Revival of an Elite; the Fiery Wife Rules

Chapter 1112: Gu Mocheng, have you had enough trouble?

When Jane Canaan came out of the bathroom, instead of going to the banquet hall, she wanted to find a place where no one would sit and take a rest.

Standing for so long in high heels, my feet hurt a little.

The venue for the banquet happened to be in a garden planted with a large area of ​​bird of paradise, and Jane Canaan saw Adonis and Susukino just after she walked to the best place to enjoy the bird of paradise.

Because of the distance, Jane Canaan could not hear what the two were talking about, only to see Sushiro's expression very happy.

And Adonis turned his back to Jane Canaan, and Jane Canaan could not see the expression on his face.

Jane Canaan was also a little curious, just a back view, she actually recognized that person as Adonis.

It was not long before Susino went away, leaving Adonis alone to admire the paradise flowers in the garden.

When Jane Canaan thought of Adonis and Susukino being embarrassed, she panicked.

Would you like to test if Adonis is Gu Mocheng?

If yes, it’s okay, but if not... what if the grass is scared?

At the moment when Jane Canaan thought, Adonis, who was not far away, suddenly disappeared.

Jane Canaan found it hastily, what about people?

Just now, it's still here, why did you disappear so soon?

That guy escapes! ?

At this moment, a big hand suddenly covered Jane Canaan's mouth, and then the other man's other hand wrapped around Jane Canaan's waist and pulled her to a hidden corner.

Who is Jane Canaan?


Jane Canaan immediately wanted to resist, but the manpower behind him was obviously much greater than her, and if he could not break free, he might be irritated.

Be calm, be calm at this time.

Jane Canaan took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down from the panic, and suddenly found that the people behind seemed to have no hostility.

It was a brief calm that made Jane Canaan smell a very familiar smell.

"Is Miss Jane looking for me?"

The sound is familiar, but the sound is unfamiliar, but Jane Canaan still hears this person as Adonis.

Sure enough, when the man came to Jane Canaan, Jane Canaan saw the delicate and beautiful face and the deep blue eyes that seemed to attract the soul.


Jane Canaan glared at Adonis and gestured to let him go.

"Isn't Miss Jane coming to me just to make me like that? You're in my arms now but let me let go of you?"

This... that?

Jane Canaan's breath of old blood almost spewed out, and the man was well-dressed on the surface, how to speak like an old, rogue.

As soon as Jane Canaan opened her mouth bitely in Adonis's hand, Adonis gasped in pain, but with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, "Oh, I didn't expect to be a wild cat!"

You are a wild cat, your whole family is a wild cat.

Adonis let go of Jane Canaan. I don't know if he was really hurt by Jane Canaan. He still wanted to hear Jane Canaan.

Breathing fresh air, Jane Canaan didn't give Adonis any chance to respond, and reached out and pulled Adonis' clothes.

But the man's movement was obviously faster than that of Jane Canaan. Before Jane Canaan saw what he wanted to see, his hand was caught by Adonis, and the whole person was pressed against the wall behind him.

Adonis was a gentleman. When he pressed Jane Canaan to the wall, he did not forget to block his hand between the wall and Jane Canaan. He didn't let Jane Canaan's body directly touch the cold wall.

Jane Canaan naturally noticed this small detail, and the clear peach eyes narrowed slightly.

"Miss Jane really opened my eyes. How long did we know that Jane Canaan picked me up in the middle of the day, isn't it too enthusiastic?"

Familiar with……

It is so familiar!

When Gu Mocheng pretended to be Chi Sen in Zecheng, it was such a shameless look.

Thinking of something, Jane Canaan suddenly smiled and reached out to hug Adonis' neck. "Mr. Adonis is from Country X, but Mandarin is very standard. I don't know if Adonis has heard a word?"

Facing the sudden temptation and confusion of Jane Canaan, Adonis was not only lifeless, but also embraced her waist intimately, "Oh? What's the matter?"

"Love at first sight!"

Adonis raised an eyebrow. "Miss Jane fell in love with me at first sight?"

Jane Canaan smiled. "A good man like Adonis who has money, power, and a good figure. Which woman is unimpressed when she sees it?"

Jane Canaan knew that she was a bit risky. If Adonis was not Gu Mocheng, she was playing with fire and burning herself.

"Oh... I heard that Ye Xiao and Miss Jane were a pair. Miss Jane now gives me a hug and is not afraid of Ye Xiao getting jealous and angry?"

"If someone chews the tongue, Mr. Adonis even believes? I don't know why, I just have a feeling for Mr. Adonis at first sight. Mr. Adonis looks like someone I know."


Jane Canaan snorted softly, "That my ex-boyfriend...the same height as Mr. Adonis, but unfortunately he is not as rich and powerful as Mr. Adonis."

"Ex-boyfriend? Haha... So Miss Jane saw me as usual because you haven't forgotten your ex-boyfriend?"

"If I hadn't forgotten my ex-boyfriend, I wouldn't come to Mr. Adonis! It's just that attractive men like Mr. Adonis fit my appetite..."

As soon as the words fell, Jane Canaan's lips were severely blocked.

Jane Canaan: "..."

When the lips of the two touched, the familiar feeling came again.

Jane Canaan confirmed that the stranger in front of him was Gu Mocheng.

No one in Jane Canaan's life can admit to mistaking Gu Cheng.

As soon as Jane Canaan's eyes changed, he opened his mouth on the man's lips, and then pushed him away, "Gu Mocheng, have you had enough trouble?"

Fearing that others would hear, Jane Canaan deliberately lowered her voice, but her tone and voice were quite angry.

Jane Canaan's bite wasn't too light, and Adonis' mouth was bitten off in one go.

Adonis wiped the blood on his lips with his thumb, and the movement looked evil and charming.

Rao is that Jane Canaan has seen a lot of beautiful men, and when she saw this scene, her throat didn't feel tight.

"Gu Mocheng? Who is Gu Mocheng? Yeah... Could it be your ex-boyfriend?"

Jane Canaan did not expect Gu Mocheng to even admit that she would never admit that she was wrong!

Adonis is Gu Mocheng!



The innocent face of Adonis, if it was not for Jane Canaan who was 100% sure that Gu Mocheng was Adonis, would really be deceived by him.

"You don't come to me with this set. I tell you that Susukino is no match for the city. Each of them is a ruthless character."

Adonis spread his hand, "Miss Jane, I really can't understand what you're talking about. I'm really curious. I look really like your ex-boyfriend?"

Jane Canaan: "...Yes, you can admit it, but you remember it for me, here..."

Before waiting for Jane Canaan to finish talking, she saw Adonis changing her color behind her and protecting her behind him. Then the handsome face pressed down on her...

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