Reverse Growth Superstar

: Eight hundred and ninety-nine: their only problem

Just half an hour after the Grizzlies abused the Knicks, the Hawks cleanly defeated the Western Powers Los Angeles Clippers 107-98 on the road.

The victory of this game allowed the Eagles to accumulate their winning streak to five games.

This is the third time the Hawks have won five consecutive victories and above this season.

The Clippers' performance today is not uncommon. Griffin scored 26 points and 10 rebounds, while Jordan scored 15 points and 16 rebounds. Both have large double-doubles.

In addition, the Clippers have a total of 6 people in double figures, and all of them are doing their best for the game.

But unfortunately, in front of the eagle, these are not matters.

The Hawks managed the game with 28 assists and a 48.1% three-point field goal percentage. Budenhorse's offensive concept is simply two words-passing and three-pointers.

This team advocates offense without the ball and teamwork, and Budenhorse also told his players, "If you can make a shot, don't be afraid to shoot three points."

Millsap made only 113 three-pointers in the previous seven years, but after joining the Hawks he made 212 three-pointers last season alone.

Substitute power forward Mike Scott's rookie year from outside the three-point line was 0-for-1, but he also made 200 shots last season.

Al Horford is no exception. His three-pointers this season should eventually exceed the total of all seasons.

Budenhorse has been strengthening the Hawks' three-point shooting ability, supplemented by aggressive off-the-ball running and team offense, so that the Hawks can always get open opportunities outside the three-point line.

Today’s game is a typical example. The Hawks made 27 three-pointers and hit 13 of them.

And most of them are empty seats!

Therefore, such a high percentage of three-pointers is guaranteed.

With the Hawks shooting close to 50% of their three-pointers, all the Clippers' efforts are in vain.

After the game, the Eagles coach Mike Budenhorse was also asked about the Grizzlies.

"Continuous away in the Western Conference, next game facing the Grizzlies in the league, this is indeed a big challenge. But we are ready to go all out and I believe the first in the league will feel our enthusiasm."

Budenhorse is very confident. When he was an assistant coach under Popovich, the Spurs were eliminated by the Grizzlies. Budenhorse never knew what it was like to win the Grizzlies.

And now, he has established himself and has sufficient strength.

What we couldn't do back then, let's make up for it now!

Seeing that Budenhorse is so confident and the Hawks are indeed in a very good form, everyone started to worry about the Grizzlies again.

The Grizzlies have just been upset by the Nuggets. If they lose to the Hawks again, the first place in the West will be taken by the Warriors.

The next day, in the odds offered by the major bookmakers, the Grizzlies also became the "dogs".

"The Grizzlies are really strong. If they have a neat lineup, then winning the Hawks will not be a problem. But the difficulty now is that the Grizzlies have very poor lineup integrity."

"Quincy Assi can score 19 points and 14 rebounds. God knows what the Grizzlies bench will be like tomorrow."

"In the face of a team like the Eagles, it is very difficult for Link to win. Although Link has just won the Player of the Month in December, this new month of January seems to be very difficult for Link. friendly."

Fans and the media feel sorry for the Grizzlies can’t continue their winning streak.

As if the Grizzlies had raised the white flag before the game.

But at this time Link didn't have the mind to care about the outside world. After receiving the task in the morning to replace the No. 5 position, Link began to do corresponding training in the afternoon.

Nowadays, in this era when traditional centers are dying, it's not uncommon for short people to play centers.

The most typical is Draymond Green of the Warriors. He is estimated to be less than 2 meters tall with his shoes off, and he will not exceed 2.0 meters 03 after wearing shoes.

But this year he played well in the fifth position, becoming the third player in the Warriors team after Curry and Thompson.

No, in organizing offense and defense, Green is even more important than the "splash brothers."

Facts have proved that in this era, height is no longer the most important factor restricting a player to play the fifth position.

As long as you are strong enough, you can play well at the center position.

Moreover, Link's height disadvantage will not be too magnified when facing the Eagles.

The two insiders of the Eagles, Paul Millsap and Al Horford, also belong to the category of "short insiders".

Millsap's height is no different from Link, only 2.03 meters tall. At the beginning, I fell to the second round because of the short height and slow lateral movement.

As a result, he is definitely one of the best four positions in active service. The height of 2.03 meters did not limit him to become an All-Star last season.

Al Horford was the spotlight show in 2007, and Oden, who also played center but was 2.13 meters tall, became the champion of the same year.

In college, Oden single-handedly beat the inside line of the University of Florida with a hand injury.

At that time, the inside combination of the University of Florida was Horford + Noah. His height problem was completely exposed in that game.

Horford's official height is 2 meters 08, but if you look closely at the photos of him and other stars, you will find that his real height may be about 2 meters 06.

But whether it is 2 meters 06 or 2 meters 08, they are not much higher than Link.

Except for backup center Penn Antich, the Hawks are almost all short insiders.

But Antiqikong has height, but does not have enough strength and low offensive skills. Link's defense against him is probably not a big problem.

Therefore, Georgel dared to let Link go to the fifth position to try.

Facing the dwarf inside line of the Eagles, Link might really be able to achieve unexpected results.

In the afternoon training, Link performed very well in the fifth position.

Originally Link's back-to-back technique was very powerful, but he once flew past Howard's presence in the basket.

Coupled with the speed, shooting and passing ability that traditional No. 5 players don't have, Link will be able to play center with ease.

But this lineup is too subversive of tradition, assistant coach Quinn Snyder found it incredible.

"Are you sure that such a lineup can show its power in tomorrow's game? Even if it's only the second lineup, it's crazy!"

"Times have changed, Quinn. In the past, we would be killed when we line up like this. But now, I don't think there is any problem with doing this."

Georgel is not an old-fashioned coach. The most important thing is that he believes Link has this ability.

When his training in the afternoon was over, Link felt good.

Although it was the first time to play the 5th position, he quickly adapted.

Now, just waiting for the Atlanta Hawks to come.

That night, Link watched ESPN's Tomorrow Preview program.

The game between the Grizzlies and the Eagles is naturally the subject of emphasis.

During the show, Stephen A. Smith gave an analysis to the Eagles.

What each of them can stand up and score.

Team basketball keeps the Eagles shooting high.

The scoring ability outside the three-point line is the league's top class.

The final conclusion is, "The Hawks are a team with almost no shortcomings. They have no problems."

But a few seconds later, Stephen A. Smith, who was rich in watch, added, "The only problem with the Eagles is that they will meet Link at the pinnacle."

Link smiled slightly while watching the show.

ESPN finally has a less annoying host...

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