Revived Warrior

Vol 5 Chapter 43: plan

It ’s messy again, do n’t even use artifacts, this guy is really an idiot!

Of course, many people think that I want to use amnesty to commit crimes, grab artifacts or do other important things. No one would believe that I wanted to use the amnesty token to save the Sicilian fire. I felt that those words in front of me were just to attract the attention of others and confuse the king. The purpose was just to get the amnesty token.

The king groaned for a long time before he said, "Yes."

My eyes met the king, and this time I was awarded a prize. In addition to the prize itself, I felt that I had got something better, which was a change in the king's attitude.

The king no longer deliberately suppresses me everywhere, and he no longer gives me a reluctant expression, which really makes me happy.

Maybe, in addition to thanking me for helping him win the war, the Lord God's will affected him?

In this war, because the Xiliang Kingdom had no territory to distribute to the heroes, quite a few players were considered to be losing money, and a fire was burning in their hearts. Therefore, the main **** or game company will highlight my credit and distract players.

Once players think of me as "Guo Shi Wu Shuang" for such great credit, they have not obtained the territory, and their hearts should be balanced.

My reward is finally over, and I will return to the team to accept the cheers and congratulations from my brothers.

The king finally announced that in the near future, the country will build a foothill, which was fortunate and panic.     谠 黾 褰 ㄕ 虻 褰 ㄕ 虻 褰 ㄕ 虻 褰 ㄕ 虻                                                                                                     虼 虼  坝 坝 坝 shell 涤 涤 涤 涤 涤 坝 涤 坝 坝 坝 坝 笞 迳 矸 莸 笞 迳 矸 莸 笞 迳 矸 莸 笞 迳 矸 莸 婕 炜 炜 炜 炜 梢 炜 缘 缘>>>

At the same time, the king also revealed other uses of merit, such as exchanging intermediate skills at the Royal Library, or using it to rent npc soldiers and convert them into mercenary experience. It seems that he hopes to use this method to reduce the number of nobles.

The celebration ceremony ended like this. I don't know what the scenery of this time will bring me, but I know that it is more important to come back.

Rescuing the fire in Sicily also made me feel good. Such an excellent person was wronged. It was really boring. I have been empathizing these days.

There is still no direct connection with the Kunhe Country, and at the same time, there are many things going on at the same time. I only have to press hard to get back my heart.

People like Bingyue Zhengtian and Lanks got their own territories and took a group of brothers to run the business. I deployed many talents and materials from Friendship City as their backing.

Although they no longer have the household registration in Friendship City, there is no doubt that they are still one family, and everyone will help if there is something.

"Friendship City" is a strange existence. It is not a player organization, but in this long game, especially this time fighting side by side, the players here have formed a strong friendship and formed a powerful Cohesion. This cohesion is closer than those of large organizations.

Many brothers have got positions such as mayor and town mayor, and of course they will take their friends to help. With the removal of a large number of brothers, Friendship City welcomed a new group of members.

Youyi City can accommodate a population of 12,500, but because of this war, the popularity of Youyi City has skyrocketed, and people applying for citizenship are about to crowd out Youyi City!

Some players, even from several countries, said that they wanted to see their idols "fight with the sky".

Yes, I am really an idol now, a "civilian idol".

Most of the characters in the game are cultivated by large groups or professional game organizations. And I, although the legend also has a background, but with the investigation of good people, it proves that the people around me come from various places without any sign of big organization. Therefore, players who did not have a background in the game all regarded me as their idol, because I proved that without power support, they can also succeed in the game.

For everyone who comes to me for success, I have only three things I can give them: "Friend, think, luck."

In this way, just to deal with new players, I'm too tired to die, celebrities are difficult to be ah.

Another problem is that some npc aristocrats in the Xiliang Kingdom frequently send invitations, what dance salons to go to, hunt and play, etc. According to Arisis, there are several famous ambitions in them. They are all training. Their own forces, fighting for power and occupying a position, did a great job.

Annoyed, playing games is actually playing politics.

At this time, Tiandi Cifu told me that Yitian Yixian of Haitian Club came to visit.

This time, of course, as the host, I am the owner, and I have a private room in the large restaurant of Yuli. I have invited a table of one hundred gold coins for high-end dishes.

