Chapter Seventy-Six Weiss was actually hit by that kid from Kahn?!

“Daddy vs. Weiss?”

Looking at Kahn and Weiss, who had both soared into the air and were in a state of confrontation, Milly looked excited: “So excited, excited!” ”

Weiss stepped on the void, holding the angelic staff, and said enthusiastically: “Mr. Kahn, you can start, please show your full strength.” ”

“Just what I wanted.”

Facing Weiss, Kahn naturally did not dare to raise it.

As soon as his mind moved, a deep purple aura of energy burst out from Kahn’s body.

At the same time, Kahn’s hair color also changed from black to deep deep purple, and one after another violent lightning flashed continuously, making Kahn look a little more domineering at this time.

“What a strong sense of oppression!”

Feeling the incomparable sense of oppression from Kahn, Millie was shocked beyond belief.

Shocked, Millie muttered with a puzzled look on her face, “It’s just… Daddy’s Super Saiyan transformation, how can it be purple? ”

“It’s the breath of God.”

As if hearing Milly’s doubtful voice, Weiss explained: “Mr. Kahn’s qi is no longer the ordinary qi of human beings, but has been sublimated into the qi of gods. ”

“It seems that Mr. Kahn has gained his own new understanding on the road of strength over the years.”

Unless there is angelic guidance, it is almost impossible for humans to sublimate ordinary qi into divine qi. But Kahn did.

This also confirms Weis’s view of Kahn, Kahn’s talent is indeed the strongest he has seen in hundreds of millions of years. Even Beerus is not comparable!

Kahn smiled and said, “You are right, it is indeed the Qi of God, and this is the change brought about by the Qi of God.” ”


This is the color after transforming into the second form of Chuan Chao under the Qi of God.

For Saiyans, the color of ordinary qi is different from that of god qi after transforming into a super Saiyan. For example, the rosé of Black Goku in the original work is the super blue form under the Qi of God and the Soul of God.

The same is true of Kahn now, when he sublimates the breath of God, Kahn’s human soul naturally sublimates into the soul of God.

The corners of Weis’s mouth lifted casually, “I take back what I just said, Mr. Kahn, your current strength, it is no longer difficult to defeat Lord Beerus.” ”

Kahn immediately put on a fighting stance and said confidently: “Weiss, I think you will change your opinion of me later.” ”

“Then I’ll have to look forward to it.”


In the next moment, a deafening sonic boom sounded, and Kahn was already like a bolt of lightning, taking the lead in attacking Weiss.


Kahn’s move, punch and kick caused a sonic boom.

Under Kahn’s fierce and deadly attack, Weiss still looked calm.

He carried his hands behind his back, and while retreating, every slight change in his body just avoided Kahn’s attack trajectory. It was as if Weiss had predicted in advance where Kahn’s attack would eventually fall, and then responded accordingly before the attack came.

Millie briefly summed it up, that is, Kahn’s bottoms were seen through by Weiss.

“Teacher Weiss is so good!”

Millie, who had never seen any big scenes, couldn’t help but exclaim.

No wonder Kahn told her that day that the teacher she had found was far above him. At first Millie was skeptical, but now she does!

Bang bang!

Kahn’s offensive became more and more fierce, but in front of Viss, Kahn’s offensive seemed to lose all its effect, and he couldn’t even touch the corners of Viss’s clothes.

“Mr. Kahn, I told you back then, let you learn the Extreme Gong freely, but it’s a pity that you are not interested in it.”

In addition to dodging Kahn’s attacks, Ves even had free time to tease Kahn.

Kahn said noncommittally: “There are indeed some ways to do it, but I still said it back then, it’s too troublesome, and before I came today, I have already thought of a way to deal with your Freedom Extreme Skill.” ”

Weis’s self-contained extreme skill accuracy is indeed very high, but Kahn is not helpless!


Weiss was surprised, and then saw Kahn’s big hand suddenly reach out,


An explosion of qi cloaked in the power of destruction erupted in front of Weis, and at this time, Weis’s figure retreated violently, and he withdrew from the scope of the qi storm earlier.


As soon as Weiss withdrew from the range of the first explosion, another voice from Kahn fell! Boom!

Behind Weis, an explosion with extremely terrifying lethality suddenly appeared!

I saw that Weiss was still without waves, and in the moment before Kahn’s “destruction” explosion, Weis’s figure swept upwards, and then Weiss was surprised to find it.

Kahn was already waiting for him on his “escape” path.

“You can’t hide now!”

The words came before the fist came.

At this time, Weis’s body had already judged Kahn’s attack trajectory, but it was too late to dodge.

In desperation.

Weiss could only wave the staff in his hand to block Kahn’s powerful blow while knocking it back.

“It turned out to be a self-extreme skill, you learned the move of destroying God?!”

A look of surprise finally appeared on Weiss’s face,

“It was a real surprise.”

This is true.

At first, Weiss thought that Kahn’s ability to sublimate his qi into a divine qi by his own ability was already remarkable. Unexpectedly, he even learned the exclusive move of destroying the god!

“Where is this? Surprises are yet to come! ”

Kahn grinned, and then continued to use the derivative technique of his self-extreme skill to “destroy” and launch an attack on Weis…

Freedom Extreme Gong can indeed predict the danger from all around, but a large-scale energy explosion, coupled with a fierce attack, how can Freedom Extreme Gong predict to dodge?

But even so.

Kahn still seems to have underestimated the precision of Weiss’s self-conscious effort. After having the first experience.

Even though Kahn cooperated with the “destruction” to launch a fierce attack on Weis, Weiss still walked idly and was at ease.

“So strong, this is the real battle, the real master!”


Millie was stunned by the thrilling and fierce battle between Kahn and Weiss. In comparison, her current strength is a bit dwarfed.

In front of Kahn and Weis, her strength is a drop in the ocean, and that is all praise for her.

“I want to work hard to cultivate and become stronger, and one day I will become a master like my father!”

Millie secretly made up her mind. Meanwhile.

The battle between Kahn and Weiss also gradually entered a white-hot state.

Although under Kahn’s stormy attack, Weiss seemed dangerous, but in fact he was not attacked by Cass.

“The strength of the angel is really unfathomable!”

While attacking, Kahn couldn’t help but secretly marvel.

You know, Weis, who is now competing with him, is only bound to the strength of the angel’s absolute neutrality principle. In layman’s terms, Weiss is playing with him now, and he is not serious.

But even so, Kahn could still feel an unprecedented pressure from Weis, and if he continued like this, he was afraid that 4.7 would reach the darkness of the sky, and he would not be able to touch a single hair of Weiss.

“It’s time to try that trick.”

The corners of Kahn’s mouth suddenly raised, and then a punch without bells and whistles was thrown head-on.

At the same time, Kahn’s eyes flashed with an imperceptible bank.

Weiss’s body had just predicted the final direction of Kahn’s punch and was ready to respond in advance. Bang!

Kahn’s fist that seemed to have just been blasted out suddenly landed on Weiss’s chest without warning! This moment.

Weis’s pupils widened, looking at Kahn’s face in disbelief, and his heart was shocked beyond belief!

“No way!!”

“Weiss was actually hit by that Kahn guy?!”

In the fish tank by the lake, the prophecy fish who saw this scene were shocked!


Milly’s beautiful eyes that were as bright and brilliant as rubies also suddenly widened at this moment! PS: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!。

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