Revival of an Elite; the Fiery Wife Rules

Chapter 1111: Miss Jane is really a wonderful person

Chapter 1111 Miss Jane Is Really A Wonder

Adonis is also the heir of the Aden family in country X.

When he applauded, others began to applaud, and only a few people had been watching Sushiro's face.

"Miss Jane is really a wonderful person."

What a compliment can be heard from the inherited population who controls the economic lifeline of a country.

Jane Canaan stared dumbly at the strange face. There was no response on his face, but his heart was like a drum.

This man...

Susukino is also a person with a clear form. Originally, he wanted to show his power as the most important character of the Susukino family in front of Susukino Ran and everyone. I did not expect that Jane Canaan would fight against the generals, and Adonis turned towards Jane Cana. south.

No, you can no longer let Jane Canaan express herself. In case Adonis fancy Jane Canaan, wouldn't he make a wedding dress for others?

Thinking about this, Susino said with a smile: "Nan Nan is right, because his uncle has not thought about it, what the surname is just a code name, as long as Nan Nan is my daughter of the Susukino family."

This sentence of Susukino seems to be a compromise, but in fact he is questioning the lineage of Jane Canaan.

Everyone knows that the Susukino family is on the surface, but the uncle and nephew have been fighting for many years. At this time, Susukino has a sister to return, and Jane Canaan is the president of Tiandu Nanbei Pharmaceutical.

Although Nanbei Pharmaceutical is not a bit worse than the Susukino family, it is also a big company of Tiandu, and Nanbei Pharmaceutical has developed rapidly under the hands of Jane Canaan. It is not only Tiandu that has a firm foothold in China. .

Although it has long been known that Jane Canaan is indeed Susukino's daughter, but Susuke Tou said that others would think that Susukino Ran's return to Jane Canaan was a joint effort with Jane Canaan.

Jane Canaan did not speak. In fact, Susino said the same as he did not say. If Jane Canaan was really not the daughter of the Susukino family, did he admit that Jane Canaan was his nephew? Was he beating his face?

Whatever I say today is also the 20th birthday of Bono Waner. Jane Canaan doesn’t want to live here with so many people in front of so many people.

Afterwards, the host pushed up a one-meter-high cake. Above the cake was a beautiful and delicate castle with a lovely and beautiful princess.

When Wan Suwaner made a wish to blow candles, Susino also invited Susino to the stage.

The family is happily witnessing the 20th birthday of Wanye Suo under the blessing of everyone.

In the following time, everyone can move freely. The people who come here are all people who have occupied a place in various fields. In general, such banquets are the venues for mutual understanding and exchange in addition to the happy events of the host family.

Jane Canaan subconsciously searched for Adonis on the stage, but there was no trace of the man in the venue.

Ye Xiao saw the person Jane Canaan was looking for, and she walked over in front of Jane Canaan without looking, "Nan Nan, who are you looking for?"

" one..."

Jane Canaan was still not 100% sure that Adonis was Gu Mocheng. Even if she was sure, she could not tell Ye Xiao and Suye Ran that Adonis was Gu Mocheng.

Gu Mocheng is a night eagle. This matter is a time bomb. The more people you know, the more dangerous it is for Gu Mocheng, not to mention the people of Susukiya.

Whether the Susukino family or Susukino Ran and the night owl hated the night eagle, although Jane Canaan also hated Gu Mocheng when he broke up, Jane Canaan did not think about the life of Mo Cheng.

Although Gu Mocheng was a loser emotionally, he was extremely loyal to the country and the people. In order to fight criminals, he also received a lot of injuries. Such a hero, Jane Canaan did not want him to die.

Seeing Jane Canaan's guilty conscience, Ye Xiao snorted softly, "Since that Adonis appeared, you have been absent-minded. Don't tell me you're in love with him, I can tell you, people like Adonis Although he looks better, looks better, has a better family background, but he is definitely a **** and a playboy. Don’t be fooled by his appearance!"

Jane Canaan: "..."

The night owl is a self-important arrogant, and it would be nice if he didn't harm others, let alone boast.

Jan Canaan has known Ye Xiao for such a long time, and has never heard Ye Xiao praise anyone, let alone a man.

It seems that the excellent of Adonis even agreed with the night owl.

"You think too much!"

"hope so!"

Ye Xiao did not believe that Jane Canaan would love a strange man at first sight. After all, Ye Xiao had always felt that Jane Canaan had not forgotten Gu Mocheng.

Is it true that I think too much?

Until the end of the banquet, Jane Canaan had never seen Adonis again, nor did he know if he had left.

For a moment, Jane Canaan really wanted to call Oriental and ask her if Gu Mocheng was in Tiandu, but it was a good idea.

Gu Mocheng has nothing to do with her. The only thing she should do now is to deal with Bo Yetuo, not to be distracted by other things.

"I go to the bathroom!"

"I go with you!"

Jane Canaan: "... Lord Xiao, you are now the facade of the Susukino family, don't always follow me like a fart."

"What a fart, I'm afraid you are in danger!"

"I can take care of myself, not to mention, here is the Susukino family. No one dared to hurt me except Susukino, and Susukino just admitted how I might do it."

Just at this moment Michelle came over, she twisted the water snake's waist and walked in. She stretched out her jade arm and laid it on the night owl's shoulder. "Master Xiao, are you free? How about chatting alone?"

Ye Xiao looked at Michelle coldly and opened Michelle's without any tenderness. "No time!"

Not only did Michelle not be angry, she put her arm on the night owl's shoulder after a smirk, "Master Xiao, we haven't seen you for a long time, I have a stomach to say to you, why should it be so unforgiving, and forget it when Miss Jane It's me!"

Michelle's words were extremely ambiguous and ambiguous. When she spoke, she glanced at Jane Canaan deliberately. The night owl almost burst into tears. "What is it that I have forgotten you, and I remember you?"

Jane Canaan has a headache. How do you feel like you are being rivals everywhere?

"Okay, you talk slowly, I am out of company first."


Ye Xiao tried to catch up, but was entangled by Michelle.

"Master Xiao, wouldn't you really like Jane Canaan?"

The night owl was not in a good mood all day, Michelle was hit by the gun this time, "Yes! I like South and South, but does this have anything to do with you? Michelle, don’t think I don’t know what the **** is in your heart Idea, I warn you, if you dare to hurt Nannan, I will never let you go."

Michelle didn't expect Ye Xiao to admit that she liked Jane Canaan so quickly. Seeing Ye Xiao wasn't joking at all, Michelle groaned in his heart. Ye Xiao really liked Jane Canaan. What should Wanan do?

The next second, a cold light flashed in Michelle's eyes, as long as Wan'er liked it, she would definitely help her win...

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