In fact, in all the kings, there are also luxurious dishes up to a thousand gold coins, and it is said that the business is good, and there are still quite a few people talking about luxury in the game.

Therefore, I also urgently want to complete the task of founding a nation and upgrade Friendship City to a city. I can build a super restaurant and upgrade the grade. It is not a problem to make a banquet of 10,000 gold coins with your craftsmanship!

Xiaoyao Yixian, as usual, chats with me for a while, then looks up and enters the topic.

"First of all, congratulations to the celebration party and Brother Tian for the highest honor and the founding mission. At the same time, on the reputation list, they have surpassed Pierre Gaizhi to become the second person in the game world. However, with Brother Tian, ​​for your merit and The knighthood, should have obtained more than one county territory, at least five cities, but now there are none, don't you feel unhappy? "

In the past, Xiaoyao was called my city lord, adult, lord and the like, but now that I am a lieutenant general, marquis, higher than Zi Tianlong, he did not dare to call my identity any more, that would likely cause his boss Unhappy. Therefore, he changed his name to "brother" and, by the way, also approached the cemetery tomb, Zhai Yiao? P>

As soon as he came up, he was arguing that I didn't get the territory. It felt like he was not here to help me this time, but to help me.

I smiled slightly: "If the land is given to our players, how can the game company make money, or how can the king maintain his treasury? Oh, I am very satisfied with the reward now. But you Haitian will, This is not enough business. "

Xiaoyao Yixian looked at me with a smile: "My brother and Tian are becoming more and more savvy, yes, we Haitian will invest a lot of money and contacts this time, but in the end we only got a few cities and towns in a city. . But I am afraid that it is not as easy as your face, even if you do not care about your own interests, your 326 barons and six viscounts in your friendship city have not obtained the territory, and thousands of people have the title of Lord but cannot be the village head. Are you indifferent? "

Awesome, Haitian will be well-informed, and the statistics are so accurate that I don't even know how many brothers are eligible for territory.

In terms of negotiating skills, I should say that Friendship City players do not get any benefits. What can you do with me? I have lost territory and left Friendship City.

However, I don't like to say this.

Even behind my brothers, I said that I don't value friendship with them, and I don't want to, so I smiled and acquiesced.

Xiaoyao Yixian also laughed: "To be honest, I have been in the mall for so long, and I am very accurate in seeing people. Although it seems that I have nothing to do with the brothers of Friendship City, I can see that you are very kind Alone. "

I smiled and said nothing. Whatever he wanted me to do, the key was to listen to what he said.

Xiaoyao paused for a moment before saying: "Then, let me show my intentions. Although this time the king announced that some new villages and towns will be set up, according to news from our relationship in the imperial court, it will not exceed 300 villages and towns. In addition, many villages and towns are in remote areas, and their products are barren, which is really meaningless. At the same time, there are still a large number of npc heroes in the country who have not been rewarded, and their number and merit are more than players. Give them. "

I snorted, such news did not exceed my expectations, and most players guessed it, so many players have already brought useless merit to the library to change skills, such as breeze and clouds and white feather, Originally, he was not interested in the management territory, and all the feats were thrown into the library. The breeze is now the most skilled knight in the game.

Xiaoyao Yixian said, "With Brother Tian has always been a trusted partner of our Haitian Association. Therefore, the following words are highly confidential to our company. I will only tell Brother Tian that I hope my brother can keep secrets. These If the words are spread out, I am afraid that only Haitian Group will be fired. "

I nodded earnestly, Yixian Yixian said: "Our Haitian Group has always had a channel of negotiation with Tianji Company. During this war and after the war, we have negotiated with them many times and asked us to give our territory according to merits, but, Tianji Company was very helpless to tell us that game consoles did not agree with such a request, and they were helpless. "

I yelled, the game console can not listen to the game company? It used to be such a legend on the forum, but now I heard such news from the top of the Haitian Association, but I can't help but believe it.

Xiaoyao Yixian slowly said: "In such a situation, the management of our group has made a decision, that is, to take the initiative to get back our deserved rights and interests."

I listened attentively, wondering what they would think of to make the king suddenly and generously distribute the land to the players?

Xiaoyao stared at me, saying verbatim: "We decided to hire assassins and assassinate all npc lords!" 2k novel reading network

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