Revival of an Elite; the Fiery Wife Rules

Chapter 1099: How do you know that I won't take the lead before him?

Jane Canaan now has no time to take care of Jin Rubing. Her phone rang several times and she did not answer it. The family must be worried that it might be broken.

As a result, Jane Canaan returned to Susino Ran's room that celebrities had prepared and intended to call Jane Ansheng.

But as soon as the man walked into the room, the night owl smiled and followed behind Jane Canaan, and walked into the room. Jane Canaan grabbed the doorknob in one hand, and looked at the night owl coldly, "What are you doing?"

"I will accompany you!"

"No need, go out now!"

"Don't tell me, Brother Ran let me take care of you. I can't let you stay alone. In case the old fox of Su Yeran suddenly **** and wants to kill you..."

The night owl hadn't finished speaking, but was interrupted coldly by Jane Canaan. "How do you know that I won't take the lead before him?"

Night Owl: "... Then I can't let you alone!"

Jane Canaan smirked, "Come on this one, my brother is gone, you are free now, oh, yes, did that Michelle just miss you so much? You haven't seen you for so long, there should be a lot of words Speaking of it, I will not delay your further exchange of feelings, bye..."

Jane Canaan pushed the night owl out of the room door, and when it was about to close, the night owl's hand was suddenly jammed in through the crack of the door. "Ah... it hurts... Nannan, the door caught My hands are..."

Jane Canaan looked at the night owl's poor acting, and really wanted to kick him to Hollywood to exercise his acting skills.

There was pain in his mouth, but his feet stretched out in a dead skin.

"Nan Nan...I swear, I have nothing to do with Michelle, you see it too, I pushed her away when she arched on me..."

"You don't have to push it away!"

"...I don't feel anything about her except for disgust, how can you just not believe..."

Before the words were finished, the night owl lit up, "South and South, are you jealous?"

"Oh... I think so much..."

"What makes me think so much, you are obviously jealous, otherwise why would you be angry with me for no reason?"

In fact, Ye Xiao hopes that Jane Canaan can be jealous occasionally. This also shows that Jane Canaan cares about him, but it is contrary to his wishes.

He has been chasing Jane Canaan for so long, but he has never seen Jane Canaan eaten vinegar once.

Of course, the Night Owl did not dare to die to deliberately provoke women to make Jane Canaan jealous.

"Am I angry? When did I get angry?"

"You haven't seen me since you got off the plane, it's not angry!"

Jane Canaan raised her eyebrows, "I thought of it when you said that. Why did you ignore me on the plane? Not on my side?"

Mentioning this matter, Ye Xiao's face became rare and serious, "Because... I think Brother Ran is right, you can't be okay!"

Jane Canaan: "..."

Dare to want to protect her in the ivory tower!

"Who says I will be in trouble, I will protect myself!"

"Nan Nan, you don't know the method of Suye Tou, that person is a cobra snake spitting out the snake letter, and it will bite you fiercely when you are inadvertent."

"If he is a snake, then I will be a snake man!"

Naturally appreciating Jana Canaan's character of fearlessness and fearlessness, but now is not the time to be brave.

"Do you know who the two of us came to pick us up today?"

"Isn't it your old lover Michelle and the facial paralysis man?"

Ye Xiaoqi almost burst into tears, "I said I have nothing to do with Michelle!"

"Just go, it doesn't matter, then tell me about them!"

After all, knowing oneself and knowing the other can better prevent additional counterattacks. "Michelle is the third killer around Susukino. She is good at using drugs and often engages in some assassination activities, as long as it is a person who has offended Susukino or a person who hindered Susukino's interests, It's all Michelle's solution. She used her beauty and figure to kill people invisible, extremely difficult to deal with!"

"Oh wow... that's amazing..."

It's really great!

Jane Canaan knew that Ye Xiao could not exaggerate a woman she hated, so what Ye Xiao said was 100% true.

In the past, Jane Canaan had only seen such awesome beauty on TV, but I didn't expect to have such a person beside him.

But can someone so powerful be ranked third?

"Who are the second and first?"

"The second is the man with facial paralysis in your mouth. His name is Leng Chan. Compared to Michelle's poison, Cheng Gang's camouflage is better at using a knife."

"A knife is more powerful than a poison?"

"That's why you haven't seen him shoot!"


"Anyone who has seen his sword will not see the sun the next day. Although it is not exaggerated to take the enemy's first level thousands of miles away, the starter is also quite powerful! As for the first... I have not seen it so far. Ever!"

"What?! Haven't you seen it? Haven't you always been at Susukino's house? Why haven't you seen anyone around Susukino?"

"I haven't seen it, so his mystery also makes him the number one killer around Sushiro."

"Have my brother seen it?"

"Brother Ran should have seen it, but every time I ask him, he doesn't want to say who that person is. It seems that after knowing the name of that person, I will be listed as the target of massacre."

Jane Canaan's brow furrowed tightly, and it seemed that the enemy was stronger than she thought.

However, Jane Canaan also believed in his brother's strength, or there were so many powerful people around Susino, and his brother had already died.

After a moment of silence, Jane Canaan nodded towards the night owl, "OK, I know, you can step back!"

"Eh... I said so much, you let me in!"

"You are still more suitable to stay outside!"

"Bang..." Jan Canaan closed the door mercilessly.

Ye Xiao knocked on the door for a long time at the door, and when she saw Jane Canaan feeling unrelenting, she yelled, "Little conscience."

Jane Canaan stood at the door and stopped the movement outside. After seeing the silence outside, she dialed Jane Ansheng's phone.

The phone was quickly picked up by Jian Ansheng, "South and South, how are you?"

"Well, I'm fine, Dad, don't worry about it. I have brother and night owl protection and it's very safe."

"That's good then that's good... Then when will you come back?"


Jane Canaan couldn't say when she would come home, so she didn't dare to set a time directly, she could only comfort her family first, and didn't want her family to worry about her.

"Hmm, have you seen your uncle?"

At the mention of Susino, Jane Canaan's eyes became a bit cold, "No, he is sick."

"is it?"

"Well, Dad, Susukino's villa is as big as a castle. Ye Xiao said he would take me to go shopping. I won't tell you first, I'll call you when I'm free!"

Jane Canaan's tone sounded very happy, and Jane Ansheng was also relieved a little. Yes, both Suno Ran and Ye Xiao were beside Jane Canaan. There should be no accident.

"Okay, then be careful yourself..."

"Know it!"

After hanging up the phone, Jian Ansheng looked at the man on the sofa, "You have heard Nannan's voice, she is very good!"

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