Revived Warrior

Vol 5 Chapter 42: Amnesty token

I'm dizzy, I'm really dizzy, I'm really upset.

Thinking back then that I got so many firsts in various games, I can be considered to be quite able to bear it, but how can I be so excited now.

After all, the games I used to play at the most often had only a few million players on a server, and this time, among the billions of players around the world, I won the title of "Invincible", which is the ultimate in life. The goal.

The king began to stir up again, and I finally took some time to quietly open the attributes of the medal.

"The God of War Medal is the highest-ranking medal. It adds 10 points of charm, 10% strength, +5 explosive power, and improves the effect of the light of the God of War. The third level is accompanied by the skill of the God of War, which can reduce the enemy ’s strength and agility. And skill power. "

Amazing, a little medal has so many attributes.

"God of Light" is a magic warrior skill that can increase its own attack power and stack with the priest's offensive spell. Although I am not a magic warrior, I can also get the skill effect equivalent to the third grade by wearing a medal, and the attack power is increased by about 6%.

And "the majesty of God of War" is one of the top skills of legendary warriors, and no one has yet learned it.

The king turned to me at this time: "Fighting with Lieutenant General, read your reward below. First, you are the first marquis of your country's players. According to the rules, you can be the governor of a province or the vice minister of the State Council. Official, do you choose? "

There was a lot of noise and roar, and the players were crazy.

My heartbeat began to accelerate. Whether it is the Governor or the Deputy Minister, it will mean a huge income and great power. These positions are undoubtedly the best things at the moment when the king can't take out the territory.

However, the last sentence of the king, "Whether or not you choose", made my professional player jump.

The reason why he asked this way without asking, "Which one do you choose?" Then, it means that you can choose neither post ...

In fact, I don't want to choose either of these positions, because in addition to money, they also mean a lot of work, which will make me unable to enjoy the game freely, and money, for me personally, is not much Attractive.

I'm not a person who is used to sitting and collecting money. I would rather spend a lot of effort to drill down the game, or try my best to kill a boss, that is the fun of the game.

I thought about it: "If I am the Governor, can I decide on the appointment and removal of officials in my jurisdiction?"

The King said: "You can decide, but I need to approve the appointment or removal of the city lord or above. At the same time, you must note that the governor is not the lord, but the public servant of the people. Your power must obey the national legal system. Even if a village guard is appointed or removed, it must be There must be good reasons, and the rules of merit and title must not be violated. "

After thinking about it, if I can't use my power to replace the brothers of the Friendship City with the NPC officials in the jurisdiction, the Governor is of little significance.

The deputy minister, let alone consider, with an adverb means that he cannot be the master.

Let's gamble.

I slowly said, "I choose not to serve!"

Guo Zhou again made a noise, I don't know how many people are scolding me.

The king looked at me and nodded with a smile: "Then, let's replace the reward with the" foundation mission. "

As soon as the voice fell, the system came up with a prompt: "You have been given a nation-building mission-‘ Collect Five-Colored God Stone ’.”

At the same time, the system issued a full service announcement: "Some players have triggered the conditions and the system will open the primary nation-building system."

The scene was confusing again, and everyone knew that it must be me that triggered the condition.

Jianguo, what does that mean!

However, this time the system then issued a supplementary announcement: "The primary nation-building system refers to the establishment of a country."

The exclamation reduced a bit, and the heart that I was about to jump out was slowly put back. Although the waiting country is also a country, it still belongs to the Xiliang country. It is still different from the player who established his own country in the land without owners.

However, I am already very excited.

In terms of the administrative setting of the country, it is the village, town, city, county, province, and country. However, the player's personal possession is another system, that is, the village, town, city, county, waiting country, principality, and kingdom, and the Xiliang country itself should be called an empire.

At present, there are only five waiting states and one Principality in Xiliang, and there is no kingdom.

Before the county, the ownership of the player's territory still belonged to the state, but it was equivalent to being "contracted" by the players. The residents of the territory still fully complied with the laws of the country and played as an army of the empire during the war.

Once the country is established, this land is equivalent to being gifted to the lord, and can theoretically be "hereditary".

