Chapter 78 Broly: Super Saiyan… How does it change?

Kahn Star.

The majestic royal palace sits directly above the city. Like the supreme ruler, looking down on the vast array of beings below. This royal palace is the Saiyan royal palace!

Everyone who lives in this city knows that the time that once belonged to Frieza is gone, and now this universe belongs to the era of the Saiyan people.

Many people don’t know how the already nearly extinct Saiyan people rose, but they only need to know a little.

Now in this universe, it is the Saiyan race that rules. In front of the Saiyan Palace, there is an extremely large square.

On the square, Vegeta, the new King of Vegeta, stands in the center of the square. He is personally one meter six, but his momentum is three meters.

Around the square.

Naba, Raditz, and dozens of Kahn’s women and more than a hundred sons and daughters were all watching. Because they heard that Vegeta is going to try to transform into a Super Saiyan today!


Vegeta took a deep breath, feeling nervous.

“I will definitely be able to successfully transform into a Super Saiyan today!”

A look of fierceness and confidence flashed in Vegeta’s eyes. Yes.

Today’s Vegeta has finally reached the three million basic combat power that Kahn said he needed to transform into a Super Saiyan at the same time.

The systematic cultivation plan that Kahn gave him at the beginning also clearly wrote down the skills used when he turned into a Super Saiyan after reaching three million basic combat power.

“The progress of His Highness Vegeta’s combat power is really fast.”

At the edge of the square, Naba clasped his hands to his chest and said with a look of envy.

According to Kahn’s systematic cultivation plan, Naba’s combat power has just exceeded one million now. Raditz less.

Now it’s only 300,000.

It’s completely incomparable to Vegeta.

The main thing is that Raditz is a little lazy, otherwise with the talent and potential born of his superior warrior, even if it is not comparable to Naba, how can it be more than 300,000.

Even, Kahn’s fifteen or sixteen-year-old sons and daughters from low-level warriors are now about to catch up with him. But.

Although Raditz’s combat effectiveness growth progress is slow, he himself does not care at all.

He also hugged his chest with both hands and said nonchalantly: “I don’t know if His Highness Vegeta can succeed”

“I don’t think it’s a big problem.”

Naba said.

After all, Vegeta is a talented warrior, and his talent and potential are far from comparable to him and Raditz.

As long as the basic combat effectiveness reaches the standard, then according to the way Kahn said, concentrate the qi on the back, and then transform the way this qi bursts out.

There should be no problem. And at the moment.

In a certain room in the palace, Broly was also secretly observing Vegeta in the square. Then, under the gaze of nearly two hundred pairs of eyes, Vegeta’s fists clenched violently. That unruly face instantly became preoccupied.

Then, Vegeta held his breath and began to mobilize the qi in his body, gathering it all in his back.

As his own Qi condensed closer to his back, Vegeta could clearly feel a burning sensation in his back

“That’s right, that’s how it feels!”

Although it is the first time to try transformation, Vegeta has a strong instinct! This is the precursor to transforming into a Super Saiyan!

When he realized this, Vegeta couldn’t help but get excited and excited inside. The Super Saiyan he has in mind is finally about to become a reality!

As the Qi gathered on Vegeta’s back increased, his Qi began to soar rapidly at this moment!


A dark cloud drifted from afar, shrouding the entire city and the royal palace in darkness. At this moment, the air between heaven and earth also became oppressive.

“It’s coming!”

“Is Uncle Vegeta going to transform into a Super Saiyan!?”

“You can feel that Uncle Vegeta’s qi is constantly soaring!”

“It’s too strong!”


Excited discussions sounded from the crowd, and Vegeta at this moment undoubtedly became the real focus of the audience.


When Vegeta’s breath reached a certain critical point, he suddenly drank deeply.

Completely burst out all the qi gathered in the back.


The jet-like white energy flame that originally lingered around Vegeta’s body instantly switched to a brilliant gold. His black hair and eyes also turned into blonde hair and blue eyes at this moment.

This also made Vegeta at this moment look a little more indifferent.


“It really worked!”


At this moment, there were once again exclamations in the crowd.

Even Raditz, who is more Buddhist, has a burning meaning in his eyes. It has to be said.

The Super Saiyan, which previously existed only in legends, has an irresistible charm for Saiyans. But all those who have the blood of Saiyans flowing in their bodies yearn for this intoxicating and powerful force.

“Is this a Super Saiyan?”

Vegeta clenched his fists and felt the powerful power in his body that had expanded dozens of times.

Vegeta could no longer suppress the excitement and excitement in his heart, and laughed up to the sky: “Hahahaha! I, Vegeta, have finally become a Super Saiyan! ”

Only when he also successfully transformed into a Super Saiyan did Vegeta deeply understand how powerful this force really is, no wonder that the legend about Super Saiyan, the golden warrior who was called a Super Saiyan, can defeat King Kurdish and Frieza’s ancestor Zild.

Now it seems that it is indeed true!

If Frieza reappears in front of him now, Vegeta has absolute confidence that he will definitely be able to defeat Frieza! A certain room in the royal palace.

Broly stared at Vegeta on the square who had successfully transformed into a Super Saiyan, and a memory suddenly came to mind! That was his experience when he fought Kahn a few years ago.

At that time, Kahn transformed into a Super Saiyan to defeat him. Come to think of it.

Broly’s body seemed to be out of control, and an inexplicable force drove him directly out of the room, and finally landed in front of Vegeta.


Vegeta raised his eyebrows, this social terrorist actually came out?

Broly pointed at Vegeta, and there was a fiery meaning in the depths of his innocent and wild eyes, and asked, “You this… How does it change? ”


Broly’s problem almost burned Vegeta’s CPU,

“How? You won’t transform into a Super Saiyan? ”

I saw Broly shook his head, it seems that he really won’t.

Confirming that Broly would not transform into a Super Saiyan, Vegeta suddenly had black lines all over his head. That’s not right!

What Kahn told him back then was that even if he Vegeta cultivated for another twenty years, he would not be Broly’s opponent, but now Broly told himself that he would not become a Super Saiyan??

What about making trouble?

Although, Vegeta was wondering if he should challenge Broly now to see if he was really as strong as Kahn said.

But since the lesson of the last time he singled out Frieza, Vegeta no longer dared not listen to Kahn. This is also the reason why he has not gone to Broly to single out a few years ago.

Even though now that Vegeta has successfully transformed into a Super Saiyan, his strength and self-confidence have swelled unprecedentedly, he still dare not forget Kahn’s advice.

“Cut, forget it.”

Vegeta pouted, deciding not to provoke the honest-looking and taciturn Broly first. Otherwise, if he were slapped in the face again, he, the new King of Vegeta, would really lose face.

“Transforming into a Super Saiyan is actually very simple.”

“You just need to gather the qi to your back and burst out all the qi.”

In the end, Vegeta told Broly how to transform into a Super Saiyan. Now.

Vegeta didn’t realize it yet, and he was about to regret what he had done. PS: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!。

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