitely do a great job.

Therefore, the Knicks' two starting insiders, Cole Aldridge and Jason Smith, have been abused so that they can't take care of themselves.

The former only scored 7 points and 3 rebounds, while the latter scored 10 points and 5 rebounds, but only 4 of 11 shots. As an insider dominated by low-post offense, such data obviously fails.

But after Whiteside came off the field, the Grizzlies had to use Tobias Harris to play center!

There is no doubt that the Grizzlies' ability to protect the frame has been greatly reduced. So, Quincy Assi, who came off the bench for the Knicks, happened to pinch this soft persimmon and brushed up a double-double.

Although the Grizzlies won the Knicks easily, the huge holes left by Gasol after his injury were also exposed.

A mere Quincy. Assi can burst the Grizzlies' bench inside like this. If you play the Hawks in the next game, wouldn't it be even worse?

It would be okay for Harris to run into Eagles backup center Penn Antiche, if he runs into Millsap or Horford, the scene will definitely be quite bloody.

Fortunately, Georgel, today the Grizzlies face the Knicks who are so bad that they have no bottom line.

Otherwise, the Grizzlies may really be upset.

So the day after the game ended, that is, the day before the Grizzlies and Hawks battle.

Georgel called Link to the office early in the and made a very bold proposal.

"The next game, Link, I'm afraid... I'm afraid I'll let you go to number five in the rotation time!"

Just as the Los Angeles Lakers lost Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in 1980, the then Lakers coach Paul Westhead had to push the "Magic" to the fifth position.

Georgel also chose to use the team's superstar to fill the vacancy in the fifth position.

Although it is incredible, this is indeed the only way.

Link wasn't surprised when he heard Jogel's proposal, because looking at it, no one was more suitable for this task than him.

Link was not nervous, but very excited.

Facade-level figures in the league, of course, it is impossible to be afraid of challenges.

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