In such a "private state", the lord can formulate his own law, establish his own reward and punishment system, or establish his own troops without the king's approval. These troops are not dispatched by the Ministry of Defense. During the war, private country forces even May not participate in the war.

In the Xi Kun war, two waiting countries did not send a soldier and one soldier to participate, and several other private countries also sent a few troops symbolically.

And when the imperial power of the empire fell, private nations could even fight against other private nations in the same empire and seize their territories, that is, the "variants" of ancient China!

At the same time, after the founding of the PRC, the main city has become a "urban" level, and the types of facilities that can be built have greatly increased, and the area of ​​the city will be expanded many times.

Moreover, special buildings can finally be built in private countries. The lord can get a method book of some special buildings by doing tasks, and build unique large facilities such as castles in cities, towns, villages and even the wild.

Another important advantage of the founding of the state is that the territories no longer need to pay high tribute, and only need to offer some tribute every month. If the tribute is good, the king will give it back.

However, I still ca n’t be too excited. I always remember that Master Shi once told me that the founding stone is a sssss-level task and the guardian is a 180-level boss. I only trigger the primary nation-building system this time. Large, but sss level can not run away.

If the task is not completed, the reward will be useless.

Also, although the name of the country is good, if there is not enough land and city, it is not as good as a county.

In Chinese history, there are many waiting countries and even kingdoms, smaller than a state or county in the imperial court.

The king waited until everyone was quiet and exclaimed: "The reward for the material of the Marquis is 30,000 gold coins, a growth artifact and an sss-level pet mission, and an amnesty token!"

I didn't hear the tumult and the exclamation, all my spirits were attracted by the word "amnesty token".

I quickly asked, "What is the use of this token?"

The attorney general next to him said, "This is a one-time item that can clear your crime value and cancel the wanted. Even the most wanted criminals in the whole continent can immediately become ordinary people."

I said excitedly: "Can it be used by others?"

The attorney general nodded, and I could not help jumping up to where I was, completely disregarding my heroic image.

Give Mingxin this amnesty token and she can return to Xiliang Kingdom! what! What reward can be more touching than this token!

I don't know if Mingxin is watching live TV now, she should know what I'm excited about!

Everyone looked at me strangely, as if they saw a fool. Is this the legendary battle with heaven? It really is a pervert ...

And the king's eyes were even more suspicious, maybe, he was thinking, would I use this amnesty token to commit a crime of the boss?

Yeah, with the amnesty token, I wouldn't be afraid of being wanted even if I killed the king now or snatched all the baby from him. Or maybe I directly treason and so on.

The king calmed down, looked at me alertly, and said, "In addition, the reward and the Marquis are worth 10,000 points of prestige."

This is not important anymore, I suddenly remembered the Sicilian fire, busy: "Yes, I have something to report to your Majesty. There is a Viscount Sicilian fire. He lied on the battlefield to confuse the enemy and falsely reported the magic channel. The cut-off point is a vital contribution to our army's breakthrough. Now that he is being imprisoned in the Kun River Kingdom, I would like to ask the King to pardon and ask the Kun River Kingdom to release him, restore his title and territory, and give him a great prize! "

The king took a moment to look at the Minister of Justice. The Minister said: "This is impossible. His behavior has no evidence to prove that it was a fraudulent fall. Without the superior's order, the fraudulent fall would not be of any benefit. It's in his interest, and I think he just said the wrong place, and didn't mean to confuse the enemy. "

I was a little angry, but what evidence could I give?

After thinking about it, I said, "I am the evidence. I ordered him to surrender. How?"

The Minister of Justice frowned: "If you insist on saying this with the Marquis, I think I have to ask the High Priest to ask the Lord God."

Lord God? Can the Lord God judge what the player really thinks? He is also likely to judge whether he actually descended or deceived only from the superficial behavior of the Sicilian fire.

In order to gain the trust of the enemy, the Sicilian fire must have performed very realistically, I am afraid that even the main **** can deceive it.

There is no way, I resolutely said: "Then I give up my artifact and exchange for an amnesty token!" 2k novel reading network

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